Politics, Politics, Politics

Yes pollution is a problem, but for me it has more to do with health issues, then some thing you can't prove and questionable at best.
....We're talking global warming here, itis ... we're deteriorating the ozone layer of our planet ... its a proven fact. And as the ozone layer disappears the earth warms UP, the polar ice caps melt, and as they melt we have more flooding, wild fires, etc ... are you not watching the news, man?
....Listen, the earth does go through cycles, but not as quickly as what is happening to the earth right now. We've had ice ages and warm ups but not like now ... hundreds of years ago we didn't have the ozone layer being destroyed. You better do some reading ... 97% of the scientists that study this agree and they're a lot smarter than you and me about this topic. Conservatives can feed their minions all the BS in the world simply because they're addicted to the O-I-L and influenced by the money they're getting from fossil fuel companies who pay them to deny the problem.
....We're talking global warming here, itis ... we're deteriorating the ozone layer of our planet ... its a proven fact. And as the ozone layer disappears the earth warms UP, the polar ice caps melt, and as they melt we have more flooding, wild fires, etc ... are you not watching the news, man?
....Listen, the earth does go through cycles, but not as quickly as what is happening to the earth right now. We've had ice ages and warm ups but not like now ... hundreds of years ago we didn't have the ozone layer being destroyed. You better do some reading ... 97% of the scientists that study this agree and they're a lot smarter than you and me about this topic. Conservatives can feed their minions all the BS in the world simply because they're addicted to the O-I-L and influenced by the money they're getting from fossil fuel companies who pay them to deny the problem.

John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.

Instead, what 'little evidence' there is for rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system.

In an open letter attacking the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he wrote: "The ocean is not rising significantly.

"The polar ice is increasing, not melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in number.

"Heat waves have actually diminished, not increased. There is not an uptick in the number or strength of storms (in fact storms are diminishing).

"I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid."

Man made climate change is a myth according to Coleman, inset
I have studied climate change seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid

John Coleman, co-founder of the Weather Channel

Mr Coleman said he based many of his views on the findings of the NIPCC, a non-governmental international body of scientists aimed at offering an 'independent second opinion of the evidence reviewed by the IPCC.'

He added: "There is no significant man-made global warming at this time, there has been none in the past and there is no reason to fear any in the future.

"Efforts to prove the theory that carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas and pollutant causing significant warming or weather effects have failed.

"There has been no warming over 18 years."

As i said before, if you wan to convince people to stop doing something. Then convince them it's health issue, which is not hard to do.
Dirty air that shortens life, easy to prove.
Dirty water that makes you sick, really easy to prove.
GMO are bad for you, easy to prove.

Climate change, go luck with that one. To many counter points and scientist not agreeing.

Convincing people to change their way of living and life style to save money(for real) and as a bonus improve health or the reverse(even better) is a sure fire way to do it.
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Mr Coleman said he based many of his views on the findings of the NIPCC, a non-governmental international body of scientists aimed at offering an 'independent second opinion of the evidence reviewed by the IPCC.'
you are talking one man.... and take his word over the 29 others that sent a petition to Trump on global warming?

you don't think it is just a little hard to believe that one man is smarter than all the others?
again.... money talks!.... for enough money just about anyone will post an opinion they are paid to represent!
I might be wrong but I have this crazy feeling
because of how our pass election came about and how Trump got elected. Pres. Obama may be elected a third term it would take 75% votes
from congress for aprroval.

The Reasoning our up in coming Electorial College Electors investigation of how our election may have been compromise or hacked
by Russian influence. Maybe it's a smoke screen on the real culprits who hyjacked our election the very powerful elites who wanted Trump in office to begin with because of there
hidden agenda.

It's not far fetched and I would not be surprise if it came to fruition. This would cause a delay for our next president elect if this investigations hold up a recount moves forward and the process starts over again. Pres. Obama would be sworn in office again to uphold/restore order/defend our state of the union once more.

My only concern is by this action it will further divide our nation a lot of resentment/division/ protest will occur I'm hoping that I'm wrong.
Obama may be elected a third term it would take 75% votes
from congress for aprroval.

that would never happen....those republican congressmen HATE Obama... even though he has a high approval rating... they want ANY republican in there so they can push their programs

The Reasoning our up in coming Electorial College Electors investigation of how our election may have been compromise or hacked
by Russian influence
I see a couple of states are holding up their elect vote because of it.... But Trump is right about one thing... yes he got the vote... over and done with!.... but how many voted for him because of WikiLeaks and Fake news and Russian interference?... but it's a done deal now and no way of getting the republicans out... they may dig and come up with some ******* on Trump ( I think he knew about it ahead of time)... and trump during a couple of speeches even asked Russia to bring out what they could on Hillary...;.but at most they would impeach Trump and we are stuck with Pence!... that guy wasn't even liked in his own state... they were begging for him to get the vp job!

My only concern is by this action it will further divide our nation a lot of resentment/division/ protest will occur I'm hoping that I'm wrong.

Trump through his campaigning has created so much hate a diversion in the country... not sure what it will take to get it back... look at all the stuff you read and hear about now... even the KKK meeting praising Trump... back to discriminating against the gays.... a lot of racial divide... he promoted it and is not really doing much to end it!
but we have gone through this before with the blacks and the Japanese and etc... so I guess we will survive... regretful that we seem to be going back 100 years!... for a nation that is a "melting pot" and supposed to have all these freedoms... looks like some of that might be under fire!
I might be wrong but I have this crazy feeling
because of how our pass election came about and how Trump got elected. Pres. Obama may be elected a third term it would take 75% votes
from congress for aprroval.

The Reasoning our up in coming Electorial College Electors investigation of how our election may have been compromise or hacked
by Russian influence. Maybe it's a smoke screen on the real culprits who hyjacked our election the very powerful elites who wanted Trump in office to begin with because of there
hidden agenda.

It's not far fetched and I would not be surprise if it came to fruition. This would cause a delay for our next president elect if this investigations hold up a recount moves forward and the process starts over again. Pres. Obama would be sworn in office again to uphold/restore order/defend our state of the union once more.

My only concern is by this action it will further divide our nation a lot of resentment/division/ protest will occur I'm hoping that I'm wrong.
Utterly impossible. The constitution clearly prohibits Obama from being picked for a third term. Read the 22nd amendment.

Congress only gets to pick if nobody gets 270 votes in the electoral college. If that happens the process in congress is spelled out in detail in the 12th amendment. The house picks the president and can only choose between the people with the top three vote counts in the electoral college. So they would have to choose between Trump, Illary, or whoever got the next most votes from any faithless electors.

Don't know where you got 75%. It takes a simple majority in the house to select a president....but the catch is each state's delegation only gets one vote. So 26 votes in the house wins the presidency.

If the house fails to decide on a president, then the job would fall to the vice president who was selected by the senate.

If both the house and senate fail to select a pres/vice pres....then by the presidential line of succession, the speaker of the house is next in line and we will have president Ryan.
....We're talking global warming here, itis ... we're deteriorating the ozone layer of our planet ... its a proven fact. And as the ozone layer disappears the earth warms UP, the polar ice caps melt, and as they melt we have more flooding, wild fires, etc ... are you not watching the news, man?
....Listen, the earth does go through cycles, but not as quickly as what is happening to the earth right now. We've had ice ages and warm ups but not like now ... hundreds of years ago we didn't have the ozone layer being destroyed. You better do some reading ... 97% of the scientists that study this agree and they're a lot smarter than you and me about this topic. Conservatives can feed their minions all the BS in the world simply because they're addicted to the O-I-L and influenced by the money they're getting from fossil fuel companies who pay them to deny the problem.
Herein lies one of the key problems with global warming discussion. Way to0 many people try to talk about it that don't have an F'ing clue about the science. Deteriorating ozone does not drive global warming. We're talking two completely different topics here. Well....if you want to get really down in the technicalities, there is a minor link....just the opposite of what you're claiming. Reducing the amount of ozone in the atmosphere will trap less heat....and cause global cooling. Ozone is such a tiny amount of the atmosphere though that this impact is orders of magnitude less than CO2, methane etc.

From NASA: The ozone hole itself has a minor cooling effect (about 2 percent of the warming effect of greenhouses gases) because ozone in the stratosphere absorbs heat radiated to space by gases in a lower layer of Earth’s atmosphere (the upper troposphere). The loss of ozone means slightly more heat can escape into space from that region.

for a guy going to make America great again and help bring jobs back and etc.... sure looks like the ones benefiting the most are those that already have?

Tillerson’s Exxon wants a big favor from Washington

Donald Trump wants to free the energy industry of burdensome regulations. If Exxon Mobil (XOM) CEO Rex Tillerson becomes Trump’s Secretary of State, he’ll know just where to start.

As an oil-and-gas drilling giant, Exxon may face more complex regulations around the world than nearly any other company. But one new idea has rankled the company in particular. The Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly investigating whether Exxon and other oil companies appropriately account for climate change as a business risk that could directly affect the value of proven reserves—a key metric determining the company’s value—along with profitability. If the SEC were to pass a new rule or require new disclosures, it could wipe billions in dollars off the value of Exxon and other drillers.

All public companies are required to disclose known or anticipated business risks in their SEC filings, usually highlighting things such as unforeseen technological change, new foreign competition or an economic downturn. Exxon has mentioned climate change as a possible risk but without any detail or estimated impacts on its business.

The SEC is reportedly investigating whether to require energy companies to account specifically for climate-change risk. This could be important because new caps on the use of carbon going into effect could put finite limits on the amount of oil produced and consumed. Trump has said he’ll pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, a breakthrough deal to cap emissions reached last year. But 194 other nations would still remain committed to the deal, and they account for a much larger portion of the world’s economy than the United States does.

If there’s a de facto worldwide limit on carbon emissions, then energy companies may never be able to tap some of the oil and gas reserves they hold all around the world. Exxon declared proven oil reserves of 8.1 billion barrels at the end of 2015, but some of that could be moot if there’s a limit on the amount of carbon that can be burned. If Exxon were to write down its reserves to exclude oil that couldn’t be realistically extracted, the company’s value and stock price would surely decline. The same goes for other big oil companies.

Exxon is unique among energy producers in that it doesn’t write down the value of reserves when prices drop. The company says its estimates are so conservative it doesn’t have to bother with write-downs. But it did indicate recently it might change that practice, given the plunge in oil prices since 2014. It now says it could write down proven reserves by as much as 20% to account for lower oil prices.

That’s different from the SEC’s examination of climate-change risks, though the effect might be similar if the agency required new risk disclosures. Exxon’s stock has sharply underperformed as the controversy over climate-change risks has intensified. Its shares are down by more than 6% since mid July, even as oil prices have been recovering. The broader market has risen 5% since then.

The State Department doesn’t oversee the SEC, so if Tillerson became the nation’s top diplomat, he wouldn’t have the authority to order the agency to drop its climate-change inquiry. But he’d obviously have direct access to the president, who appoints SEC commissioners in line with his viewpoint. And Tillerson is hardly the only energy executive advising Trump on energy. Other influential members of Trump’s kitchen cabinet include oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens and fracking pioneer Harold Hamm, who have both long pleaded for relief from government oversight.

Climate change and its effect on oil companies isn’t just a political issue, though. Some big shareholder groups and activist investors favor more disclosure on the issue by oil companies, since it could affect their ability to drill and make money no matter what the leanings of the current administration in Washington.

The attorneys general of New York and Massachusetts are suing Exxon for fraud, claiming it deceived investors for years by withholding in-house research showing a link between fossil fuels and climate change; in other words, it knew before most others that a changing climate could impede demand for its product. That suit alone could change practices at oil firms and create an incentive to disclose risks more fully. And if other sources of energy displace carbon, as some experts think is inevitable, it may be plain old economic risk that weakens demand for oil and keeps proven reserves in the ground.
I might be wrong but I have this crazy feeling
because of how our pass election came about and how Trump got elected. Pres. Obama may be elected a third term it would take 75% votes
from congress for aprroval.

as you can see even by this board.... even if there weren't laws.....the right would take a Russian lying pervert over Obama

sadly... there is no way we can do anything about trying to put a Dem in.... it's a done deal regretfully... all we can do is let it play out.... hopefully he/they won't fuck the middle class to much.... but all signs point towards it!
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Wake up: Trump isn't a real populist

During the fall, there were numerous accounts in the media of small businesses that struggled to get paid what he owed them and workers who faced horrendous conditions in places like his failed Atlantic City casinos. It should be clear by this point that his conservative populist rhetoric was just that -- words of a showman -- rather than reflective of a leader intent on transforming the relationship between the Republican Party and blue-collar workers. This should not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the history of American politics. Since the New Deal, Democrats have been the party of organized labor; Republicans have been the party of big business and wealth. These reflect two


Republicans are finally willing to spend on the economy — at the exact wrong time

Republicans suddenly talking about the urgent need for fiscal stimulus. For the past eight years, including the darkest days of the Great Recession, they tried to convince us that fiscal stimulus doesn’t work, and that the only way to really boost economic growth is to cut the budget deficit. But now that they are about to get their hands on the federal checkbook, Republicans have decided that we are all Keynesians once again. To anyone serious about economic analysis, it should be obvious that we don’t need Keynesian stimulus at the moment. The unemployment rate is at 4.6 percent, which is about as close to full employment as it gets. The economy is producing more than 175,000

Donald Trump: I'll solve the Dakota Access pipeline question

NEW YORK, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- If it's not "solved" by the time he's scheduled to take office in January, the U.S. president-elect vowed quick action on the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in early December said it would not approve an easement for further construction on the pipeline to bridge Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Jo-Ellen Darcy, an Army assistant secretary for civil works, said the decision stemmed in part from water-quality concerns expressed by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota. State regulators and industry leaders say there's not enough pipeline capacity to carry all of the oil produced from the region, leaving rail as the primary alternate transport


sure he will..... he has stock in the company!.... even though he has turned it over to the *******!

who benefits from this pipeline..... not the US consumer!... just big oil!
How the GOP's Social Security plan cuts benefits

The GOP recently announced its proposal to eliminate Social Security’s funding gap with large benefit reductions accompanied by tax cuts on affluent retirees, but with no rise in revenue to the system through tax increases. House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson, R-Texas, introduced the Social Security Reform Act of 2016, a bill that intends to keep the system solvent for 75 years. Currently, Social Security faces a projected 21 percent across-the-board benefit reduction in 2034 if the system isn’t reformed by legislation. The Social Security Office of the Actuary projects that Johnson’s proposal would make the Social Security trust fund fully solvent for 75 years, eliminate the current-law unfunded obligation of $11.4 trillion and produce an increase in the funded status of $11.9 trillion.

The Republican Obamacare repeal plan comes into terrifying focus

There has been a lot of uncertainty about how Republicans are going to follow through on their long-held goal of repealing the Affordable Care Act, and in a press conference today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offered a little more clarity — with some frightening implications for Americans’ health care. The press conference was a little bit confusing because McConnell kept using the term “replacement” when it was pretty plain that what he actually meant was “repeal”; for instance, he said, “We’ll move first with the Obamacare replacement resolution and then we will come with what the replacement actually will be.” But after saying that a few times, the message got across: Repealing and replacing are going to be separate, and repeal will happen immediately in January. In other words, the Republican Congress is going to toss millions of Americans off a cliff, then shout down to them, “Don’t worry, we’ll get you some kind of parachute before you hit the ground!

'He's in Trouble Now': Judge Nap Says Comey Should Be Investigated

Retiring Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is calling for FBI Director James Comey to be investigated for allegedly sitting on information about Russia’s suspected interference in the 2016 election. Reid argued that Comey let the country down for partisan purposes, calling him the "new J. Edgar Hoover." Judge Andrew Napolitano agrees that Comey should be investigated, but he believes the investigation should be focused on the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. On "America's Newsroom" today, Judge Napolitano explained that there are still so many unanswered questions about the Clinton investigation. "How did the Phoenix Airport tarmac meeting between [Attorney General] Loretta Lynch and


CIA confirms Russian hackers benefiting Trump... and FBI just says it's Russian hackers....probably can't agree because Comey was part of the deal to hurt the Clinton campaign!

He should be investigated.... even at the time people from both parties said his handling of all this was a breech of protocol....
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I might be wrong but I have this crazy feeling
because of how our pass election came about and how Trump got elected. Pres. Obama may be elected a third term it would take 75% votes
from congress for aprroval.

The Reasoning our up in coming Electorial College Electors investigation of how our election may have been compromise or hacked
by Russian influence. Maybe it's a smoke screen on the real culprits who hyjacked our election the very powerful elites who wanted Trump in office to begin with because of there
hidden agenda.

It's not far fetched and I would not be surprise if it came to fruition. This would cause a delay for our next president elect if this investigations hold up a recount moves forward and the process starts over again. Pres. Obama would be sworn in office again to uphold/restore order/defend our state of the union once more.

My only concern is by this action it will further divide our nation a lot of resentment/division/ protest will occur I'm hoping that I'm wrong.
'He's in Trouble Now': Judge Nap Says Comey Should Be Investigated

Retiring Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is calling for FBI Director James Comey to be investigated for allegedly sitting on information about Russia’s suspected interference in the 2016 election. Reid argued that Comey let the country down for partisan purposes, calling him the "new J. Edgar Hoover." Judge Andrew Napolitano agrees that Comey should be investigated, but he believes the investigation should be focused on the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. On "America's Newsroom" today, Judge Napolitano explained that there are still so many unanswered questions about the Clinton investigation. "How did the Phoenix Airport tarmac meeting between [Attorney General] Loretta Lynch and


CIA confirms Russian hackers benefiting Trump... and FBI just says it's Russian hackers....probably can't agree because Comey was part of the deal to hurt the Clinton campaign!

He should be investigated.... even at the time people from both parties said his handling of all this was a breech of protocol....
Herein lies one of the key problems with global warming discussion. Way to0 many people try to talk about it that don't have an F'ing clue about the science. Deteriorating ozone does not drive global warming. We're talking two completely different topics here. Well....if you want to get really down in the technicalities, there is a minor link....just the opposite of what you're claiming. Reducing the amount of ozone in the atmosphere will trap less heat....and cause global cooling. Ozone is such a tiny amount of the atmosphere though that this impact is orders of magnitude less than CO2, methane etc.

From NASA: The ozone hole itself has a minor cooling effect (about 2 percent of the warming effect of greenhouses gases) because ozone in the stratosphere absorbs heat radiated to space by gases in a lower layer of Earth’s atmosphere (the upper troposphere). The loss of ozone means slightly more heat can escape into space from that region.

This too
'He's in Trouble Now': Judge Nap Says Comey Should Be Investigated

Retiring Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is calling for FBI Director James Comey to be investigated for allegedly sitting on information about Russia’s suspected interference in the 2016 election. Reid argued that Comey let the country down for partisan purposes, calling him the "new J. Edgar Hoover." Judge Andrew Napolitano agrees that Comey should be investigated, but he believes the investigation should be focused on the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. On "America's Newsroom" today, Judge Napolitano explained that there are still so many unanswered questions about the Clinton investigation. "How did the Phoenix Airport tarmac meeting between [Attorney General] Loretta Lynch and


CIA confirms Russian hackers benefiting Trump... and FBI just says it's Russian hackers....probably can't agree because Comey was part of the deal to hurt the Clinton campaign!

He should be investigated.... even at the time people from both parties said his handling of all this was a breech of protocol....

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

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