Politics, Politics, Politics

Wholesale government spending attracts wholesale government fraud. I gave you a breakdown on this a while back but you chose to ignore it
well I don't recall seeing it... or if I did... I wouldn't argue that.... we do have a corruption problem in gov....but look in the past... (and yes I will agree a probably more honest gov)... but 2 times in the past repairing the infrastructure has helped the economy!
well I don't recall seeing it... or if I did... I wouldn't argue that.... we do have a corruption problem in gov....but look in the past... (and yes I will agree a probably more honest gov)... but 2 times in the past repairing the infrastructure has helped the economy!
Not long term. You really need to spend some time with FRED
I thought we were done?

You confuse criticizing the Democrats and President Obama with supporting the Republican position
well isn't that the same thing... you don't like what the left has done... and yet you support what the right does.... I'm confused... that looks like republican to me!
So lets take a look at what would happen if say 100 billion dollars were budgeted to improve water quality. I think everyone would agree that is a good cause. Right off the top at least 5% of that money is going to be eaten up by administrative costs of distributing the money to the proper places. Once the money is distributed to the projects some monitoring will be required to make sure the projects are done. Add a couple more percent to the cost. Then you have the cost of materials, this could generate secondary jobs but it may be necessary to import some of the materials, this adds to our trade deficit and ships some of the money overseas. The contractors that get the contracts to do the work will likely have to purchase new equipment and these costs would be included in their bids. There is a good selection of domestically made equipment but there likely will be purchases from foreign manufacturer's, again increasing our trade deficit and shipping more money overseas. Of course we can mandate that all materials and equipment used must be domestically produced. This would drive up costs because contractors that are using foreign made equipment would be excluded and even id they weren't would be reluctant to bid. Plus you would be creating a whole new level of paperwork and the costs associated with it. Add another 5% (conservatively) to the costs. So now the paperwork is done you can start work. Out of the 100 billion you have appropriated you have about 88 billion(likely less) to spend. Cost of material will eat up at least 30% (again conservative) this will leave you with about 61.6 billion. I haven't factored in a lot of costs like the various insurance and bonds the contractor is required to have, unemployment and other costs to the contractors. Lets skip all that and go back to the 61 billion that might be paid in wages. How are you going to tax that to pay back the 100 billion dollars and reduce the nation debt,

A much simpler method is to offer tax incentives to small business to create jobs, further incentives to pay for training, to take on people that have been unemployed long term,make it easier for people to transition from disability back to the workforce.
who in the hell is FRED?

If I'm going to spend more time with anyone... it's my wife!
FRED is the Federal Reserve Economic Data. It is a pretty good source of economic about our economy.

Spending time with your wife is good thing. One very important rule. A happy wife is never a bad thing
A much simpler method is to offer tax incentives to small business to create jobs,
Obama put forth 2 different bills to help small biz.... but the right killed them both!

The man tried to do a lot... he just ran into a brick wall... called congress!
but like I said repairing the infrastructure has worked two times in the past to help the economy.... and this time we really need both!
bridges and highways and airports and etc all need a lot of work... that's jobs.... money... and incoming taxes!
FRED is the Federal Reserve Economic Data. It is a pretty good source of economic about our economy
that just sounds like way to much to read.... would rather curl up with the Mrs..... besides I seem to be pretty lucky at finding out what I want to know using the old "bing" search.... or sometimes even google.... but hate google to many friggn pop-ups and etc
damn.... Trump is all over the board!
first he picks a vice pres that is anti this and anti that.... anti veteran for one thing that pisses me off!
then he picks a general that was pushed into retirement over giving classified info away
then he picks an AG that has racial issues in the past and the senate would not confirm him
then he comes out with a tax deal.... that really isn't to bad!
then he is putting the squeeze on lobbyist... which is needed!
then he wants to appoint an interior secretary that is from here... and allows the fracking so much so that we lead the country in earth quakes
in a war of words with china
in another war of words with a couple of countries about global warming

Romney and Preibus are the only 2 ... "uncontroversial" people he has talked about or looked at!

this guy is going to be interesting to say the least!
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well have a nice thanksgiving to all of you.... even the ones on the right!.... and the ones way out there like HH
just kidding HH...heading to KC tomorrow for the holiday... like giving you a hard time!

Happy Thanksgiving!
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A kick ass Marine is getting appointed to Trumps cabinet.
Perfect pick to kick the ******* out of ISIS

Semper Fi

this too

Washington Times:

President-elect Donald Trump said Monday that on his first day in office, he will issue a notice that the U.S. is withdrawing from the Pacific trade(TTP) deal negotiated by President Obama, calling it “a potential disaster for our country.”

“Instead we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals,” he said in a brief video message posted to YouTube laying out his top priorities for the beginning of his administration.

He said he will order his Labor Department to investigate abuses of America’s visa programs, going after those visas that are used to undercut American workers.

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Working-class whites voted for a president who will sap health care, wages

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2 million, and she would probably be president-elect if the director of the FBI hadn’t laid such a heavy thumb on the scales, just days before the election. But it shouldn’t even have been close. What put Donald Trump in striking distance was overwhelming support from whites without college degrees. So what can Democrats do to win back at least some of those voters? Recently Bernie Sanders offered an answer: Democrats should “go beyond identity politics.” What’s needed, he said, are candidates who understand that working-class incomes are down, who will “stand up to Wall Street, to the insurance companies, to the ******* companies, to the fossil-fuel

Donald Trump Is Considering Gutting Medicare And Giving It To Wall Street

•November 25, 2016
Donald Trump Is Considering Gutting Medicare And Giving It To Wall Street
If you’re on Medicare or close to qualifying for Medicare and you voted for Donald Trump, you’re a special kind of stupid who just got screwed. House Speaker Paul Ryan can’t wait for rubber stamp puppet Donald Trump to take over the White House. He and his fellow Republicans have waited for years to throw hard-working Americans off a cliff and now they are about to get what they always wanted.


and that would cover about 29 million people with Diabetes
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"Rating areas with more competitors had significantly lower premiums and lower rates of increase than those that did not."
How to fix this:
To view Mr. Trump's position, visit https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/healthcare-reform
  • Repeal and replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
  • Work with Congress to create a patient-centered health care system that promotes choice, quality, and affordability.
  • Work with states to establish high-risk pools to ensure access to coverage for individuals who have not maintained continuous coverage.
  • Allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, in all 50 states, creating a dynamic market.
  • Maximize flexibility for states via block grants so that local leaders can design innovative Medicaid programs that will better serve their low-income citizens.
  • President Obama said his health plan would cut the cost of family premiums by up to $2,500 a year. Instead, premiums have gone up by almost $5,000 since Obamacare passed. [Kaiser Family Foundation]
  • Nearly two-thirds of Obamacare Exchange plans lost over $2.2 billion just in 2014. [Mercatus Center, April 22, 2016]
  • Health insurance companies are fleeing the Obamacare Exchanges. Five states, one-third of all counties, and 19% of Americans eligible for Obamacare will have only one Exchange insurer this year. [New York Times, Aug. 19, 2016], [Kaiser Family Foundation, Aug. 28, 2016], [McKinsey on Healthcare, Aug. 18, 2016]
  • Premiums have skyrocketed across the nation, with a national average of almost 25%, with some states experiencing rate increases up to 70%. In Iowa, one plan got a 43% increase approved. In Florida, the individual market will see an average rate increase of 19%. In Pennsylvania, at least three plans requested rate increases over 40%. And the average rate requested in Minnesota is 54%. [ACA Signups], [Health Insurance], [Miami Herald], [Health Insurance]
  • More than half the Exchange plans have deductibles of $3,000 or more. [The New York Times, Nov. 14, 2015]
  • Deductibles are going up in 2017, some as high as $7,000 per person on the “cheapest” Obamacare plans. [Investors Business Daily, May 13, 2016]
  • People are going without needed medical care because they can’t afford these amounts. [The Boston Globe, Nov. 16, 2015]
  • Most of the people getting covered under Obamacare are getting it through the government run Medicaid program. [Heritage Foundation]
  • Almost 12 million more Americans were enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Plan since October 2013. [Obamacarefacts.com]
  • By 2026 one-fourth of our population will be on Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program. [Congressional Budget Office, March 2016]
  • Medicaid beneficiaries have worse health compared to everyone else. Add to that higher death rates, misuse of the emergency room and higher overall costs. [“How to Fix Medicaid,” National Affairs, 2014]
  • Obamacare has reduced pay for workers in small businesses and reduced employment by more than 350,000 jobs nationwide. [American Action Forum, Sept. 9, 2016]
  • The employer mandate raised the minimum cost of hiring a full-time worker to $10.30/hour for larger employers, without increasing take-home pay for workers. [Heritage Foundation]
  • State and local officials have conceded that Obamacare ****** municipal governments to cut hours of part-time employees. [The New York Times, Feb. 20, 2014]
  • University of Wisconsin cut back student workers' hours as a result of Obamacare. [Madison, Sept. 27, 2016]
For some in middle class, Trump plan would mean tax increase

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.
Trump's campaign rhetoric had promoted the benefits of his proposals for middle-income Americans.

"The largest tax reductions are for the middle class," said Trump's "Contract With the American Voter," released last month.

The tax hikes that would hit single parents and large families would result from Trump's plan to eliminate the personal exemption and the head-of-household filing status. These features of the tax code have enabled many Americans to reduce their taxable income.

His other proposed tax changes would benefit middle- and lower-income Americans. But they wouldn't be enough to offset those modifications.

"If you're a low- or moderate-income single parent, you're going to get hurt," said Bob Williams, a fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

Unlike Trump's polarizing proposals on immigration and trade, his tax plan is in line with traditional Republican policy. His steep tax cuts in many ways resemble those carried out by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and the Republican-run Congress is expected to welcome them.
