Politics, Politics, Politics

The left and right have found common ground on the economic front and we will shove our common ground foot right up the elites/globalist/establishments asses.

If Trump makes it....his shoe will be so far up your ass... you will have to take your pants down to eat... and you will be eating his ******* stirred shoe!
and since you people on the right already know so much and won't read or look... let me point this out...Dems are killing small biz.. it's what some of you have mentioned more than once... and yet....''

Listen, dumbnuts
As I told sub hub just the other day...Ah yes....the sweet sound that tells you you've won the argument with a liberal....when they start calling you names

If Republicans had a plan approved through Congress the public would be seeing it and the candidates talking about THEIR alternative. They haven't done ******* ... all smoke & mirrors talk as usual.

I never once said Republicans had a plan approved through Congress...in fact I specifically said they don't and won't likely until we get Obama out of the ISOTUS job. Why would they when he'd just veto it? However they are working on it as you could see if you bothered to read the link. Smoke and Mirrors my ass...it is 117 pages long. Granted that isn't the 2700 pages of Obummercare....but at least the text is there to read now....we don't have to "pass the bill to see what is in it" as Queen Pelosi told us with Obummercare.


As to your next post, its hard to even follow what your trying to say. You start off harping on vouchers when the bill in question isn't about vouchers...you can search the damn text, the word voucher isn't anywhere in the bill. Then you jump to cries of it eliminating care for pre-existing conditions. The bill specifically requires insurance policies to maintain the current pre-existing condition coverage from obummercare. It is right there in black and white in Subtitle B section 121.a.2.e.

So my question now is did you not read any of it before espousing how bad it is, or did you knowingly say these falsehoods to confuse the issue in the minds of the unknowing?
re: "I just want to be clear...."
LOL ... since when did you start wanting to be clear? Actually it is the # one reason.

Really? so it has nothing to do with the fewer numbers of people enrolling in the ACA than originally planned or the fact that there are fewer and fewer choices of participating health care companies in the ACA?

Or that the cost of running the ACA didnt line up with the initial premiums it was charging so now they have to raise costs?
so it has nothing to do with the fewer numbers of people enrolling in the ACA than originally planned or the fact that there are fewer and fewer choices of participating health care companies in the ACA?
there are more people covered by insurance now than ever before..... insurance is dropping out over greed and what the right is doing to the program
last year the cost increase was still not as high as it was before the ACA... but no one wants to point that out!
how many times now with the same meme's... have nothing bright to say?

Oh I get it... you being a trump supporter... it takes you a while to translate those from Russian to English... so you want to show them off as much as you can

Now lets compare her's to Trump's... oh wait he just uses his for bribes and to pay off lawsuits.... nothing charitable about that!
now compare her's to the Bush's.. or Colin Powells... because they all get the same donors... and there are others... but being a TRumpanzie... you only care about Hillary... and have a closed mind to the rest of the world
I never once said Republicans had a plan approved through Congress...in fact I specifically said they don't and won't likely until we get Obama out of the ISOTUS job. Why would they when he'd just veto it?
....Republicans currently hold both sides of Congress, why NOT get it approved through Congress and wait until after the election is determined whether to submit it to the President to replace Obamacare? I'll tell you why, h-h ... and you alt-right conservatives simply like to insist "it ain't so", but Republicans are NOT going to provide a true health care plan for the country. I wish I could type slower so your comprehension level would improve, BUT, they're only focused on Reaganomics, period.
.....Secondly, the plan is not an insurance plan but a "reimbursement of $2,500 of premium" ONLY IF one elects to purchase insurance ... period. If current Obmacare insureds with pre-existing medical conditions agree to join the Republican plan, yes, they are picked up, but pre-existing is not picked up for NEW members. That means people with diabeties, past cancer operations, etc will pay a lot more if insured and some won't even be able to get health insurance. Its a return to the insurance companies option to cherry pick their insureds or declines. The plan also does not require people to have health coverage, thus the poor (rather than being covered through the extended Medicaid program) simply return to using the emergency rooms for coverage.
....You can say what you wish to try to convince the "ignorant" that Republicans have a better health plan for them, but they don't even HAVE a plan yet ... nothing, and never will.
If current Obmacare insureds with pre-existing medical conditions agree to join the Republican plan, yes, they are picked up, but pre-existing is not picked up for NEW members. That means people with diabeties, past cancer operations, etc will pay a lot more if insured and some won't even be able to get health insurance.

This is demonstrably false. Did you not read anything....I pointed you right to the section. This bill prohibits preexisting condition exclusions in ANY health insurance group or individual plan. Saying it is only for current obummer care insureds or people who chose "the republican plan" (which of course you've repeatedly claimed didn't exist....thanks for finally admitting it does ;) ) is simply bullshit.

From the bill:

The following sections of the Public Health Service Act, that were added or amended by subtitles A and C of title I of PPACA, shall continue to apply to group health plans and to health insurance coverage offered in the individual and group market:
PROHIBITING PRE-EXISTING CONDITION EXCLUSIONS.—Section 2704 (relating to prohibition on preexisting conditions)

Perhaps your inability to understand this explains why you became an insurance salesman instead of an attorney. Don't feel bad. The world needs insurance salesmen....think of all the insurance salesmen jokes we wouldn't have without them!
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... so it has nothing to do with the fewer numbers of people enrolling in the ACA than originally planned or the fact that there are fewer and fewer choices of participating health care companies in the ACA?
.....The President and supporters of ACA know how to fix the plan, it is Republicans who have refused to allow Democrats to fix the plan; their objective, thus far with 63 attempts, has been to cripple and repeal the plan that has done the most damage.
.....Alanm, they have NO alternative, trust me. If Republicans were to install their plan, your pre-existing conditions would be on the table for the insurance companies to consider you as a insured. I'm NOT going to waste typing all the blocks and obstruction Republicans have done because you have a closed, convinced mind that the ACA will not work. But the fact their obstruction in Republican controlled states has worked makes the point ... the plan Obamacare is modeled after is the very plan Republicans approved in the early 1990's.
Saying it is only for current obummer care insureds or people who chose "the republican plan" (which of course you've repeatedly claimed didn't exist....thanks for finally admitting it does ;) ) is simply bullshit.
.....h-h, I haven't admitted anything regarding a Republican plan ... the HR 5284 plan is a "proposed" plan you fool ... once it gets passed through congress THEN you have a plan ... has it passed through congress yet? I'm just trying to oblige your comments regarding "a plan" so we can move on with the conversation; you're too boneheaded to admit anything since you have nothing to do but sit in this political forum and wait for liberal comments you can challenge.
.....As far as pre-existing conditions are concerned, the so-called "World's Greatest Healthcare Plan Act of 2016" proposes buying & selling of health insurance policies across state lines, according to each state's preset, state mandates which means NO policy is going to be standardized wording such as "preventive care" benefits, etc. And secondly, if a person has a pre-X (i.e. cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, kidney failure, etc) going into a plan as an uninsured, that pre-x IS going to be excluded. There's no use going back & forth on this as your intelligence level is obviously equal to .....
.....h-h, I haven't admitted anything regarding a Republican plan ... the HR 5284 plan is a "proposed" plan you fool ... once it gets passed through congress THEN you have a plan ... has it passed through congress yet? I'm just trying to oblige your comments regarding "a plan" so we can move on with the conversation; you're too boneheaded to admit anything since you have nothing to do but sit in this political forum and wait for liberal comments you can challenge.
.....As far as pre-existing conditions are concerned, the so-called "World's Greatest Healthcare Plan Act of 2016" proposes buying & selling of health insurance policies across state lines, according to each state's preset, state mandates which means NO policy is going to be standardized wording such as "preventive care" benefits, etc. And secondly, if a person has a pre-X (i.e. cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, kidney failure, etc) going into a plan as an uninsured, that pre-x IS going to be excluded. There's no use going back & forth on this as your intelligence level is obviously equal to .....
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You're right, there isn't any point in further back and forth with you on this. I even pasted the text of the bill that says it and you continue to deny that the republican plan protect pre existing conditions. While legalese, the wording is really quite simple...so simple even the sub hub could understand.

Since you continue to deny, it shows you are just trolling the topic....or you're just a crooked insurance salesman!
Since you continue to deny, it shows you are just trolling the topic

you are so fucking twisted your facts ... are far from facts... like denying cheney profited off the war... fox news not losing viewers...on and on... with your OPINIONS and not what matching what is real in the world.... maybe all that tea party economics there in Kansas... you don't get to hear real world events... only distortions..... might be why all the candidates in your state are running on education..... your state lacks it... and you are a good example!
not sure where this election is going... and who knows... well it'snot whatit seems... thinks he knows.... but the only bright point of this.... Ryan is in deep *******!

and it sure looks like Russia is just pushing for some kind of confrontation... with everyone not just the US.... although hell if trump makes it we will be siding with Russia to fight the brits again!
you are so fucking twisted your facts ... are far from facts... like denying cheney profited off the war... fox news not losing viewers...on and on... with your OPINIONS and not what matching what is real in the world.... maybe all that tea party economics there in Kansas... you don't get to hear real world events... only distortions..... might be why all the candidates in your state are running on education..... your state lacks it... and you are a good example!
Well Mac, at least you've got the forum's head troll on your side....hope that gives you warm fuzzies! On the topic of pre existing conditions Mac, I suggest you take the advice I gave sub hub a while back when he called me a moron in a post where he miss spelled and clearly didn't understand the meaning of the word oxymoron. Then he doubled down and tried to give a definition of it which was again wrong......time for you to employ the law of holes!


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