Politics, Politics, Politics

Republicans rave about Tim Kaine

Many Republican senators can barely muster a positive word about their own nominee for president. But ask them about the guy running for vice president as a Democrat, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, and they positively gush about the prospect of working with him. “He could be a tremendous asset,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Kaine serves on. “He understands the issues, he cares about having an outcome and I think he could be very effective with working with people here.” Story Continued Below “I don’t know anybody on the Republican side who has a bad thing to say about him. He doesn’t go out of his way to go after people politically and he’s ...
Are you still going about how the RINO and elites rich bankers and wall street types are supporting Hillary?
80% of the Rich Republicans and rich Democrats bankers, wall street crowd, and globalist Billionaires donate to both Bush and Clinton.

You must hate Hillary to say this, because all this is doing is convincing independent to vote for Trump.
The rank and file independents do not hate Republican voters, they hate the elitist Republicans who support TPP over the rank and file workers in all parties.
Same goes for the elitist Democrats who do the same.

Maybe it explains these polls

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Hillary’s ’47 Percent Moment’ GOES VIRAL On Social Media After Her Sick Attack on Trump Supporters

Jim Hoft Sep 10th, 2016 8:54 am 179 Comments

Last night Hillary Clinton lashed out at Trump supporters during her fundraiser with New York City elites and Barbara Streisand.

Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” “irredeemable and “Not America.”

Trump supporters are overwhelmingly working class Americans.

Immediately after her comments Twitter lit up with comparisons to Mitt Romney’s ’47 percent’ moment.

Hillary’s ’47 percent’ moment went viral on Twitter.

This also is helping this happen


Every time she opens her mouth or shows up in public, she loses votes.
what a fucking blow hard... you knew I was quitting for the night and you come back with a cheap shot.... knowing you lack balls... but wanting to impress?????

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I live in North Carolina very close to Camp Lejeune, private message me.
You do not question a combat vets loyalty to his country, unless you are willing to back it up.

You called me a traitor to my country!

A Marine who
served over 20 years,
served in two wars,
put my life on the line numerous times,
and seen friends die in the line of duty for MY country.

You are coward who never served a day in his life and then insults the honor of the very people who protect this country.
You support a person who has gotten people i know killed,
You support a person who is importing ISIS right into our back yard.

A karma ******* storm is coming for cowards like you.
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I live in North Carolina very close to Camp Lejeune, private message me.
You do not question a combat vets loyalty to his country, unless you are will to back it up.
I really think you are just a friggn weasel... and IF you served in any military it wasn't the US Miliatary!

maybe Russian the way you support the commie that's running!
Please i served for over 20 years and know dam well that way more people in the service support Trump
all just your opinion!... oh and a "please"... ok I can tone it down....BUT just because the group you run with supports him doesn't mean the country does!
Most of my neighbors are republicans... and a lot of people I do things with are republicans... kind of a silent agreement.. NO politics!... but I know they talk to each other and are not saying anything about supporting trump!... they wouldn't tell me that... but I hear them talk... a good friend says he thinks Hillary is the devil... and believes it.. so I asked if he was voting for trump and he shook his head no... I have posted a lot of meme's as have you... but I have also posted copies of articles from different sources... not in support of trump!
He might make it.... but only because of all the voter rigging going on!
if you just look at the facts.... what few things he has said he was going to do... he has changed them several times.... everything thing else he has said he will do... he has given no facts at all on... his only thing he really put out is the wall... and that's not a sure fix fro anything... and his republican version of trickle down on the taxes... which will just increase his wealth!
he is already making money off this campaign... and lots of it!
he has offended about every one that is not white... and most politicians and his latest is the currently serving military... his support for Russia... several people on his staff known Russia ties... his holdings in the Chinese banks... his refusal to show his tax returns (probably show his money in china)... on and on
sureRussia hates Hillary... she will stay in NATO... trump says out which will give him free reign!
I could go on...
....I don't mean this in an insulting or disrespectful way, but why is it so necessary for some people, who have served in our armed forces, to keep REMINDING US that they served in our armed forces? I certainly appreciate those who voluntarily served our country, particularly those who actually fought on front lines and were put in harms way. I've always felt that our military men & women aren't treated with the proper respect that they deserve ... having high quality medical facilities, tending to their stress disorders, and helping them get their lives back in order after being pulled from their families to serve in wars that were more political based than militarily necessary. We currently have over 20 veterans a DAY committing suicides in the USA ... that's 20 per day ... ridiculous, and thousands upon thousands roaming the streets, homeless. All because our government hasn't stepped up and done what they promised to do for those who were willing to serve. It really pisses me off.
....That said, however, I don't need to be reminded every day that one "served" and that those who didn't serve don't understand their situation. My ******* served as a clergy on the front lines in Vietnam, earned several medals, and saw ******* no human should ever have to see, but, he never talks about it except to his old army friends or when asked. My grand ******* & 2 great uncles served in WW2 (all on the front lines) ... other than hearing them tell war stories, I never ever heard any of them boost or talk about serving in the military and those who didn't weren't justified to talk about it. That's pure BS!
....Once again, to you veterans who served our country, who put your lives on the front lines, who had your comfortable American life/family jerked out from under you ... "THANK YOU" ... and please know that we, who didn't, are humbled by what you did and went through.
'Nough Said, However"
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well I didn't think I had ever pushed my being a vet on any issue... or that I had pushed it in any way.....sorry if it had... but I HAVE made known that as a vet I don't care for the policies the gov has towards vets
View attachment 415790 So as we wait, I thought I'd share my recipe for Low-Carb Margaritas. A local restaurant chain that my wife and I frequent endorsed my recipe with 2 free meals. ( It was worth $120) It is awesome, I might say ... only 9 carbs per ******* for those that love sweet drinks but can't handle the sugar due to diabetes, etc. You would never know it was low sugar.
If you love margaritas as much as my wife & I do, you'll never be able to settle for a margarita mixed any other way.

View attachment 415799
....I don't mean this in an insulting or disrespectful way, but why is it so necessary for some people, who have served in our armed forces, to keep REMINDING US that they served in our armed forces? I certainly appreciate those who voluntarily served our country, particularly those who actually fought on front lines and were put in harms way. I've always felt that our military men & women aren't treated with the proper respect that they deserve ... having high quality medical facilities, tending to their stress disorders, and helping them get their lives back in order after being pulled from their families to serve in wars that were more political based than militarily necessary. We currently have over 20 veterans a DAY committing suicides in the USA ... that's 20 per day ... ridiculous, and thousands upon thousands roaming the streets, homeless. All because our government hasn't stepped up and done what they promised to do for those who were willing to serve. It really pisses me off.
....That said, however, I don't need to be reminded every day that one "served" and that those who didn't serve don't understand their situation. My ******* served as a clergy on the front lines in Vietnam, earned several medals, and saw ******* no human should ever have to see, but, he never talks about it except to his old army friends or when asked. My grand ******* & 2 great uncles served in WW2 (all on the front lines) ... other than hearing them tell war stories, I never ever heard any of them boost or talk about serving in the military and those who didn't weren't justified to talk about it. That's pure BS!
....Once again, to you veterans who served our country, who put your lives on the front lines, who had your comfortable American life/family jerked out from under you ... "THANK YOU" ... and please know that we, who didn't, are humbled by what you did and went through.
'Nough Said, However"

Sub hub retard questioned my loyalty to my country.

A combat vet who served in two wars and then sub hub proceeds to play victim, like a little bitch.

The only reason i keep bring it up, is because he questioned my loyalty and keeps pushing for WWIII with the Russians.

The fact he never been to war and then proceeds to push for some one who pushes for war with the second most heavily armed Nuclear power in the world, that nuts even if he had been to war.

He is acting like a chicken hawk, just like Bush and Hillary. this needs to stop
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I'm not sure why you folks keep believing that Illegal Immigrants immediately jump on welfare and are given "free stuff" when they enter the country ... it simply isn't true. In fact, although illegal immigrants are often employed "off the books" and/or by using fake SS cards, they are often paid well below the minimum wage laws, and many of their employers still withhold FICA taxes which immediately go into the Social Security "Earnings Suspense File" because the funds can't be matched with a legitimate eligible worker. As of the end of 2112 there was over $1.3 TRILLION in this fund, and might be one of the reason why our government makes little effort to stop or enforce illegal immigration. It's feeding the Social Security system over $9 billion+ per year (as of 2008) that has no where to be paid out. And on top of that, the illegals money, that they spend, locally, gets taxed by federal, states and local taxes.

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