Politics, Politics, Politics

What's it got to take to PROVE the platform the Republicans have sworn their souls to the past 34 years is WRONG? Yeah, I guess if I was the Koch Brothers, or some multi-millionaire, I'd be this way too. But something tells me none of you people, reading this, are in that group, and far, far from it. It's only a matter of time that someone in that party finally gets the balls to stand up and say ... "Supply Side-Trickle Down-Voo Doo" economics does NOT WORK ... for the country, let's change our strategy. And their stupid polices will eventually get to you, I promise.

Well I guess if you say it then it must be true? Such bold proclamations. Mac the totally unbiased regular Joe just looking out for the little guy right? Wow. No, you just want to sock it to the rich. For some reason you think you are entitled to what they have.

All conservatives want is an EVEN and FAIR playing field for everyone. That doesn't mean handouts for some at the expense of others. The GOVERNMENT involved in our lives AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. STOP with the endless BLOATED PROGRAMS that waste our money, STOP with the CLASS WARFARE. HOW ABOUT people have PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? Why don't we FOLLOW the LAW anymore? STOP PLAYING RACIAL POLITICS!!!

The democrat party doesn't care about doing any of those things and neither does most of the Republican party. But I have to make a choice and my choice is the party that at least has some conservatives. My choice is that party that at least has some people talking about SMALLER government and the rule of law and sensible economic policy. The furthest from those things are the democrats.
He really didn't get around to killing people until he came to power on got going with WWII. As I recall he was a corporal in WWI and his military record was pretty unspectactular

The industrialized killing began once the war started, but the killing on a smaller scale started almost at the outset of the Nazi regime with sporadic killing of Jews, communists, and others deemed undesirable. The T4 program began in 1939 and was euthanasia euphemistically called "social hygiene". It was sort of a dry run for the Holocaust as the program experimented with different types of gasses.

Historians are split over the true causes of the Holocaust. One debate is the Intentionalists vs. the Functionalists, with the former saying that Hitler and he alone initiated the Holocaust (though they admit that no direct order or Fuhrerbefehl has ever been found) while the latter argues that his underlings interpreted his writings, speeches, and insinuations and that they, on their own initiative, set the wheels in motion.

Another dimension to the argument concerns itself with the timing of the killings. One school argues that the killings intensified at the height of the Nazis successes in the Soviet Union, while the other argues that pace of the killings intensified in inverse proportion to Nazi success on the battlefield. Christopher Browning is a good source to consult, especially The Origins of The Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942.
The industrialized killing began once the war started, but the killing on a smaller scale started almost at the outset of the Nazi regime with sporadic killing of Jews, communists, and others deemed undesirable. The T4 program began in 1939 and was euthanasia euphemistically called "social hygiene". It was sort of a dry run for the Holocaust as the program experimented with different types of gasses.

Historians are split over the true causes of the Holocaust. One debate is the Intentionalists vs. the Functionalists, with the former saying that Hitler and he alone initiated the Holocaust (though they admit that no direct order or Fuhrerbefehl has ever been found) while the latter argues that his underlings interpreted his writings, speeches, and insinuations and that they, on their own initiative, set the wheels in motion.

Another dimension to the argument concerns itself with the timing of the killings. One school argues that the killings intensified at the height of the Nazis successes in the Soviet Union, while the other argues that pace of the killings intensified in inverse proportion to Nazi success on the battlefield. Christopher Browning is a good source to consult, especially The Origins of The Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942.
Hitler had to have been aware of what was going on so he could have stopped it if he wanted to.
I stopped into the office the other day (I have been phasing into retirement) and one of my associates had a cartoon on desk. I laughed so had I almost fell out of my chair. There was a pictures of several congress men and women standing in a group. All were wearing NASCAR type jackets with patches depicting various sponsors. At the bottom of the page it said "NASCAR drivers advertise who sponsors them, why don't politicians?"
I stopped into the office the other day (I have been phasing into retirement) and one of my associates had a cartoon on desk. I laughed so had I almost fell out of my chair. There was a pictures of several congress men and women standing in a group. All were wearing NASCAR type jackets with patches depicting various sponsors. At the bottom of the page it said "NASCAR drivers advertise who sponsors them, why don't politicians?"
I'v always been unpolitical, yet well informed. All decisions are made though how it will effect my family. I know to many of u that may sound foolish, or even selfish.
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate.
Anyone here believes that its an individual right to refuse to vaccinate their children even though the public health is impacted?
Yes indeed. I have a feeling that the state will prohibit any unvaccinated ******* from going to public school.

And that means home schooling for them. Something their parents dont want.

Only exception will be those ******* who have a bona fide condition as verified by a physician of the county health boards choosing.
Yes indeed. I have a feeling that the state will prohibit any unvaccinated ******* from going to public school.

And that means home schooling for them. Something their parents dont want.

Only exception will be those ******* who have a bona fide condition as verified by a physician of the county health boards choosing.
Home schooling should change many minds, love my children, but schools the only break I get
Its more of a training carrier.
It's a training carrier because they don't have any aircraft to put on it. Carrier aircraft are significantly different from land based aircraft. Once you have the carrier capable aircraft aircraft the skill set to actually land the aircraft is difficult to learn. Back in my days of association with the Navy I think carrier pilots had 1 chance in 4 in being killed in a 20 year career and that was if we didn't go to war. Air craft carriers are unbelievably dangerous places to work and to take off and land on.
Its the intricate ballet of the supporting groups that make things happen. It is corporate knowledge in that it was learned with ******* being paid for it. And handed down from one generation of sailers to another.

The PRC will need decades of experience to maintain carrier ops at a high tempo in bad weather in a shooting war.

Torpedo, you ever hear of a book "Shattered Sword"?
Its the intricate ballet of the supporting groups that make things happen. It is corporate knowledge in that it was learned with ******* being paid for it. And handed down from one generation of sailers to another.

The PRC will need decades of experience to maintain carrier ops at a high tempo in bad weather in a shooting war.

Torpedo, you ever hear of a book "Shattered Sword"?
I have heard of it but I never did get around to reading it. As I recall it tells the Battle Of Midway primarily from the Japanese perspective. I had forgotten about that book. Thank you for the reminder. I am a bit of a Naval history buff.

After the battle Roosevelt was told that 4 carriers had been sunk. He supposedly replied "I thought we only had three" to which he was told that the four sunk carriers were Japanese. This was the last major action planned by Yamamoto. The Battle of Midway succeeded because we had cracked the Japanese code, because Nimitz had balls, big brass ones, and we got lucky. If our dive bombers had arrived 45 minutes earlier or later there would have likely been sufficient air cover to prevent success. As it was about 6 minutes changed the war in Pacific. A little more than 10 months later on April 18, 1943 Operation Vengeance was carried out and Yamamoto was killed along with several other high ranking Japanese Navy officers. Between their losses at Midway and the death of Yamamoto the Japanese navy suffered blows that it never recovered from. The Japanese navy simply had no one that could replace him. The Japanese never won another major engagement after their loss at Midway.

Operation Vengeance was a fascinating operation. The whole operation was planned and executed within just a few days. During the final planning someone pointed out that the navigation required was going to be a little much for the compasses that were in the Lightning's. The solution was to remove a compass from a Navy destroyer and install in the gondola of the lead plane. Installing and calibrating the compass was in itself a remarkable accomplishment. I am pretty sure there was no manual for installing a compass out of a destroyer into a Lightning.Over 30 P-38 Lightning were sent on the deck (less that 100 feet of altitude) about 1200 miles in a dog leg route to avoid detection. The intercept occurred within 1 minute of the original projection. There were two planes instead of one. Both were shot down. Yamamoto's plane crashed in the jungle and there were no survivors. The other plane went down at sea within sight of the Japanese air field and there were survivors. One of them became the president of Caterpillar's operations in Japan after the war if I recall correctly.

Yamamoto's ******* was a school teacher, Yamamoto left instructions that he was to be buried next to his ******* and that his tombstone was to be 1 inch shorter than his *******'s. Yamamoto's first name Isoroku is 69 in Japanese. That is how old Yamamoto's ******* was when he was born. A proud horny old man.

One last little bit of trivia about the death of Yamamoto, there has been some controversy over who actually shot down Yamamoto's plane. I can't recall the name of the pilot credited with the ******* but after the war he became a commercial pilot and the airline he worked for had him as one of the pilots of an around the world flight. When they landed in Japan the pilots were greeted by Yamamoto's widow. The Japanese thought it would be a nice conciliatory gesture.

I you have an interest in WWII naval history I recommend Thunder Below! by Admiral Eugene B. Fluckey. It is about war patrols 8 though 12 of the USS Barb under Fluckey's command. The book is an easy read and very informative about an aspect of the war that is largely overlooked.
Its the intricate ballet of the supporting groups that make things happen. It is corporate knowledge in that it was learned with ******* being paid for it. And handed down from one generation of sailers to another.

The PRC will need decades of experience to maintain carrier ops at a high tempo in bad weather in a shooting war.

Torpedo, you ever hear of a book "Shattered Sword"?
I think an "intricate ballet" is a good analogy.
Yes indeed. I have a feeling that the state will prohibit any unvaccinated ******* from going to public school.

And that means home schooling for them. Something their parents dont want.

Only exception will be those ******* who have a bona fide condition as verified by a physician of the county health boards choosing.
It does pose some interesting questions and problems. Here in Wisconsin if a student is unable attend public schools and the parent(s) are unable or unwilling to home school then an alternative school is provided. Education is a very big deal. It is quite literally the difference between success and failure in life. Should the state have the right to deny a person the education they are going to need to survive in life? Not all states offer alternative schooling

I was born in 1951 most of the vaccinations that are common today were non existent then. I had mumps, measles both kinds and chicken pox and I got through all of them. In the last 25 or 30 years there has been a significant increase in autoimmune and there has been quite a bit more problems with things like asthma. One of the theories is because we have this immune system that has evolved over millions of years suddenly doesn't have much to do so it starts attacking the body. I think vaccines today are for the most part safe but at what real cost are we using them? Highly lethal or crippling diseases like Ebola and Polio we should be vaccinated against but I sometimes question whether we are truly doing the right thing. Both of my daughters had all the required vaccinations, in part because I didn't want to make waves and in part because I didn't understand the issue very well.

Polio has been around for millennia but didn't become a problem until we had improved sanitation. Current theory is that everyone got exposed to the weakened virus and because of poor sanitation and were able to fight it off. After sanitation improved there was not longer any exposure to the weakened virus. There is an older woman that lives near me that had polio. There were 9 children in her family and all of them came down with flu like symptoms within a week of so of each other. Just her and one sister developed full blown polio that required hospitalization and extensive rehabilitation. The rest likely contracted the disease but because of previous exposure were able to fight off the infection.

I don't have a ready solution but I think we need to have a lot better understanding of how our physiology work and to truly understand the implication of what we are doing.
I have heard of it but I never did get around to reading it. As I recall it tells the Battle Of Midway primarily from the Japanese perspective. I had forgotten about that book. Thank you for the reminder. I am a bit of a Naval history buff.

After the battle Roosevelt was told that 4 carriers had been sunk. He supposedly replied "I thought we only had three" to which he was told that the four sunk carriers were Japanese. This was the last major action planned by Yamamoto. The Battle of Midway succeeded because we had cracked the Japanese code, because Nimitz had balls, big brass ones, and we got lucky. If our dive bombers had arrived 45 minutes earlier or later there would have likely been sufficient air cover to prevent success. As it was about 6 minutes changed the war in Pacific. A little more than 10 months later on April 18, 1943 Operation Vengeance was carried out and Yamamoto was killed along with several other high ranking Japanese Navy officers. Between their losses at Midway and the death of Yamamoto the Japanese navy suffered blows that it never recovered from. The Japanese navy simply had no one that could replace him. The Japanese never won another major engagement after their loss at Midway.

Operation Vengeance was a fascinating operation. The whole operation was planned and executed within just a few days. During the final planning someone pointed out that the navigation required was going to be a little much for the compasses that were in the Lightning's. The solution was to remove a compass from a Navy destroyer and install in the gondola of the lead plane. Installing and calibrating the compass was in itself a remarkable accomplishment. I am pretty sure there was no manual for installing a compass out of a destroyer into a Lightning.Over 30 P-38 Lightning were sent on the deck (less that 100 feet of altitude) about 1200 miles in a dog leg route to avoid detection. The intercept occurred within 1 minute of the original projection. There were two planes instead of one. Both were shot down. Yamamoto's plane crashed in the jungle and there were no survivors. The other plane went down at sea within sight of the Japanese air field and there were survivors. One of them became the president of Caterpillar's operations in Japan after the war if I recall correctly.

Yamamoto's ******* was a school teacher, Yamamoto left instructions that he was to be buried next to his ******* and that his tombstone was to be 1 inch shorter than his *******'s. Yamamoto's first name Isoroku is 69 in Japanese. That is how old Yamamoto's ******* was when he was born. A proud horny old man.

One last little bit of trivia about the death of Yamamoto, there has been some controversy over who actually shot down Yamamoto's plane. I can't recall the name of the pilot credited with the ******* but after the war he became a commercial pilot and the airline he worked for had him as one of the pilots of an around the world flight. When they landed in Japan the pilots were greeted by Yamamoto's widow. The Japanese thought it would be a nice conciliatory gesture.

I you have an interest in WWII naval history I recommend Thunder Below! by Admiral Eugene B. Fluckey. It is about war patrols 8 though 12 of the USS Barb under Fluckey's command. The book is an easy read and very informative about an aspect of the war that is largely overlooked.

That book i mentioned is superb. It looks at the battle through the lens of operations. And in the process, destroys long believed myths about the battle.

His sources are primary material from both Japanese and American sources.

The moment the IJN began launching their morning sorties to Midway is when a complex series of events began to unfold in which the Japanese carrier task ******* was bent and folded to the point it could not defend itself.

Dont consider this book as a reinterpretation of a great USN victory that denigrates the achievements of the participants, but as an explanation of why we won. Often with individuals (of both sides) displaying a level of individual bravery thats rare even in a war like WW2.

This book is highly recommended by me.