Politics, Politics, Politics

Bush Sr. wrote NAFTA and Bill Clinton signed it into law.
If that does not prove both parties are bought and payed for, i don't know what will to the American public.
Talk about getting doubled teamed.
.....When NAFTA was originally discussed, many seemed somewhat positive about its success. Obviously, for several reasons, NAFTA didn't turn out as planned; I don't blame GH Bush anymore than I blame B Clinton ... plans often don't, when you have individuals/countries conspiring betw. each other. We're talking politics, here, itis ... its the dirtiest game in town; only the smartest and dumbest really play it; everyone else knows to stay out. NAFTA should be a "free-fair trade agreement" that encourages workers to stay in their own countries; only ones that benefitted off NAFTA were the vulture 1%er capitalists; the other 99% lost yet again. The US has entered into 11 "free trade" agreements and all (except Singapore) resulted in increased trade deficits for the US. It seems Ross Perot called it most accurately back in the early 90s. From what I've read, what was actually "foreign policy" was sold as an "economic policy".
.....The concerning factor, however, is when we REPEAT our mistakes, expecting a different outcome to our ideas. THEN, it becomes a conspiring issue. Take Reaganomics (Supply-Side, Trickle Down, Voodoo ... whatever you desire to call it), even Republicans said it was BS when Reagan pushed it through congress. And it has failed, miserably, time and time again YET, the Republicans idolized Ronald Reagan and made it their frik'n platform ... same BS over and over, "cut taxes to create jobs" which is a tax shifting ploy from the weathiest to the poorest, and "shrink government", a fancy cover-up for cutting/privatizing entitlement programs. And what really pisses me off, is Democrats have done a very poor job in challenging this BS, WHICH tends to make ME believe that yes, both parties are in this together. After all, what you have in Washington are a bunch of millionaire bureaucrats living off the tax payers.

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.....When NAFTA was originally discussed, many seemed somewhat positive about its success. Obviously, for several reasons, NAFTA didn't turn out as planned; I don't blame GH Bush anymore than I blame B Clinton ... plans often don't, when you have individuals/countries conspiring betw. each other. We're talking politics, here, itis ... its the dirtiest game in town; only the smartest and dumbest really play it; everyone else knows to stay out. NAFTA should be a "free-fair trade agreement" that encourages workers to stay in their own countries; only ones that benefitted off NAFTA were the vulture 1%er capitalists; the other 99% lost yet again. The US has entered into 11 "free trade" agreements and all (except Singapore) resulted in increased trade deficits for the US. It seems Ross Perot called it most accurately back in the early 90s. From what I've read, what was actually "foreign policy" was sold as an "economic policy".
.....The concerning factor, however, is when we REPEAT our mistakes, expecting a different outcome to our ideas. THEN, it becomes a conspiring issue. Take Reaganomics (Supply-Side, Trickle Down, Voodoo ... whatever you desire to call it), even Republicans said it was BS when Reagan pushed it through congress. And it has failed, miserably, time and time again YET, the Republicans idolized Ronald Reagan and made it their frik'n platform ... same BS over and over, "cut taxes to create jobs" which is a tax shifting ploy from the weathiest to the poorest, and "shrink government", a fancy cover-up for cutting/privatizing entitlement programs. And what really pisses me off, is Democrats have done a very poor job in challenging this BS, WHICH tends to make ME believe that yes, both parties are in this together. After all, what you have in Washington are a bunch of millionaire bureaucrats living off the tax payers.
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I agree with you.

I've been thinking about it...modern day democracy is a sham. It bears little resemblance to the original Ancient Greek Democracy. The average person has no real say in politics, all they can do is choose who will 'represent' them. Modern day is more of a ingenious pressure valve system. Party A screws the people over. The people get madder and madder. Eventually they can take no more. "i'll vote for Party B'. Party B is now in power. Party B does the same and the cycle continues. People don't do anything because the system gives them the illusion of change, a way for them to vent their anger and feel like they are making a difference. The system never builds up enough pressure for it to blow, and things to change.

Obviously there are exceptions, such as Switzerland or Iceland. The things that they have in common is that they are both small. Small population, small country and most importantly small government. Power needs to be taken down to local levels, instead of having a huge cumbersome national government with too much power in which the people have no real say.

(And that's not getting into the fact that key sectors such as the media and banking are in the grasp of a very small, very select group of people. Who will naturally look after their own interests, their interests almost always clashing with the peoples. Ultimately little will be done when these key sectors continue to be dominated by such a slect treacherous elite.)

Hillary Clinton is totally beatable in a general election. Just not by Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

Take two minutes to flip through the new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll and you are left with two very clear takeaways:

1. Hillary Clinton is deeply vulnerable in a general election.

2. Donald Trump and, to a lesser extent, Ted Cruz, are the exact wrong candidates to take advantage of Clinton's weaknesses.

That is the reality that faces Republicans as they look down the road at the general election. A totally winnable race after eight years out of the White House that may be unwinnable -- or close to it -- because of a primary process that has put forward two of their least appealing general election candidates
Start with this: Just one in three (32 percent) of general election voters see Clinton in a positive light while 56 percent regard her negatively. That's Clinton's worst score since NBC-WSJ started asking about Clinton's image in early 2001.

And, the NBC-WSJ numbers are far from an outlier. Her numbers -- particularly when it comes to the number of people who view her as "honest" and "trustworthy" have long been in net negative territory -- and the ongoing questions surrounding her private email server while serving as Secretary of State doesn't help matters. The simple fact is that Clinton is totally known by the general electorate and somewhere between mildly and strongly disliked by a majority of them.
That's a problem. In a "normal" election year it's a really BIG problem.

This is not a normal election year, which of course you know unless you've been hiding under a pile of coats for the last 15 months. So, yes, Clinton is unpopular. But her numbers look positively great when compared to where Donald Trump stands in that same NBC-WSJ poll.

Just one in four (24 percent) of respondents give Trump a positive rating while 65 percent give him a negative one. That's a "historic low for a major presidential candidate in the NBC/WSJ poll," according to NBC deputy political director Carrie Dann.

But, when you look inside those Trump numbers, things get even worse.
Seven in ten women view Trump negatively! Three in four millennials! Eight in ten Hispanics!
Those numbers are historically bad. And, I would say that no candidate could win a general election with them except that I have witnessed Trump flip his negatives to positives with Republican voters so I am not ready to rule it totally out. What I will say is those numbers make it virtually impossible for a candidate to win a general election.

Cruz is not Trump. But, neither is he popular with the broader electorate. Twenty six percent of people had a positive view of him as compared to 49 percent who had a negative view. That's a net -23, right in line with Clinton's net -24. And, it's worth considering that Cruz is less well known than either Clinton or Trump, meaning that he has room to grow -- either positively or negatively -- if and when he becomes the GOP nominee. My guess is that Cruz's Senate record would provide Democratic groups as well as Clinton's campaign with ample opposition research to cast the Texan as too conservative for the average swing voter in, say, Ohio.
The old adage that you can't beat someone with no one fits here. Put slightly more accurately, it's that you can't beat an unpopular person with someone even less popular.

If Clinton and Trump are the two presidential nominees, which still seems the most likely outcome today, you can expect a race-to-the-bottom the likes of which have been rarely seen even in presidential politics. Given where each of the candidate's numbers stand, the only way to win will be to make it a choice between bad and worse.

Clinton seems poised to win that fight -- by a wide margin against Trump and a narrower margin against Cruz. Should Clinton be elected the 45th president of the United States, Republicans will spend the next four years (at least) kicking themselves at missing such a great opportunity. But, as it stands today, that is exactly what they are poised to do.
And what really pisses me off, is Democrats have done a very poor job in challenging this BS, WHICH tends to make ME believe that yes, both parties are in this together. After all, what you have in Washington are a bunch of millionaire bureaucrats living off the tax payers.

Now your catching on. ;)
For one, NBC's polls are going to skew the election in Hillary's favor regardless of actual statistics, the owners of NBC have invested money in Hillary's campaign, as have most of the liberal owned media stations. Anyone can lie with statistics and misleading graphs, Bill O'Reilly does it all the damn time. These pollster polls never show any actual statistical data, much less analytical data. For another thing, Trump has brought out a lot of disenfranchised voters who will not support Cruz or Kasich in a general election. If Kasich was capable of winning the General Election, why is he not the frontrunner? Mathematically, Kasich lost the nomination weeks ago. It's obvious the convention is rigged for Kasich to get the nomination. Trump's actual support is higher than pollster projections, many voters are lying to pollsters because they don't want to deal with backlash from friends and family. It's also why Bernie's support is lower in the actual primaries, many of the voters telling pollsters they support Bernie or Hillary have lied to avoid fallout in their homes. If you look at the actual voter numbers showing up, Trump has pulled in way more voters overall. If Republicans don't give it to Trump, they risk losing the general election by voter disenfranchisement. They will lose many of the voters who did vote in the primaries. Trump can take advantage of Hillary's weaknesses, he just needs to hire the right person or pick the right vp candidate to help him. He can turn her own words against her easily. He's already called her out for being a liar. Let's not forget Whitewater, Hillary and Her Husband were found guilty of lying under oath, Bill was impeached over it. Most voters have not forgotten that scandal. A vote for Hillary might as well be a vote for Cthulhu because we all know shes insane. If any one of us was caught lying under oath, we damn sure wouldn't be running for president years after...
Wow, if Republicans would work even a 10th as hard at doing their jobs in Washington as they have at trying to discredit and impeach Democrat Presidents, especially the Clintons, this country might not even have a national debt, you think? I mean, just look at all their failures from Whitewater, to ACA, to Benghazi, to e-mails, etc ... all those tax dollars on government shutdowns, etc ... and NONE materialized into ANYTHING fruitful for Republicans.

All those years Republicans went after Bill Clinton for a Whitewater event that had happened 20+ years prior and they failed at prosecuting him or Hillary, and managed to INCREASE Bill Clinton's popularity at the time. One thing I guess needs to be admitted by these Republicans ... the reason these Yale & Harvard losers are probably in Washington is because they all FAILED as lawyers. So they go to Washington, continue demagoguing liberals, creating fear & hate among the citizens of the US, as they ADD to the debt at the taxpayers expense, and basically accomplish NOTHING constructive in Washington. Now, the chickens have come home to roost, their party is in shambles, their voter base pissed off, and I doubt another Republican "witch hunt committee" could fix a speeding ticket violation, much less prove their useless points against the Clintons.

Again I'll say it ... its time the Republicans re-define their party priorities & platform, rid themselves of the Tea Party leeches, and become an ORGANIZED and FUNCTIONAL party again. Their current, deceitful ways is doing nothing but putting them deeper and deeper in a hole with voters. I'm starting to feel so sorry for their stupidity that *I'm likely to vote Republican* in the general election just so they'll have a few votes.

* ... nahhhhh, I'd rather cut my nuts off with a plastic picnic knife than vote for a Republican. gif_Yellowball-jerkingOFF2.gif
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I mean, just look at all their failures from Whitewater, to ACA, to Benghazi, to e-mails,

I don't think they are anywhere done yet playing the games.... The Bengazi com seems to think they have something and are waiting to play it!

Kind of funny Bernie has given her a run for her money and just used politics... no sneaky *******... trouble is the republicans can't do that... they have no solid record to put up against her! so they are stuck using sneaky ******* for politics

what happened to the days when both parties ran on their record of achievements...
For one, NBC's polls are going to skew the election in Hillary's favor regardless of actual statistics
she is the only one running that has any statistics.... Trump... can show you how to file chapter11 and a master at bankruptcy... cruz a master obstructionist.... both democrats DO have a record to run on and that's what they have been fighting over... each others record... honest politics! The republicans want to talk about each others wives... belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them... what else do they have to run on!
neither party has really put their best foot forward.... but the dems have at least taken a step towards something positive... the republicans have done the same thing they have always done lie/twist the facts/ rig the elections/ and anything else they can come up with short of running on policy and achievements.... but hard to run on that when you have none
the republicans are about to implode and have been for a while..... trickle down has never worked... all they can do is please the people who line their pockets... and then comes the tea party... they want what little trickle down that is working STOPPED!
That leaves the dems trying to run the country.... not that they have the answers... they lack a lot.... but they are working on things positive
the republicans are about to implode and have been for a while..... trickle down has never worked... all they can do is please the people who line their pockets... and then comes the tea party... they want what little trickle down that is working STOPPED!
That leaves the dems trying to run the country.... not that they have the answers... they lack a lot.... but they are working on things positive

Trickle down, in theory, would work and work well. However it is the corruption that prevents it from doing so. The trickle is to small to achieve anything. It needs to be, "Cascade" Down.

The Democrats have no answers becasue they want the exact same thing - elimination of the middle class. They are the wolf in sheep clothing. What do you think the ACA is? it is a huge tax on the middle class and we can not sustain it.
Even Sanders says it in his campaign commercial - "You can't fight corruption by taking their money" I don't know if that statement can be any more incorrect. What he means to say is - I'm not going to try, so instead I will pay for everything by taking your money. He even brags about how he is paying for his campaign, a lot of his money is from the unemployed! If you think about where the unemployed get their money it becomes very ironic. Every time I ask someone why they are voting for Sanders the word "free" is within the first 5 words out of their mouth.

Once the republican party is reduced to rubble, I wonder how long the Democrats can continue pointing the finger at Bush and the GOP when things continue to get worse, the 1% continue to retain their wealth, and poverty continues to grow. I'm sure their aim is to have the main stream public so utterly brainwashed through the controlled media by then it won't matter much.
Trickle down, in theory, would work and work well. However it is the corruption that prevents it from doing so
It can't work in today's world... way to much GREED/CORUPTION... look at what a CEO makes.... any excuse for that? they could expand the company... branch out .. hire more workers... all kinds of options... instead it is about which CEO can make the most... hell they can never spend that much anyway... after a point it is just about bragging/power!
even under Reagan....greed was starting to rear it's ugly head... and he in a way started that ball rolling with the air traffic controllers... once it was ok for him and the government to do it... all of a sudden you have Lawyers specializing in union busting and eroding workers rights and money... greed took over from there with the major companies... about that time lobbyist starting buying politicians and it just kept getting worse .... now all that's left is greed and corruption... in all major companies and government... there are a few good companies around... google for one... but it is an exception
she is the only one running that has any statistics.... Trump... can show you how to file chapter11 and a master at bankruptcy... cruz a master obstructionist.... both democrats DO have a record to run on and that's what they have been fighting over... each others record... honest politics! The republicans want to talk about each others wives... belittle anyone who doesn't agree with them... what else do they have to run on!

Our government is already bankrupt, morally and financially (debt ceiling = no money). Hillary's biggest legal case was freeing a baby molestor who she joked about thinking he was guilty afterward. She has a trail of corruption so long 2/3 of voters wouldn't elect her. Hillary is a huge scumbag. The only thing Bernie has successfully done is disenfranchise voters. The vast majority of Bernie supporters are not likely to show up in November if he isn't the nominee. Cruz needs to quit snorting rails of an addictive white substance off ******'s asses with Rubio. Kasich has no chance of winning the general election, he couldn't even pull in more delegates than Rubio... He's mathematically unable to win the nomination at this point, why's he still in the race? Because hes getting the nomination through election rigging. Trump will likely be on the ballot as an Independent candidate.
She has a trail of corruption so long 2/3 of voters wouldn't elect her. Hillary is a huge scumbag
most of that is just republican propaganda you want to listen to and believe that's up to you... if ther3e was any real meat to anything they would have presented it long before now... they just dribble out little ******* at a time to make people believe she is something to try and discredit her!
Bernie has pumped up the hopes of a lot of people ... only to be let down sooner or later!
Kasich... probably one of the better candidates out there... but like the others (Bush etc.) going nowhere

as for Cruz.... who knows he is a very sneaky *******!

'I'm getting sick of it': Sean Hannity blows up at Ted Cruz

US Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks during a campaign event in Rochester, New York.

Conservative radio host Sean Hannity and Sen. Ted Cruz had a testy back-and-forth on the host's Tuesday show, with Hannity telling the Texas senator at one point that he was "getting sick of" Cruz dodging "legitimate questions."

The interview got off to a tense start. Hannity suggested that Americans were wondering about what role delegates play in the process of choosing a nominee, with talk of a contested Republican convention heating up.

Cruz sharply disputed this notion.

"Sean, with all respect, that's not what people are concerned about," Cruz said. "I'm campaigning every day. People are concerned about bringing jobs back to America. People are concerned about raising wages. People are concerned about getting the federal government off the backs of small businesses, and people are concerned about beating Hillary" Clinton.
Cruz said that the media "loves to obsess" about the process of choosing a Republican nominee for president. He said that what amounted to "whining" from Donald Trump's campaign about the delegate process being unfair is "silly."

Hannity came back at Cruz, telling him that he hears from people who tell him that they "find this whole process confusing."

Trump has gone on a tear over the past several days, calling the delegate process "rigged" after a series of contests in which Cruz's campaign outmaneuvered Trump in the battle for delegates. If no candidate reaches the required 1,237 delegates to lock down the Republican nomination, then many delegates who would be bound to Trump on the first convention ballot could vote for a different candidate on subsequent ballots.

Hannity pointed out that the Cruz campaign has focused on wooing delegates who might be able to switch their votes from Trump to Cruz on a second convention ballot.
"It's more than a process question," Hannity said. "It's an integrity-of-the-election question."

Cruz responded that the "only people asking this question are the hardcore Donald Trump supporters."

Hannity told him that he had to "stop."

"Senator, why do you do this every single time?" Hannity asked, cutting Cruz off as he was speaking. "You've got to stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I'm getting sick of it. I've had you on more than any other candidate on radio and TV. So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don't you just answer it?"

Cruz asked if he could answer Hannity's question "without being interrupted."

"Go ahead," Hannity responded.

Cruz explained his view on the delegate process at length:
All of this noise and complaining and whining has come from the Trump campaign because they don't like that they lose five elections in a row, that Republicans are uniting behind our campaign. So they're screaming on Drudge and it's getting echoed, this notion of voter-less elections. It is nonsense. They are making it up. Over 1.3 million people voted. We won landslides in all five.

Now there is a second component beyond the elections, which is the individual delegates are elected by the people. Donald Trump's campaign does not know how to organize on the grassroots. And so when the delegates are elected, conservative activists, real conservative activists show up, and we are winning those elections over and over and over again. The Donald Trump campaign doesn't know what they're doing. They don't show up.

Cruz said later that he "couldn't help" that the Trump campaign "does not seem capable of running a lemonade stand."

as you can see Trump getting the votes... but Cruz sneaking around and getting the delegates!

Yes I do think Trump will end up running as an independent... because of Cruz's *******... but that just splits the republican vote that much more... a lot of die hard republicans don't like Cruz any better than trump!

Graham summed it up pretty good the other day... this election you are liable to see a whole lot of republicans voting for Hillary!
Get used to it!
unless Benghazi can pull something out of the bag and I'm sure they are trying and want to and have something sneaky to do... it is the republican way!
Subhub174014, shut your mouth. I'm ignoring you because at this point you are just posting political libel. Court records are public information, anyone can access and verify. Hillary's career is not "propaganda", anyone with a high school education can fact check her and see she's full of sh*t. You are just a Hillary cheerleader. Whitewater is both well documented and in history books, it is not propaganda, Bill Clinton was impeached. The fact you'd dismiss historic events that actually happened shows you're as full of sh*t as every candidate running yourself.