Politics, Politics, Politics

not sure just what he did... I did read that to get that part of the law changed it wouldn't be until AFTER the election... my point is/was... so many states making changes to vote.... and why... they use the excuse to stop illegals from voting... but that is just an excuse.... they are trying to make it hard for those that should just plain have the right to vote!
Most of the illegals are just here for a better way of life and money and could care less about voting.... there are a lot of natural born citizens ... now not able to vote... my grandfather... born on the farm and has rarely left it.... drives a pickup... near 70.... NEVER had a drivers license.... and in the rural community he lives in there are a lot of people like him... and he votes... luckily in the state he lives in they haven't made any effort to change the voting laws.... but I would bet there are a lot more like my grandfather out there... now all of sudden unable to vote!
Making it difficult for anyone to vote is beneficial only if you only block those that oppose you from voting.
a lot of people don't pay that much attention... they have voted in the past and just assume they will in the future....
Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse. A lot of people get traffic tickets every year because they didn't notice that a speed limit had changed or a yield sign is now a stop sign. I also would question how qualified a person is to vote when they don't even keep current on the requirements to vote
So what? The US already spends more than the next EIGHT countries (including Russia & China) on its Defense. As far as Defense goes, what we need to quit doing is GIVING our technology away for free that we've spent billions on developing. This is a dead horse ...

The manufacturers and lobbyists of the defense weaponry not only milk the US of unnecessary espenses (ie F-35 fighter that even John McCain questions), but earmarks on various things like the Abram tank that the Pentagon proposed halting BUT the Republican congress authorized MORE MONEY for more tanks.

Has it ever occurred to you that the baby boomers are RETIRING ... that because of ACA, people are now capable of dropping one or two of their three jobs they are working, or are able to actually start businesses of their own. There are all kinds of reasons, plus the fact that manufacturing jobs are becoming automated, and many assembly jobs being sent to countries where the wages are a tenth of what our country's wages are. There are ALL kinds of reasons. Infrastructure jobs could be a big boost, but it is conservatives that turned that option down ... why? Because Obama wanted it. Also, if you are going to keep beating that U-6 soapbox issue, shouldn't the U-3 be totally eliminated. Why is it there? Why hasn't it ALWAYS been used? The same measuring stick should apply for all periods of measuring employment ... if U-6 gets you off, then apply it to all periods. Personally, I'll stick to the U-3 because that's what's being used for everyone.
U-3 should be eliminated. It doesn't provide an honest or accurate statistic about how the economy is doing. Infrastructure problems predates President Obama so quit acting like this is a recently discovered problem that President Obama was the first to deal with. Because of ACA people get to work less and retire? And now it is easier to start start a business? I am not sure what planet you are corresponding from but I am still not seeing any real gain in small business starts over small business closings. I know a lot of people my age that are still working and they are doing so so they can afford health care. Prescription ******* cost is a major problem for a lot of people. More people getting covered by PPACA is mostly a myth. About 70% of the newly insured are covered under Medicaid. With the monetary promises made to the states that expanded their Medicaid programs there has been a significant increase in the national debt.

One of the big dampers on manufacturing jobs is the regulatory overload and the federal governments hostility toward business. Don't believe me read the OSHA poster that is mandatory in all businesses. In 2015 alone there was over 20,000 pages of new regulations. There isn't compliance assistance for businesses large or small. Large businesses have the advantage of being able to support a regulatory compliance department. Small business are left to their own devices . Penalties can be substantial.

One of the most telling things is the cost of the money supply. With interest rates as low as they are money should be flying out of the banks but a lot of banks have money parked with the federal reserve getting about a quarter of a per cent of interest because they can't loan it out. There has even been some talk of going to a negative rate which is instead of paying a minuscule amount of interest they charge the banks for holding their money. If you really want to get into the money supply we could get into what is happening in the subprime market.
Torp, where does government always get its revenue? Certainly not from selling cookies. The problem here, however, is the one side has agreed that ANY increase in tax revenue is OFF the table ... period. Unfortunately, for any Democrat that might win the POTUS, that obstacle has to be resolved first. The Nat'l Debt can't be solved by simply CUTTING government services or eliminating/privatizing social & entitlement programs. Plus, the other side has to agree that the reason they are cutting taxes isn't to accomplish those things ... reducing/privatizing social & entitlement programs. No doubt, we should be more frugal in our spending, but we (who are more fortunate) have a obligation to contribute more ... we actually receive more in government services in many ways. The middleclass has been ******* enough ... there needs to be more balance in where the percent of taxation comes ... and please spare me with the dollar amounts you and the rest of the 1%ers pay.
A lot of our social programs could be cut IF those entering the work ******* were better educated and trained towards the needs of the economy ... that's a good starting point.
About half the people in this country pay no income tax because of low income. Social Security is by far the biggest bite for most people.
And that jobs market you talk about, Torp ... 72 consecutive months of job growth under Obama ... over 9 million jobs by Jan, 2016 ... here, read this report. Obama has even surpassed your "walks on water" god, Ronald Reagan for jobs growth ... wow!


Don't hear the Republicans, other than Cruz, complaining about jobs because they can't complain. Of course, Senate Majority Leader, McDonald said in January that some of the recovery should be credited to the Republicans because they opposed/stopped most of Obama's bad legislation ... he's so funny, isn't he?
About half the people in this country pay no income tax because of low income. Social Security is by far the biggest bite for most people.
.....Torp, give me a break ... we've had this discussion before, haven't we? For one, you can primarily credit the Republicans for the "federal income tax cuts" which has resulted in the poor paying far less in that particular income tax ... but I can assure you, the federal income tax cuts favor the rich, and simply make future tax cuts more palatable for those not really benefiting the most from them. Plus, when you add in the payroll tax and excise taxes, the poor pay quite a bit of their measly income into taxes. For sure, when you're talking about states which have regressive tax systems, the poor pay in a huge chunk of their income to taxes.
.....My state, NC, just cut state income taxes again, then offset it with an 8% point-of-service tax on things like auto repair services. Think about that a second ... what our Republican legislators did was simply SHIFT the tax revenue from income to services that mainly the POOR will have to pay. People with descent incomes have modern cars ... many still under warranties, but certainly not in need of major repairs + they often carry collision insurance. The poor keep their cars longer, own OLDER cars, can't afford collision insurance, and are having to often make major repairs to these vehicles to keep them running. So, you go in, have a transmission rebuilt, you pay an additional $140-200 which goes to the state in TAXES.
.....So please, let's NOT have this conversation again ... as these state & local taxes have a much larger impact on people with small incomes.
Making it difficult for anyone to vote is beneficial only if you only block those that oppose you from voting.
exactly..... and it's being done in republican led states!... goes right along with their "restructuring of voting areas.... if you can't put a good candidate forward... cheat!
Notice how every state the TEA PARTY is in charge.... they are facing huge deficits!
they want things their way... but have no idea how to manage!.... and they are trying to control the country!.... can you spell depression?
Trump Didn’t Put the Con in Conservatism
So, I’m in a time zone far, far away — and also still shaky, although I’m finally managing to hold down some food. Output will still be low, but I wanted to note something about the reactions to the John Harwood interview with Paul Ryan, which are very relevant to understanding the Republican mess.

Liberals have been jumping, rightly, on Ryan’s extraordinary dismissal of any attempt to look at the distribution of tax cuts as “ridiculous.” But conservative writers — even those who are relatively moderate, or at least try to seem that way — clearly still view Ryan as an almost saintly figure: serious, intellectually honest, and compassionate toward the poor.

He isn’t, of course. His various budgets all have the same basic outline: huge tax cuts for the rich combined with savage cuts in benefits for the poor, with the net effect being to increase, not reduce the budget deficit. But he pretends that they’re deficit-reduction proposals by claiming that he will raise trillions in revenue by closing unspecified loopholes and achieve trillions more in unspecified savings. In other words, Ryan has been playing a con game in which he uses magic asterisks to mask a reverse Robin Hood agenda — take from the poor, give to the rich — as deficit hawkery.

This isn’t hard to see, and it has been pointed out many times. Back in 2011, at the height of media Ryanolatry, the truth even became slightly mainstream, as reporters started to point out the absurdities of his assumptions.

But moderate Republican pundits can’t, won’t see the obvious. For them it’s all about affect — how he comes across — which is also why they saw tax-slashing, war-starting Marco Rubio as somehow a break from the failures of the Bush years.

So when these commentators lament the blindness of primary voters, their willingness to be taken in by an obvious con, they might want to take a look in the mirror. Is it really the con that bothers them, or just the vulgarity?
these republicans/tea party people remind me of that old horror movie with Jason

no matter how many times they ******* him... he just keeps coming back and killing more people.... no matter how much you prove trickle down doesn't work... they come back with the tea party.... sounds like a reasonable comparison to me
There are all kinds of reasons, plus the fact that manufacturing jobs are becoming automated, and many assembly jobs being sent to countries where the wages are a tenth of what our country's wages are. There are ALL kinds of reasons.
One of the big reasons jobs have gotten exported is NAFTA, I believe that was done under Bill Clinton.
And that jobs market you talk about, Torp ... 72 consecutive months of job growth under Obama ... over 9 million jobs by Jan, 2016 ... here, read this report. Obama has even surpassed your "walks on water" god, Ronald Reagan for jobs growth ... wow!


Don't hear the Republicans, other than Cruz, complaining about jobs because they can't complain. Of course, Senate Majority Leader, McDonald said in January that some of the recovery should be credited to the Republicans because they opposed/stopped most of Obama's bad legislation ... he's so funny, isn't he?
Nice chart, I have only one simple question for you. If the economy is so healthy and there are so many jobs being created why is workforce participation at it's lowest level in decades? It has been in steady decline throughout President Obama's tenure.
He isn’t, of course. His various budgets all have the same basic outline: huge tax cuts for the rich combined with savage cuts in benefits for the poor, with the net effect being to increase, not reduce the budget deficit. But he pretends that they’re deficit-reduction proposals by claiming that he will raise trillions in revenue by closing unspecified loopholes and achieve trillions more in unspecified savings. In other words, Ryan has been playing a con game in which he uses magic asterisks to mask a reverse Robin Hood agenda — take from the poor, give to the rich — as deficit hawkery.
Sounds nice in theory but in reality the number of people in this country living below the poverty line has increased steadily for about 40 years. The Republicans have pushed tax cuts that don't help while the Democrats have pushed equally ineffective social programs.
exactly..... and it's being done in republican led states!... goes right along with their "restructuring of voting areas.... if you can't put a good candidate forward... cheat!
Cheating at the polls is hardly one sided. I could write a few pages of "creative" methods that have been used to win elections in the last hundred years. Although not a hard fast rule the Republicans seem to prefer to stuff the ballot box, Democrats have tended to subscribe to the Vote Early Vote Often approach
exactly..... and it's being done in republican led states!... goes right along with their "restructuring of voting areas.... if you can't put a good candidate forward... cheat!
One of the things I don't seem to be able to follow is how making it tougher to vote is going to benefit one party or the other. Both parties would have people that would be affected.

Gerrymandering predates the first congress, it is a time honored method that all political parties have used to screw the opposition
.....Torp, give me a break ... we've had this discussion before, haven't we? For one, you can primarily credit the Republicans for the "federal income tax cuts" which has resulted in the poor paying far less in that particular income tax ... but I can assure you, the federal income tax cuts favor the rich, and simply make future tax cuts more palatable for those not really benefiting the most from them. Plus, when you add in the payroll tax and excise taxes, the poor pay quite a bit of their measly income into taxes. For sure, when you're talking about states which have regressive tax systems, the poor pay in a huge chunk of their income to taxes.
.....My state, NC, just cut state income taxes again, then offset it with an 8% point-of-service tax on things like auto repair services. Think about that a second ... what our Republican legislators did was simply SHIFT the tax revenue from income to services that mainly the POOR will have to pay. People with descent incomes have modern cars ... many still under warranties, but certainly not in need of major repairs + they often carry collision insurance. The poor keep their cars longer, own OLDER cars, can't afford collision insurance, and are having to often make major repairs to these vehicles to keep them running. So, you go in, have a transmission rebuilt, you pay an additional $140-200 which goes to the state in TAXES.
.....So please, let's NOT have this conversation again ... as these state & local taxes have a much larger impact on people with small incomes.
The current federal debt is not sustainable. If we confiscated all the wealth every penny of every billionaire in this country it would pay less than 21% of the current debt. 10 trillion might have been manageable but now we are over 19 trillion and most of this debt is re-occurring. The Federal government has never managed money in a responsible manner. What makes you think they are going to start now?
The Republicans have pushed tax cuts that don't help while the Democrats have pushed equally ineffective social programs.
True.... that's why so many Dem's are running to trump.... even with Obama and all his promises.... the middle class still seems to be shrinking..... no one left for the middle class
the republicans seem to be about the rich and doing away with social programs.... and the dems are about social programs.... but no one about the middle class..... enter trump.... but he hasn't really laid out anything... except export illegals and bring jobs home... and that last part is what the middle class want to hear... and the republicans are just tired of the obstructionist.... unless Hillary comes up with something.... Trump is a shoe in!.... even if the republicans try and pull something... first against Trump... I think he would just go independent and that would leave them with nothing!... and second I think they will pull something on Hillary... again Trump looking like a shoein.... only real change will be McConnell OUT! the dems take back the senate... but that doesn't mean trump can work with them... unless he gets the ability to FIRE them all!