Politics, Politics, Politics

Yes, people are tired of it, except they're not.

For all the "People are waking up to the GOP and are tired of it blather" that you and my friend Mac spew, the facts don't support it.

According to Gallup (not Fox News, as you always accuse me and the other conservatives of consulting), 2015 showed 12 states as solidly GOP, 11 states as solidly Democrat, 16 competitive, 8 leaning GOP, and 3 leaning Democrat, whereas 2008 had 29 solidly Democrat, 6 leaning Democrat, 4 solidly GOP, 1 leaning GOP, and 10 competitive. Yes, the American people are clearly sick of the Republican Party.


In terms of sitting Governors, in 2008 there 29 Democrat governors and 21 GOP governers, in 2016, there are 31 GOP governors, 18 Democrat, and 1 Independent.


In terms of State Legislatures, in 2008, Democrats had a majority in both houses in 23 states, the GOP had a majority in both house in 15 states, and 12 were split. In 2016, in 31 states both houses have GOP majorities, 11 have Democrat majorities in both Houses, and 8 are split. In terms of State Government, 23 states have a GOP governor and GOP majorities in both houses, 7 have a Democrat governor and Democrat majorities in both houses, and 20 have split control.


So while YOU may personally despise the Republican Party, don't profess to be the mouthpiece for the American people.
Well said
oh hell no... I just know Hillary will probably end up with things.... but with the RNC wanting all her records... I'm sure... as they have in the past... pull some dishonest *******... it is the republican way
A close look at Hillary Clinton's records and Republican misdeeds? It would be interesting to see who out misdeeds who. The Clinton's are a long way from lily white
Responsible Capitalism
Responsible capitalism is essentially a free market economy, but with a degree of government regulation to avoid the excesses and inequalities of capitalism. Responsible capitalism would involve:
  • An extensive welfare state to protect those who are unemployed or on low incomes.
  • A progressive tax system with high earners paying a higher % of their income to fund government spending.
  • Most industries would be in the private sector, but, the government might take responsibility for areas with substantial positive externalities and social benefits like health care, education, public transport.
  • A willingness to regulate monopolies and protect rights of workers.
Responsible capitalism is similar to concepts of social market economy
20,000 pages of new regulations in 2015. Often substantial fines for not complying with the regulation, but no source exists to find out what rules apply to who. Unless you are a large corporation with a regulatory compliance department you are at the mercy of the powers that be. Tell me how that helps create jobs
House Benghazi probe: Benghazi would suddenly go away IF Hillary wasn't running for the POTUS ... its purpose only to continue raising "doubt" and discredit her up to the elections. After that ... if she doesn't get elected, and accept a cabinet post, the Benghazi hounds will start sniffing for another liberal to discredit.

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This is really a funny cartoon ... brings it home to the "voter rigging and suppressing" that the Republicans have been doing under the cloak of "voter fraud". Now, Republican voters get to see, first hand, their own importance (or lack of, rather) to the voting process and the Republican tactics of going around their votes. These carnivorous Republicans are starting to devour themselves as they fight for the nipple on the dog with the most milk. I think they should all be given hand guns ... after all, don't they say "the only way to stop a bad person is a good person with a gun" ? Let's see if that would work among their own peers. View attachment 799277
She lied, she bailed and it caught up with her. She really has gotten off lightly. Both houses of Congress are controlled by the Republicans it could have been uglier. President Nixon's sins weren't really any worse than Ms. Clinton's and he resigned before the Democratic controlled Congress impeached him
In a way the USA is a one party country. And that party is the elitist party. It has two factions, the democrats and the republicans. They differ widely in rhetoric but little in any truly meaningful way. They both have the interests of the elite and themselves in mind and not the average american. They are both corrupt and will chip away at americans standards of living, rights and freedoms.
I would have to agree
Some of the details are just plainly wrong. Kasich’s proof of the president “stiffing” Congress is health care reform – which was approved by Congress. The GOP governor complained about Obama’s executive orders, but the truth is this president has issued fewer executive orders than any modern two-term president.
What is more important than the number is the scope and content of those orders
What is more important than the number is the scope and content of those orders
ok one of his is very bad...you pick the one you like... that out does all the ones other presidents have done.... that mentality is why the republicans are in the toilet!
I really hope they screw with trump and he runs as an independent.... it would really show what's left of the republican party.... just a few die hard dummies!
I am curious how the national debt is going to get paid down.
It certainly isn't going to get paid down with Cruz's 'flat tax' .. if what h-h said is true, and I haven't been able to confirm it, he says Cruz's flat tax excludes the first $37-38,ooo of family income. You tell me HOW with him cutting a flat tax of 10% that he is going to collect enough revenue by losing all that tax money? He wants to cut corporate tax to 10% as well ... everytime Republicans cut taxes, the national debt goes up.
Cruz's 'flat tax' .. if what h-h said is true, and I haven't been able to confirm it
You can't confirm it? Geez I gave you a link directly to his plan's website back in post 3273: https://www.tedcruz.org/tax_plan/

And then I gave you a link where you can see and hear him say it in post 3317: http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/ted-cruz-flat-tax/2015/10/28/id/699512/

Regarding corporate tax, if you'd bothered to read the plan's website....first link above...he wants a flat 16% on corporations.

As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him *******.
There Aren’t Enough White Voters for GOP Win

Trump talks about reaching Hispanics and blacks, but he’d be the most unpopular candidate with either group ever to lead a national ticket.

With every cycle, American politics is covered more like sports.
There are channels and programs that have elevated once obscure insider moments like the NFL combine or the living rooms of the Iowa caucus into national obsessions. Everyone is an expert because every one watches the game played on television. Everyone blogs, everyone calls into Mad Dog or Rush, everyone knows everything. No one knows anything.

But everyone is an expert. Information is consumed to confirm rather than inform opinions and in the Internet’s endless feedback loop of misinformation, every hunch quickly escalates into an opinion hardened into a truth. If only Seattle had run against New England, they would have won the Super Bowl. And in politics, for many Republicans the most unassailable truth is that winning the presidency is easy if only… and here everyone finishes the sentence with their pet theory of electoral politics.

That there is so much conviction that it might be easy for Republicans to win a national election is an odd one given history. Over the last six presidential elections, Democrats have won 16 states every time for a total of 242 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win. In those same six elections, Republican presidential candidates carried 13 states for 103 electoral votes. Here’s another way to look at it: The last time a Republican presidential candidate won with enough votes to be declared the winner on Election Night was 1988.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan won 56 percent of white voters and won a landslide victory of 44 states. In 2012, Mitt Romney won 59 percent of whites and lost with 24 states. But it’s a frequent talking point that white voter enthusiasm was higher for Reagan and turnout down for Romney. Not so. In 1980, 59 percent of whites voted and in 2012, 64 percent of whites voted.

But still the myth survives that there are these masses of untapped white voters just waiting for the right candidate. Call it the Lost Tribes of the Amazon theory: If only you paddle far enough up the river and bang the drum loud enough, these previously hidden voters will gather to the river’s edge. The simple truth is that there simply aren’t enough white voters in the America of 2016 to win a national election without also getting a substantial share of the non-white vote. Romney won 17 percent of the non-white vote. Depending on white voter turnout, a Republican needs between 25 percent and 35 percent of the non-white vote to win. RealClearPolitics has a handy tool so you can play with the percentages.
The Trump campaign talks about being able to reach out to Hispanics and African Americans but it’s not an overstatement to say he would be the most unpopular candidate with either group to ever lead a national ticket. Only 12 percent of Hispanics have a favorable view of Trump with 77 percent unfavorable. Even among Hispanic Republicans, he has a 60 percent unfavorable ranking. Among African Americans, 86 percent have an unfavorable view of Trump.

To have even a chance at winning a national election, a nominee must get 90-plus percent of their own party. But one out of every three Republicans view Trump unfavorably.

A function of a contested primary? Not really. Hillary Clinton has an 83 percent favorability with Democrats in the middle of her very hot battle with Bernie Sanders.

One of Hillary Clinton’s greatest weaknesses is her perceived lack of honesty and trust. Only 37 percent of Americans believe she is honest and trustworthy. That could be a devastating opportunity for an opponent to exploit. But only 27 percent of the public believes Donald Trump is honest.

We can go on. But of course none of this will dissuade the Trump believers who will point to his dismantling of the Republican field as proof that he is a new ******* in politics and to use that popular phrase I loathe, “There are no rules.” It’s a legitimate point and one impossible to argue as there is no alternative universe in which there was an alternative election in which the Republican candidates ran better campaigns against Trump.

It’s true that voter registration and turnout is up in the Republican primaries and I don’t see any reason not to credit Trump with those increases. We’ve seen this before with little impact on the general election but more voters and more voter enthusiasm are positive.

Trump has accumulated about half of the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination and there are credible scenarios where he does not become the nominee. (That’s another piece.) In my view, Donald Trump, if he does claim the party’s mantle, would be a historically weak and vulnerable nominee.
But let’s not kid ourselves. Even if John Kasich or Ted Cruz, the remaining two candidates, were to emerge, the advantage is still very much with the Democrats. And until the party grows its appeal with non-white voters, it’s going to take an inside straight to win the White House.

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I shudder to think what the nation debt would be if President Obama had been given free reign. PPACA isn't doing as great as you would would have us believe. Medical price increases are back to where they were pre-PPACA. Currently 3% of cancer patients file bankruptcy. Even with subsidies the only health care many can afford have huge deductibles. I am curious how the national debt is going to get paid down.
Wow...people losing all that they have over an already devastating illness like cancer. Luckily we have the NHS here in the UK which pretty much solves that problem, works great (although it has been straining due to conservative cuts) and is *massively* popular. We have a smaller debt-GDP ratio also.The problem with the USA is your ridiculously huge military spending coupled with corruption and an idiotic tax system which doesn't perform it's function of bringing in the revenue necessary to keep a modern first world country going, hence the poor state of american infrastructure, education, health care etc. This leads to reduced productivity and competitiveness which leads to weaker economic growth and a smaller economy. The crazy income inequality is also a big problem, which won't get dealt with ever because the politicians in effect work for those who fund their campaigns and give them donations, and it isn't poor people who are the main source of funding for Presidents.
wow................ people in the UK can spot our problems right off.... and yet hoping hubby has been here and on this board... and still can't figure anything out