Politically conservative

Your facts are dressed up lies

look them up your self.....if you want I can teach you how to use a search engine!

but then I think you trump supporters all buy the same type computer......one with no search engine....and you try to rely on memory....and realize you don't have that either....so now we are back to...…..??????...zero!
Yeah, you are still incorrect.
Imagine you're attending a nudist picnic, and there is an annoying mosquito going around biting everyone. They fan their faces, swipe their open hands through the air but just can't seem to rid themselves of that pesty mosquito. That's H-H ... nothing to do but be an annoyance. Its best you just spray yourself down with mosquito repellant and IGNOR the lonely little mosquito.
Doubling down on your vacuous post doesn't make it any less vacuous....it just shows everyone using their brains you have nothing substantive to say.
Sure, I have something to say. Unfortunately, your initial rebuttal demonstrated you are unable to understand the core concepts involved that are needed to explain why you are wrong. "We pay back dollars." Next time just type that you don't understand. It will be much easier on you.
Most fascinating thread here and I hardly post anymore because the discussions are monotonous, very simple in thinking and bore me. However as the question was posed to 'black men' I'll provide a response here.

I've met a few couples who happened to be conservative and was even invited to one of their homes and spent a night as well. They openly and freely discussed about being proud NRA card holders, didn't like Obama, his policies or Obamacare. Since I'm my own independent critical free thinker who sides with facts and truth I don't get upset or bothered by such views or discussions. I try to stick with the facts, be non-partisan in listening to both sides on issues, and don't fall hard right or left on the spectrum. I try to settle and rest at ground zero with a pragmatic reasonable approach in the middle with a nexus between right and left.

I have a very good friend of mine I work with who happens to be a white male from SC and loves Trump. He even knows and works with people who are extremely close to Trump in his Administration and helped him get elected (big money folks). Him and I have many discussions and he always smiles at me and says he always likes talking to me cause I do make him think and see a different side to things. I often play devils advocate as when I'm around him or others far-right leaning I play left but then when I'm around some of my family and friends who are left leaning I play right. Hence I end up back in the middle. I don't agree with all things from the right nor the left but I will tell them where I see common ground.

It's important to have discourses, exchanges of information, share ideas, and not be so myopic in one's thinking that there is only way right or left way. In the end so long as no one has thoughts about harming themselves, others, or the environment or carrying out such things through policies they are free and entitled to their own beliefs.

Bottomline here as some other people have pointed out, politics are not often brought into the bedroom nor do they stop people from hooking up. There are many married people who vote differently, and as others have brought up its only the thoughts of prejudging and discriminating against a whole other group because of their skin color. As Ghandi said truth lies in every human heart and the truth never changes and we all know in our hearts there is more we have in common as humans and struggles than what separates us with beliefs.

Oh and no matter whether Conservative or Liberal, IR is still hot to both!

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Awesome response didn’t know if we would be judged even tho we are allowing you to pound my wife lol! We just love IR and figured our views would come out at some point!
Sure, I have something to say. Unfortunately, your initial rebuttal demonstrated you are unable to understand the core concepts involved that are needed to explain why you are wrong. "We pay back dollars." Next time just type that you don't understand. It will be much easier on you.
I will say you've grown up some...used to be when you had nothing substantive to support your stance you'd stoop to such scintillating discourse as:

Go fuck yourself.

At least you're trying to act as a adult. That puts you ahead of MacnLies on many occasions. You've probably even duped a few of the useful idiots here, despite your complete lack of anything to support your statements....of course that's a pretty low bar to dupe them.
I will say you've grown up some...used to be when you had nothing substantive to support your stance you'd stoop to such scintillating discourse as:

At least you're trying to act as a adult. That puts you ahead of MacnLies on many occasions. You've probably even duped a few of the useful idiots here, despite your complete lack of anything to support your statements....of course that's a pretty low bar to dupe them.

did it ever dawn on you that with so many saying it......must be something to it?
I will say you've grown up some...used to be when you had nothing substantive to support your stance you'd stoop to such scintillating discourse as:

At least you're trying to act as a adult. That puts you ahead of MacnLies on many occasions. You've probably even duped a few of the useful idiots here, despite your complete lack of anything to support your statements....of course that's a pretty low bar to dupe them.
Coming from you that means nothing. And why would I go to the trouble of trying to explain this to someone that says debt to GDP is poor measure because "we pay back dollars?" I would have more success explaining it to a dog than to you.
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Quite funny coming from someone that uses childish nicknames like Obummer. I suggest it is you that needs to do some growing up.
No it's a derogatory nickname, much like your calling our President "Drumpf"

Now childish behavior is your elementary school playground name calling such as your calling people "dumbass" and telling them to "go fuck yourself" when you can't debate them intelligently.

Dumbass, that's not what I was laughing about.
The other groups you mention are either not liberals or not racist in their core beliefs.
Go fuck yourself.

But we've been over this before....if you're going to get repetitious in your ad hominems we can start just numbering our replies to your repeated BS as we do with Mac....this shall be ZwingDung#1

I didn't say Drumpf was namecalling....but hey, why bother with easily observed facts right?

Your use of "dumbass" was classic elementary school playground name calling....very much unlike the type you accused me of....but of course you'll never admit that.

This sort of mindless back and forth is quite illustrative of the intellect demonstrated on here regularly by the liberals. This started when I agreed with your comment that a SCOTUS justice doesn't have to have a law license. I elaborated on that to point out there really are almost no qualifications for a SCOTUS justice and pointed out how incredibly unqualified Kagan was for the position, having never even been an attorney of record in a courtroom, much less ever being a judge at any level.

You couldn't argue any of those facts, so you started in with elementary school playground commentary "go fuck yourself" just like Mac.