Politically conservative

Obama was lowering the deficit when he left office ...
Utter BULLSHIT as usual from you....Haven't you had your fill of the obummer kool-aid by now????

The last 3 fiscal years for Obama:
FY 2015 $438 Billion deficit
FY 2016 $585 Billion deficit
FY 2017 $665 Billion deficit

Obummer averaged an over 25% year of year INCREASE in the deficit over his last three fiscal years. His last submitted budget even predicted an increasing deficit through 2026.

Utter BULLSHIT as usual from you....Haven't you had your fill of the obummer kool-aid by now????
As you continue following me around nitpicking for "errors" which that one was an error, here's the BIBLE on President Obama's entire presidential results. Everything!
I assume you won't discounted as "fake news".
Let's use this from now on.
I can't wait to see Trump's presidential "first term" results ... it'll be hilarious, I'm sure.
Now go back to sleep, or go look for your wife, or check the internet for janitorial or night guard jobs.
The real problem has always been over spending by both parties. There are very few true conservatives in Washington that believe in responsible budgeting.
Getting back to the original topic. Being conservative doesn't have anything to do with racism despite what alot of media are peddling. I can believe in reduced government spending and regulation without hating anyone.
First of all, revenues as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), which is the best way to compare across years, dropped from 19.1 percent in 1981 to a low of 16.9 percent in 1984, before rebounding slightly to 17.8 percent in 1989.
Debt as a percent of GDP is a particularly bad way to look at the debt since we don't pay back as percentages of our GDP....we pay back dollars.....or more correctly we borrow more dollars to pay back the dollars we borrowed in the past thanks to deficit spending by EVERY administration/congress for decades. Conflating deficit or debt and GDP is useful for politicians to confuse the useful idiots into making things look not as bad as they are.
One reason the deficit soared during Reagan’s term is because spending went up as a share of the economy and revenues went down.
As a share of the economy is immaterial here. The deficit soared simply because they spent more money than they took in. Revenue soared under Reagan and so did spending. Of course Reagan couldn't do any of this in a vacuum. He was hampered in his plans by a House that was deeply entrenched in a run of 40 years of Democrap control. Reagan did agree to some tax increases in 1982 and in that compromise with the House (where ALL spending bill must originate) Speaker Tip O'Neill agreed to provide $3 of spending cuts for every dollar of tax increases. When the dmeocraps wanted still more tax increases, Reagan famously told Tip, "I'm still waiting for those spending cuts."

Debt as a percent of GDP is a particularly bad way to look at the debt since we don't pay back as percentages of our GDP....we pay back dollars.....or more correctly we borrow more dollars to pay back the dollars we borrowed in the past thanks to deficit spending by EVERY administration/congress for decades. Conflating deficit or debt and GDP is useful for politicians to confuse the useful idiots into making things look not as bad as they are.

As a share of the economy is immaterial here. The deficit soared simply because they spent more money than they took in. Revenue soared under Reagan and so did spending. Of course Reagan couldn't do any of this in a vacuum. He was hampered in his plans by a House that was deeply entrenched in a run of 40 years of Democrap control. Reagan did agree to some tax increases in 1982 and in that compromise with the House (where ALL spending bill must originate) Speaker Tip O'Neill agreed to provide $3 of spending cuts for every dollar of tax increases. When the dmeocraps wanted still more tax increases, Reagan famously told Tip, "I'm still waiting for those spending cuts."

You are incorrect.
Obama's Economy sucked the only time his unemployment numbers went up is when peoples time ran out.

you seem to make a lot of statements with little or no regard for the facts.....just replied to this same statement on another thread....do you go from thread to thread making the same false statements?
The real problem has always been over spending by both parties. There are very few true conservatives in Washington that believe in responsible budgeting.
Getting back to the original topic. Being conservative doesn't have anything to do with racism despite what alot of media are peddling. I can believe in reduced government spending and regulation without hating anyone.

you used to hear Ryan make that statement all the time.....and yet what has he done......write all kinds of checks the country can not cover

the right likes to tell you that they are conservative.....but if you look at the facts it is not so....

Which Party Loves Deficits? | The New Republic
Nov 02, 2010 · Which political party cares more about reducing deficits? Megan McArdle says it's not really either. To me, it's an easy call. McArdle argues that the …
Debt as a percent of GDP is a particularly bad way to look at the debt since we don't pay back as percentages of our GDP....we pay back dollars.....or more correctly we borrow more dollars to pay back the dollars we borrowed in the past thanks to deficit spending by EVERY administration/congress for decades. Conflating deficit or debt and GDP is useful for politicians to confuse the useful idiots into making things look not as bad as they are.

As a share of the economy is immaterial here. The deficit soared simply because they spent more money than they took in. Revenue soared under Reagan and so did spending. Of course Reagan couldn't do any of this in a vacuum. He was hampered in his plans by a House that was deeply entrenched in a run of 40 years of Democrap control. Reagan did agree to some tax increases in 1982 and in that compromise with the House (where ALL spending bill must originate) Speaker Tip O'Neill agreed to provide $3 of spending cuts for every dollar of tax increases. When the dmeocraps wanted still more tax increases, Reagan famously told Tip, "I'm still waiting for those spending cuts."

Reagan is directly responsible for destroying the Middle Class of America, and I am not the only one who thinks so. A number of political analysts have written on this very subject.

James Joiner on allvoices.com calls him "the destroyer of main street" and "the ******* of this nightmare we are living.

He goes on to state of the Republicans: "They call themselves the party of Ronald Reagan! That scares the hell out of me because Reagan was the ******* of the war mongering high Deficit compassionate Conservatives that gave Birth to much war present and future unless Obama can turn around the disaster they created around the world with their war mongering!" (http://www.allvoices.com/contribute...in-street-and-a-ronald-reagan-jr-i-agree-with).

Pablo Mayhew, a columnist on rawstory.com goes so far as to refer to Reagan as a criminal no better than his Republican predecessor, Richard Nixon. He relates Reagan's role in the Iran-Contra affair in which Reagan pled "forgetfulness" when pressed about it.

Mayhew concludes with these words: " as one great writer has contended, that Richard Nixon broke the heart of the American Dream, then Reagan broke its back Now.... the American Dream is clearly down for the count." (http://www.rawstory.com/exclusives/mayhew/reagan_destroyed_american_dream.htm)

And listen to what Thom Hartmann, prominent television and radio talk show host and commentator, had to say about the devastation today on our economy that was the direct result, he reports, of Reaganomics when he appeared as a guest on
Dateline just prior to Obama taking office.

"when Reagan came into office we were the largest exporter of manufacturing goods and the largest importer of raw materials on the planet. And, the largest creditor--more people owed us money than anybody else in the world. Now, just 28 years later, we're the largest importer of finished goods, manufactured goods; the largest exporter of raw materials--which is kind of the definition of a third-world nation -- and we're the most in-debt of any country in the world. This is the absolute consequence of Reaganomics." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thom-hartmann/thom-hartmann-defends-the_b_150964.html)

These graphs bear out exactly what all these people have been saying about Reagan being directly responsible for destroying America and the Middle Class. In looking at these pay particulular attention to 1981, the year Reagan took office.

Obviously, George H. Bush, Clinton, and Gorge W could have reversed this trend; instead, they, for the most part became keepers and harbingers of it.

Working people's share of the benefits from increased productivity took a sudden turn down:

"Conservative policies transformed the United States from the largest
creditor nation to the largest debtor nation in just a few years, and it has only gotten worse since then: " So avows the author who researched the subject and collected the graphs. (http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts)

You can find all kinds of books and articles praising Reagan, but what I have presented are the cold, hard facts about what the man did to our economy with his Reaganomics. For those who would like to read more on this subject, go to:

Reagan Revolution Home To Roost: America Drowning In Debt
Reagan Revolution Home To Roost: America IsCrumbling
Finance, Mine, Oil & Debt Disasters: THIS Is Deregulation
Not facts something another delusional person wrote if you get data from a bunch people feeding you the same ******* you get *******

just off a search engine for anyone to look up.....you should learn how to use one......you might learn something...….doubt it...but there is a chance

it would seem you spent time in combat without a helmet!
And flack jacket with no plates .cause Clinton defunded military

wrong again....he just put it back where it was because Bush gave it so much it raised the deficit...…..one of the above articles covered that....had you taken the time to read...….but then that is why you support trump....facts and logic are not something trump lovers know anything about
If google told you it was raining they could piss on your head. Bush spent it wher he should have, should have cut mpre other places

sure just like trump is doing now...….thought you was complaining about the spending....oh....that was just until you figured out who was not being conservative is that it?

now I know why they gave you 2 ass cheeks......so you could talk out of both of them....the rest of us use them to sit on