Is it hot when white women say the N word?

Some people are gonna have their feelings about it and some are gonna find it a turn-on, but if we're keepin it 100 if you're willing to play like this- which is all about indulging in taboo- you really shouldn't have a problem with that particular aspect either.
Not cool...We’ve had it said by guys while they were fucking Mrs O. Stuff like “suck that N cock”. I never know how to react. She just starts sucking and doesn’t ask questions and ignores the comments... she wouldn’t say it.
I feel it depends on the people there. There are some guys who are into it, some who aren't. I don't think we should just say it unless the guy lets us know he is ok with it. One of my guys basically lead me to say it with him and after talking with him he liked it. But its not something I would just do on my own without knowing before that the guy is into it.

If it stays in the bedroom and everyone is cool with it, go for it. But even if its ok in the bedroom it shouldn't be something you say out in public.

Find out what works for you and your partner and as long as everyone is on the same page go for it.
This is a sensitive topic and it can generate strong opinions. Kudos to the previous posters for keeping things (generally) civil thus far. Intellectual discourse is a good thing. The very nature of this forum will posit questions of this nature from time to time. It's interesting to see varying opinions.

Whether your view is for or against, we can all agree that things that happen during sexual encounters that are completely unacceptable elsewhere; the roles that people assume in the bedroom often times aren't representative of who they are outside of their sexual persona. Name calling, degradation, race play and the like are a part of this scene, whether folks like it or not (obviously some folks like it or this discussion would be void).

As long as this discussion remains analytical and affable in nature, carry on.
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My wife had one man instruct her to use the word. It's not something we had ever seen before during our fun, she was hesitant but he was adamant she follow his directions. In the end, it turned him on, knowing she was giving him what he enjoyed made my wife that much hotter and watching them both become a sweaty mess was fucking spectacular. Afterwards, it was drinks, a bite to eat and great conversation followed by another round of dirty talking sex. It's not something we'd go looking for but in the right situation...if requested...she'd probably go there again. My wife normally doesn't wear a leash and collar, although, sometimes it's kind of fun at the correct time and place. I certainly understand it's not for everyone but more than a few people may frown on the sex this group/site is already enjoying
Wonderful to see so many disparate views on this topic. What's also great to see is the 'n' word being reclaimed from racists who used it in some of the most derogatory and awful ways possible.