Is a black guy fucking a racist white woman hot to others in the community ?

Is it just me or does any other black guy find fucking a racist old white woman hot? The idea of changing a racist woman's mind about a black person by fucking her with my black cock is exciting...
How would one even get to that point of doing that in the first place? If she is a racist, not sure of a circumstance that would make her want to have a conversation much less one that would result in her fucking unless it was just pure curiosity based on what she heard. Also, I doubt she would reveal that.
There is really no logic to this. A racist wouldn't even want to breathe the same air much less have his/her body come into contact with the race they are repulsed by. But assuming she is a reformed racist, I still doubt she would reveal that, but then again, she might. If still a racist, definitely not gonna happen.
I believe you did bang an old white lady, I just don’t believe it was an old “ racist “ white lady. Just don’t see a true racist willing to get banged by a person they are racist against, particularly a woman.There is no way to prove she was or wasn’t , just my thoughts.

Wow, so much to unpack here but I don’t think I have the energy to. I’ll just say you would’ve had to have been there to witness the context and micro-actions at play. In all fairness, I can only prove she was prejudice based on interacting with her but her husband was definitely a racist based on the true definition of it. By extension, them being married and the position she was in, I would assume she was racist as well. As I can only HOPE you understand, racism isn’t using bad words or having bad thoughts towards someone based on their color, ethnicity or culture. Racism is all about action and only white people within this global system of white supremacy have that “privilege” of practicing true racism.
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Seems like a lot of people really don’t understand what objectification is and how it works. Just like they don’t understand what white supremacy truly is and how it works as well.
No such thing as white supremacy. Now are there groups as such yes. So called black people don't practice self preservation. And have no sense of culture
Wow, so much to unpack here but I don’t think I have the energy to. I’ll just say you would’ve had to have been there to witness the context and micro-actions at play. In all fairness, I can only prove she was prejudice based on interacting with her but her husband was definitely a racist based on the true definition of it. By extension, them being married and the position she was in, I would assume she was racist as well. As I can only HOPE you understand, racism isn’t using bad words or having bad thoughts towards someone based on their color, ethnicity or culture. Racism is all about action and only white people within this global system of white supremacy have that “privilege” of practicing true racism.
No there isn’t a lot to unpack. It’s simple, you told a story and I simply don’t believe the woman was a total racist at heart. Looking at the previous responses from others, I’m not alone with that same conclusion. To be clear I don’t expect you to prove anything nor am I calling you a liar, I just have a very specific opinion of your story ( the lady) and that’s it. Also,spewing out hateful words is in fact an observable “action” but I get your point.
I cant say about others, but lot of Indian women, we are not really racist, but we may come across as racist, because we grew up in a different culture and environment, and when we move to a country which has a diverse racial population, we have some prejudice and pre conceived narrative. A lot of Indian women avoid mingling with blacks because of those. But once you interact with blacks you understand they have a different culture than our just like any other race. India was ruled by white Brits, so that is not new to us, else we would be same way with whites also.
I cant say about others, but lot of Indian women, we are not really racist, but we may come across as racist, because we grew up in a different culture and environment, and when we move to a country which has a diverse racial population, we have some prejudice and pre conceived narrative. A lot of Indian women avoid mingling with blacks because of those. But once you interact with blacks you understand they have a different culture than our just like any other race. India was ruled by white Brits, so that is not new to us, else we would be same way with whites also.
Here in Sweden people have generally been very tolerant of other cultures and races. But with the current influx of migrants, I sense that this is changing. In general most of the immigrants behave, but there is a small group that royally fucks it up for everyone. Here in Sthlm, there are gang-shootings on a daily basis, and in 90% of the occurrences, blacks or arabs are involved. It's all about d.rug cartels. And it has spread far beyond Sthlm. Almost all relevant towns/cities are poisoned with it. So racism is on the way up, because of this.
racism is not hot, raceplay is! There's a difference. I'm into raceplay it gets me going
It's a double sided sword. Just think about it:
If there is no racism, where is the taboo-part going? And speaking for myself, the taboo part is what excites me. The social "unacceptance" of interracial relations, and furthermore bi-racial k.ids in an all white family.
It's even hotter if it's her parents who are racist. I'd love to marry a qos and see how happy her racist parents are that she settled down woth a white guy, then see the shock on their faces when our first baby comes out black.
These are the kind of things that drives people to do the extremes … don’t push & ******* people’s hands. When you understand they don’t like it, keep it away from them or keep away from it. Too many lives have been compromised or lost to ego or sheer anger to ‘get back at a man’ for over stepping a family’s boundary overtly.
I cant say about others, but lot of Indian women, we are not really racist, but we may come across as racist, because we grew up in a different culture and environment, and when we move to a country which has a diverse racial population, we have some prejudice and pre conceived narrative. A lot of Indian women avoid mingling with blacks because of those. But once you interact with blacks you understand they have a different culture than our just like any other race. India was ruled by white Brits, so that is not new to us, else we would be same way with whites also.
May I ask if the Indian view of Black Americans is a view built into the caste system or no? With no disrespect at all, where do the preconceived notions come from, and are they built in before you get here?