How should interracial be promoted more in society?

You bring up a really good angle that I didn't consider which is promoting interracial through personal relationships. Cucks need to befriend as many white women as possible. Be good friends with them and make it clear that you are not interested in fucking them. Give them emotional support and be a person they feel comfortable talking to about anything. If you know of a good interracial movie or show invite them to watch it with you. Don't be weird about it or mention that it is interracial. Just be like "hey I'm going to go see this movie want to come watch it with me?" or If you are browsing netflix stop at a movie or show that you know has interracial stuff in it, pretend that you don't know what it is about and be like "why don't we try this one?" If while watching it she says anything positive sexually about black men be supportive of it and encourage it if you can without being weird. Subtlety is important.
I imagine you mean movies with interracial themes and not porn right? I have definitely recruited white women into BBC obsession just by being friends with them and talking about by experiences in Africa and with African women - who always give praise to BBCs and seethey as symbols of fertility. ALL of my African partners have talked about BBC during sex even when I didn’t bring it up. They feel white dick and think “oh, here we go.”
I imagine you mean movies with interracial themes and not porn right? I have definitely recruited white women into BBC obsession just by being friends with them and talking about by experiences in Africa and with African women - who always give praise to BBCs and seethey as symbols of fertility. ALL of my African partners have talked about BBC during sex even when I didn’t bring it up. They feel white dick and think “oh, here we go.”
Correct. Not porn. Unless she is the one to bring up porn. With women it is important that they be the one to initiate. If you try to push it on them, especially things that are overtly sexual, that's when it starts to become weird and they can start to tell you are perving.
Correct. Not porn. Unless she is the one to bring up porn. With women it is important that they be the one to initiate. If you try to push it on them, especially things that are overtly sexual, that's when it starts to become weird and they can start to tell you are perving.
Totally agree. Never fire up a porn video with your friends lol. As I said above, just talking about how African women praise African cock usually gets my white female friends intrigued and then obviously horny. I’m pretty open about my wife and I’s lifestyle and they’ve seen our newborn fully black baby so….
And as for men I think it's the most effective to just be upfront that you're into cuckolding. Men like to share their sexual adventures with other men. They love to brag about that stuff. So when men start talking about sex they had you can start talking about cuckolding. The important thing with men though is that you have to show confidence. Men are always talking about how important it is to have confidence with women but mostly that is just projection because confidence is really important with men. If you act shy or insecure while talking about cuckolding they will make fun of you. But if you're strong and hold your frame and don't smile or act embarrassed they will respect you. Men respect other men who have balls and don't care what other people think.
You hit the nail on the head with the confidence thing. This is what is referred to as toxic masculinity. If you’re out with every day kinds of dudes, they will always talk about their sexual adventures. It really comes from a place of insecurity. I have often brought up cuckolding but with a lot of confidence. Also, all of my friends know I have a beautiful black wife, and that I have had a lot of beautiful African girlfriends throughout my life. So when it comes from me they are equally shocked and intrigued. In one on one conversations, they often reveal that they also have cuckolding fantasies.
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That's absolutely great and what I'm talking about!
Subtle and implied that they begin the journey of BBC only as if its their idea!
I imagine you mean movies with interracial themes and not porn right? I have definitely recruited white women into BBC obsession just by being friends with them and talking about by experiences in Africa and with African women - who always give praise to BBCs and seethey as symbols of fertility. ALL of my African partners have talked about BBC during sex even when I didn’t bring it up. They feel white dick and think “oh, here we go.”
That's absolutely great and what I'm talking about!
Subtle and implied that they begin the journey of BBC only as if its their idea!
Other than movies and shows with interracial couples another important thing is the music you listen. If you're ever listening to music with a white woman it is important to play rap music made by a black artist with lots of sexual lyrics. Ones where they rap about fucking white women is especially good.
Has any one noticed that the age for both professional and homemade women clips or cd's who take BBC has moved up in years. Some of these women are in their 50's or 60's. I look at this as a change in two ways. How far back did porn go showing women beyond 30 years or older doing interracial. Now days it don't take a lot of searching to find porn with white women over 30 doing interracial porn. You can even find a CD with women over 50 easy enough doing interracial. Maybe some of this may be from freed Russian countries. Secondly how many women over 50 in interracial relationships vs 30 or 40 years ago. Also another milestone look at the Asian porn some is interracial but the biggest thing is not showing pixelated pussy or dicks.
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So I asked OpenAI this question and this is the response I got:

Promoting interracial relationships between white women and black men requires a nuanced approach that recognizes the unique historical and social context of this relationship dynamic. Here are some potential strategies that society can use to promote interracial relationships between white women and black men:
  1. Addressing Stereotypes and Biases: Society can work to address the harmful stereotypes and biases that contribute to negative attitudes towards relationships between white women and black men. This includes promoting positive representations of these relationships in the media and popular culture, challenging stereotypes about race and gender, and providing education and awareness about the impact of racism and discrimination.
  2. Creating More Inclusive Spaces: Society can create more inclusive and diverse spaces that encourage social interaction and relationship building between white women and black men. This includes creating diverse workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods, and promoting social events and activities that bring people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds together.
  3. Addressing Systemic Racism: Society can work to address the systemic racism and discrimination that disproportionately affect black men, and that can impact relationships between white women and black men. This includes advocating for policy changes that promote social justice and equity, addressing the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, and combating discrimination in all its forms.
  4. Supporting Interracial Relationships: Society can provide support and resources for couples in interracial relationships between white women and black men, including counseling, community groups, and legal services.
Ultimately, promoting interracial relationships between white women and black men requires a deep commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and social justice, as well as a willingness to challenge harmful stereotypes and biases. It is important to approach this issue with sensitivity, respect, and understanding, recognizing the complexity and depth of the issue of racism.
So I asked OpenAI this question and this is the response I got:

Promoting interracial relationships between white women and black men requires a nuanced approach that recognizes the unique historical and social context of this relationship dynamic. Here are some potential strategies that society can use to promote interracial relationships between white women and black men:
  1. Addressing Stereotypes and Biases: Society can work to address the harmful stereotypes and biases that contribute to negative attitudes towards relationships between white women and black men. This includes promoting positive representations of these relationships in the media and popular culture, challenging stereotypes about race and gender, and providing education and awareness about the impact of racism and discrimination.
  2. Creating More Inclusive Spaces: Society can create more inclusive and diverse spaces that encourage social interaction and relationship building between white women and black men. This includes creating diverse workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods, and promoting social events and activities that bring people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds together.
  3. Addressing Systemic Racism: Society can work to address the systemic racism and discrimination that disproportionately affect black men, and that can impact relationships between white women and black men. This includes advocating for policy changes that promote social justice and equity, addressing the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, and combating discrimination in all its forms.
  4. Supporting Interracial Relationships: Society can provide support and resources for couples in interracial relationships between white women and black men, including counseling, community groups, and legal services.
Ultimately, promoting interracial relationships between white women and black men requires a deep commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and social justice, as well as a willingness to challenge harmful stereotypes and biases. It is important to approach this issue with sensitivity, respect, and understanding, recognizing the complexity and depth of the issue of racism.
I think your vision is too poltical
This is just a matter of sensuality; of mutual attraction
Generally speaking, Black Men are sexually superior to white men . And every white wife who has been lucky enough to be fucked by BBC wants it again and again ...
Nothing political in here !
I think your vision is too poltical
This is just a matter of sensuality; of mutual attraction
Generally speaking, Black Men are sexually superior to white men . And every white wife who has been lucky enough to be fucked by BBC wants it again and again ...
Nothing political in here !
That was an AI response that wasn't me. I just copied and pasted it from the AI because it was too large to fit into a screen shot.

I also asked it what positive effects interracial porn had on society and this is what I got:

Screenshot 2023-02-26 at 04-43-32 ChatGPT.png
O.K, so this fellow Al does nt know what he s talking about !!! :)
My wife has Black Lovers, and I can guarantee you she does nt give a dam about social justice or politics !! She s just addicted to their strength and sexual skills
Has any one noticed that the age for both professional and homemade women clips or cd's who take BBC has moved up in years. Some of these women are in their 50's or 60's. I look at this as a change in two ways. How far back did porn go showing women beyond 30 years or older doing interracial. Now days it don't take a lot of searching to find porn with white women over 30 doing interracial porn. You can even find a CD with women over 50 easy enough doing interracial. Maybe some of this may be from freed Russian countries. Secondly how many women over 50 in interracial relationships vs 30 or 40 years ago. Also another milestone look at the Asian porn some is interracial but the biggest thing is not showing pixelated pussy or dicks.
What is a freed Russian country?