How many women had decided to have sex with black guys without hubby knowing?

Personally I think the wife will much more enjoy a black lover making love to her all alone....either her husband lets her be with him alone or she has her fling without him knowing.

The sex will be way more passionate, intense more heart pounding exciting with the risk factor of no condoms and he's stays in...her mind will be racing ....she will have the feeling of being single again and all alone with a brand new lover in bed being made love to with nothing between them and he's a black guy.

TWO lovers in ONE bed that's it....she will have the best experience of her life by far alone with him.
That's so obviously true it barely (!) needs saying or explaining.

The fucking of my wife (now my ex) by my young black best buddy (now her husband) in private---yes, I do eavesdrop on them when I safely can---is so much more intense and vigorous and explosive and repetitious and frankly wankworthy for me than when I am in there with them, it's astonishing. And utterly draining and exhausting for me, in a good way of course.
My ex did!

I'd always had a bit of a 'slut' fetish (along with other fetishes). Although a lot of that was me liking a girl to have a past, but not really wanting it brought into current reality and certainly not an interracial thing at that time.

Anyway, about 10 or so years back I was dating someone who I knew had cheated on everyone she'd ever been with -- in my naivety I thought I'd be an exception -- although we did share fantasies.

We were in a difficult spot, she was working nights, and I later found photos on a flash drive that proved she was banging a black security guard! At first I thought it was just one, but later found it was several!

The initial anger led to us breaking up -- I was livid at first -- but I also found myself masturbating to thoughts of her behaviour!

Months later, after I processed it, I got back in touch with her, and we started some adventures (a story in itself) -- the experience transformed my tastes, because before that I had no interest in anything IR.

Nowadays, I want a girl to like black men before we even start -- I don't want this to be about me, as much as I enjoy it, I want it to be about her tastes and something I can never fulfil!
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Personally I think the wife will much more enjoy a black lover making love to her all alone....either her husband lets her be with him alone or she has her fling without him knowing.

The sex will be way more passionate, intense more heart pounding exciting with the risk factor of no condoms and he's stays in...her mind will be racing ....she will have the feeling of being single again and all alone with a brand new lover in bed being made love to with nothing between them and he's a black guy.

TWO lovers in ONE bed that's it....she will have the best experience of her life by far alone with him.
Yeah sighhhhhhh! Very hot and very true. My wife tells me repeatedly that the totally private sex she has with my beautifully athletic black huge-cocked young buddy is "infinitely hotter and better" when I'm out of the house and far away from them so they don't have the anxiety of me arriving back home unanounced to perv over them.
Hi dear Friskygirl25!

To a less informed person, not only does what you describe seem strange, but also downright unnatural, because an undercultured person does not understand the whole of human behavior!
All primates on earth are essentially polygamous "software" creatures, so instinctively choose several partners for yourself from your point of view, even in parallel with each other! There are many stimuli from the world around us that develop positive emotions and / or strong sexual urge in a person in response, and we receive these stimuli with our senses .
Based on this finding, many sexual psychologists believe that in some cases a relationship / marriage can be saved by some form of sexual openness (in this case, a heterosexual relationship between a white woman and a black man)! Loyalty is actually an emotional bias, but for a woman (or man) not everything is romance and emotional background, because compared to an existing relationship, you need newer and more exciting stimuli through sexuality in order to be spiritually refreshed!! Varietas delectat = The variety delights! The Romans believed deeply in the content of this Latin saying, and they were right!!
Several posts revealed that too many and too strong stimuli valued the majority of the ladies to be able to exercise self-control, because then they would have developed a feeling of lack that caused very serious frustration and obeyed their sexual instincts. The question of the formation of guilt is now irrelevant! Most sex psychologists say they contribute directly and / or indirectly (emotional coldness, poor sexual performance ,overly conservative values ... etc) to their own deception through their partner, which is only exacerbated by the amount of different stimulating stimuli from the outside world, which causes the ladies to step into the field of deeds on their own.
Ladies also want to be happy for understandable reasons, and if happiness comes in a concentrated way from the outside world in the form of one or more people, some women will no longer wait for their husbands to reach the level of emotional development when they are able to process the wife's polygamous desires! It is my sacred belief that if both members of the couple understand the dynamics of polygamous desires, it will help them to be emotionally able to tolerate the sexual desires of the wife / husband that they want to experience with other people, and there is no need for a "forbidden walk" in such relationships because one member of the couple can confidently turn to the other party and, by mutual agreement, create "rules of the game" under which even both members of the couple can live up to their desires!
Couples with a swinger lifestyle are the best examples of this! In many cases, such swinger pairs form very stable sex-friendly companies, which also results in the stability of marriages!!
Except with totally wimpy and sexually inadequate white husbands, total openness about a wife's sexual curiosity and desires and deep need to take a black lover, defuses the disruptive marriage-breaking tensions and jealousies and distrust that sap cuckolding of its thrills and beauty and relationship-enhancing power.
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Malorie, would look at other guys when we were out and about. I straight up asked her one day if she thought the guy she was looking at was hot, and if she wanted to sleep with him. She was dumb founded, loss of words. After an hour or so when she was out of the situation she said yeah I think some guys are hot but I been with white guys, Mexican guys, asian guys, and they are all the same. So I said what about black guys. She lost her ******* on me. She said all my girlfriends tell me to steer clear of black guys, they are violent, rough, don't listen, and just don't care as long as they bust a nut. She said two of her girlfriends were hurt internally from black guys just being rough. I stopped her there and said that is stereotyping. I have had many brothers and sisters in the military and we are all green, yes there are some green folks that are bad apples but not all. Second look at your girlfriends they sit around collect unemployment and do nothing all day but hang out with ******* addicts hence the reason I asked you steer clear of them as you are not into any of that. So I said next time you come to visit me in VA we will go out and u can meet some of my coworkers ands friends I have made her in VA. She came, we went out, she kept looking at a subcontractor of mine. So I asked her do u think he is hot. She said yes. So I introduced them and went back to my friends to allow them space to talk. By late evening she came to me and asked if I was cool if we brought the guy home. She also said sleeping with a black man she has always thought about it but she had just heard to many things and she didn't want to cheat on me. I said well hell let's go back to the hotel and bring him with us. 6.5 hours later after all my sd cards were full as well as Malorie he left and we went to breakfast. Now she talks to black guys all the time and will say hey I have plans with so and so next time I come to see u.
She refuses to play by herself but I am sure that will change over time.
So she never cheated but she definitely thought about it and now she gets bbc when ever she can.
Except with totally wimpy and sexually inadequate white husbands, total openness about a wife's sexual curiosity and desires and deep need to take a black lover, defuses the disruptive marriage-breaking tensions and jealousies and distrust that sap cuckolding of its thrills and beauty and relationship-enhancing power.

You are right in a sense, but keep in mind that every wife has an individual subjective set of values!!
One wife can be perfectly delighted with her husband’s medium-sized (14-17 cm) but thick penis, coupled with a very strong emotional bond, as well as adequate sexual culture and stamina. For another wife, only the black bull (and / or another white man) is the benchmark and she finds her husband truly pathetic and open to criticism.
We were on a swinger cruise and husband had drank a bit to much during the super hero-themed party and had gone to bed. I stayed out to dance and ended up connecting with a sexy black batman (with dreadlocks!) - I was made up as Harley Quinn, so we were drawn together. Talking led to making out and that led to wild tipsy sex at the outdoor play area (under the Caribbean stars). Didn't tell husband until well into the next day (after his hangover was done) - the sex afterward with fantastic!