How many liberal white women and white couples on here ?

We support policies that benefit all Americans. A thriving economy with boundless opportunities for all, combined with a strong military and a safe, peaceful world work for me. So, no to being a liberal. Why would I want to hurt any race? Now, back to hot sex discussions! :)

America cannot have policies that benefit "all" Americans until it comes to terms--completely--with its racist history. As such, a thriving economy and a strong military only benefit those who are positioned to take advantage of them (mainly White people), not those who have been economically/socially/financially disadvantaged throughout America's history (mainly minorities, and Black people disproportionately).

There's a lot more I could say, but I don't think it would change your mind. There is a difference between equality and equity.
It's no war , figure of speech. Supporting the black community as a whole don't just see them as a fetish or entertainment ( celebrities , athletes) . Support even when your around your peers. Like I said , I knew I wasn't going to get many responses but negative ones and trolls , which shows me something.
Keeping Quiet when your around your white friends when they have disparaging remarks against any minority makes you just as guilty as the person saying the remarks. WE CAN AND MUST COME TOGETHER!
It's no war , figure of speech. Supporting the black community as a whole don't just see them as a fetish or entertainment ( celebrities , athletes) . Support even when your around your peers. Like I said , I knew I wasn't going to get many responses but negative ones and trolls , which shows me something.
I see blm for what it is. An organization. Am I right? Is it not? But then theres the sheep who act like its an ideology. BLM operates like a corporation. Its structuctured like a ponzi scheme. Im not dumb enough to blindly follow something resembling a cult. I see it time and time again. If something is designed like a psy op. Im out! This has nothing to do with the black community. And everything to do with a global initiative. I bet half them attractive girls holding signs are paid models. And they make sure the media gets these shots. But the reality is you dont see many attractive girls at these protests. Its like war propaganda.
I see blm for what it is. An organization. Am I right? Is it not? But then theres the sheep who act like its an ideology. BLM operates like a corporation. Its structuctured like a ponzi scheme. Im not dumb enough to blindly follow something resembling a cult. I see it time and time again. If something is designed like a psy op. Im out! This has nothing to do with the black community. And everything to do with a global initiative. I bet half them attractive girls holding signs are paid models. And they make sure the media gets these shots. But the reality is you dont see many attractive girls at these protests. Its like war propaganda.
Who in the fuck is talking about black lives matter ? I said support the black community ? Black lives matter as a slogan is what I support you fucking racist ,