how build a relationship with stag husband before sex after sex and how do you keep the relationship going after the first encounter

My cuck likes to me to be with several guys so I dont get attached He also likes the alot of guys with there hands all over me although most of time he is not allowed to watch....maybe listen
i mean how do bulls reach out to you or your cuck
Respect and exploring mutual interests that go beyond superficial fraternal stuff ("great game from the Sixers last night!")

Human beings are involved here, and while some BDSM(y) humiliation/dehumanization is involved with cucks, stags are a different story - their thing is (overall) enjoying seeing their wife pounded by the Bull (after which they typically go wild on her while reconnecting). So, making the effort to build a connection through those mutal interests not only increases your chances of keeping the relationship going, it may net you a true friend.