Hillary wont be a friend of gun owners

It's because that's ALL they got to do ... they have no platform the majority of voters support. Lie, deceive, redirect, create fear ... that's their strategy to victory ... LIE in public .... get called on their lies, they retract their lies in private when there isn't a large crowd to cheer them on. And with Donald Trump, it will be magnified 10X ... its going to get interesting between now and November for sure.

Congratulations on describing the playbook of most liberal and RHINO's. And you are right. With DT in charge (Oh hell, just with him in the race) it WILL get at least 10x as bad.

That is one of the many reasons I am a Cruz supporter (besides, he's from Texas. lol.). He does NOT lie. DT had to go back (of course he only did it once he won the nomination) and take back all of the nasty lies about Cruz he said.

Personally, I don't think debates between a murderess and a deceiver will be very interesting. Cruz vs Hillary would only be interesting in as far as seeing how harshly Cruz would DESTROY at the voters booth.
That is one of the many reasons I am a Cruz supporter (besides, he's from Texas. lol.). He does NOT lie.
Then you're calling Facts Check a liar as well, as they critiqued the comments of all the Republican candidates during the GOP debates and Ted Cruz proved to be the BIGGEST LIAR of them all in his FACTS. Suggest you go there and read about it.
Actually, I'm quite calloused, falcond .... I find your constant comments to me like a mosquito at a nudist party.

..... and I'm simply trying to avoid our arguments and intrusions out of respect to the forum, falcond. You and I are both polarized in our political opinions; its a waste of both our times to address each other's comments. I posted those pics because of the constant comments regarding the illegalities of purchasing of automatic weapons ... takes 3 minutes to make an automatic weapon and those aren't being outlawed. Its a way around the law and the NRA endorses them.
.....One of the things mentioned in the article this morning is the obsession Americans have with guns. Although the US population represents only 4.5% of the world population, the US population owns 40% of the world's guns. We're, by far, the most gun-saddened nation on earth, bar none. And the NRA if feeding off you folks that have bought into their BS ... and it definitely IS View attachment 887362 that they're feeing the right-wing.

Personally, I do find some of the things the NRA claims to be outlandish and false. But I find a lot more to agree with than I do to disagree with. And I still like very much one of the things I put in my Government plan from 2012 - that being to abolish all lobbying of government officials. Those who break the law need to do at least 5 years, with no possibility of parole, and have their organization and/or company that broke the law dissolved.

I would believe the numbers you cite. They are probably pretty accurate. But I don't think "gun-saddened" is terminology I would use to describe this country. I understand some, including you, would describe the situation that way and that is your right to believe that way.

You are right, especially with the AR-15, that it takes about 3 minutes to convert it from Semi to Full auto. Same goes for a lot of those kind of weapons. But that is the person doing something wrong, not the gun. Whatever happened to personal responsibility in this country? The person is in the wrong not the gun.
Then you're calling Facts Check a liar as well, as they critiqued the comments of all the Republican candidates during the GOP debates and Ted Cruz proved to be the BIGGEST LIAR of them all in his FACTS. Suggest you go there and read about it.

Yep. I am. Especially because many, if not all, of the things Facts Check cited as lies were later proven that Cruz was right and Facts Check later had to walk back many of the things they said. It's like the statement from that Trump rag, The National Destroyer, that Cruz was having affairs left and right. They were later proven to be outright lying. Trump's methodology is throw it against the wall and see what sticks.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility in this country? The person is in the wrong not the gun.
a lot has changed over the years... just listen to the news... a lot more whacko's out there now than there used to be... some just want their name in print for ANY reason... others just go over the edge.... road rage is getting up there any more... people just don't have patience or tolerance for anything... tempers flare.... then you got the druggies and the gangs.... all of which was pretty rare 25 years ago
a lot has changed over the years... just listen to the news... a lot more whacko's out there now than there used to be... some just want their name in print for ANY reason... others just go over the edge.... road rage is getting up there any more... people just don't have patience or tolerance for anything... tempers flare.... then you got the druggies and the gangs.... all of which was pretty rare 25 years ago

And that's an excuse for ignoring personal responsibility?
And that's an excuse for ignoring personal responsibility?
there is no excuse for ignoring your responsibility.... it's just there are a lot of people out there who could care less... or have no tolerance for what you want.... come to think of it that could apply to some on this board.. hahahah
there used to be a lot of emphasis on family... everything was family.... anymore it's about money and keeping up wit the "jones's"... and for some it is a struggle just to make ends meet and in the end the ******* suffer from lack of "guidance".... with both parents out working to take care of the family ... ******* are out....?
there used to be a lot of emphasis on family... everything was family.... anymore it's about money and keeping up wit the "jones's"... and for some it is a struggle just to make ends meet and in the end the ******* suffer from lack of "guidance".... with both parents out working to take care of the family ... ******* are out....?

I blame a lot of that on Marketing and Media.
I'm sure you herd about the boy that got taken by an Alligator? the news lady said - and I quote - "Where will this monster strike next."

News media is where the "fear factor" comes from, The Media is simply a host that breeds the "bacteria". Unless you have taken your reality pill you will catch it.
I blame a lot of that on Marketing and Media.
I'm sure you herd about the boy that got taken by an Alligator? the news lady said - and I quote - "Where will this monster strike next."

News media is where the "fear factor" comes from, The Media is simply a host that breeds the "bacteria". Unless you have taken your reality pill you will catch it.

Agreed. But the political sides, BOTH sides, push the media to do it and often provide the script for them to do it.
I think what it boils down to..... some of these people on the right lack the gonads to take care of themselves... so they need long powerful objects to make up for their shortcomings.... now they can sit back and shoot off at the mouth over one thing or another... and whip out their long powerful objects

Hahahaha.......i assure you that not it. Its called defending yourself from criminals
Interesting article in our morning paper today regarding the "assault weapons" ... fastest things flying off the shelves and being ordered ... Bump-Fire stocks, infra-red & thermal sights & scopes, high-capacity clips, sniper rifles, 50-cal. ammo, silencers, flash suppressors ... all those things you need to go big game hunting and for "family fun" shooting.

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Check out the video ... in just 3 minutes you have a weapon that can shoot, maim or ******* over 100 rabbits in a crowed field, or 100 people in a crowed nightclub. THREE MINUTES!
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Yeah, aint America great!
like I said above!......

So i suppose everyone of those people in Orlando just lacked the gonads to defend themselves too.

Please there are always gonna be nuts and crazies out there so if you think you can handle everybody with your beer muscles go ahead. I will keep my Glock handy.
Then you're calling Facts Check a liar as well, as they critiqued the comments of all the Republican candidates during the GOP debates and Ted Cruz proved to be the BIGGEST LIAR of them all in his FACTS. Suggest you go there and read about it.

Please, lots of nerve calling Cruz a liar when you have the biggest liar in government running for president....Hillary lies so much she actually believes it.