Hillary wont be a friend of gun owners

whtsub4bbc.... the reason for the spike under Obama..... he is trying to clean up the mess his predecessor got us into!.... If we had left Iraq alone in the first place we wouldn't be number 1 on the hit list... the first Bush was smart enough to leave things alone and just take care of a mess... although had he built a post there like we have done everywhere else... Germany korea and etc to help stabilize things ...but the second Bush had to go in and.... shut up Hussain and really put our dick in the ringer..... we still would not be in any of this
So instead he fills up a couple of 55 gallon drum with gasoline and crashes them through the wall of the building in his car or truck. He wouldn't even have to be in it. Just point the vehicle and throw brick on the accelerator. Throw a lit flare in for a guaranteed ignition. That could have been even uglier
or just back his car up and put a hose on his exhaust and put it in the AC vent..... getting just a tad bit off topic...there is an old saying that does apply here.... a lock stops the curious... nothing stops a thief!.... if someone is going to do a mass killing he will find a way.... but why make it easier by letting him have guns of mass destruction
No wonder Hillary wants to ban guns.



ah, the sarcasm drips from your lips. Hope you won't mind when I start returning the same to you. How long do you think you can last until you start tossing out your insulting name callings again? I'll give you a week, max, especially if you're responding to my posts! :)

CNN this morning said he was American born ... I'll get back to you on that.

And since when did LEGALITY have anything to do with anything? Witnesses who were in the club, again on CNN, said the gun was automatic ... again, we'll see as the investigation progresses. Note, I did not say the gun was automatic ... so save your sarcasm.

The reports were he just purchased this weapon a werk earlier.....no way it was an automatic.....he was inside for three hours before they killed him....you could do a lot more damage than that with an automatic weapon....
I guess the truth hurts, Mac. But it usually seems to with you, especially if I post something that doesn't totally cowtow to your point of view. Ain't gonna happen. If honesty bugs you that much, may I suggest you take your own advice and not post on this or any other thread? Everyone has a right to their opinion, whether it is correct or not. Mine just happen to be backed up with facts that you cannot dispute and it frustrates the hell out of you.
Over 100 dead or wounded ... by one man with an AR-15; Point Made ... Enough Said!
The only time DENIERS will change their minds is when it is THEIR FAMILY gunned down.
These guns are NOT needed for entertainment, unless entertainment to YOU is killing large numbers of people.
And, these guns are not needed for HOME DEFENSE ... just more conservative BS ... same old "pissing down our backs and calling it rain" ... the Ostrich Syndrome!
The NRA owns the Republican Party ... and I mean O-W-N-S them!
Not needed for entertainment, nope they are not but thats whats great about america, if you want one go buy it and have fun.
whtsub4bbc.... the reason for the spike under Obama..... he is trying to clean up the mess his predecessor got us into!.... If we had left Iraq alone in the first place we wouldn't be number 1 on the hit list... the first Bush was smart enough to leave things alone and just take care of a mess... although had he built a post there like we have done everywhere else... Germany korea and etc to help stabilize things ...but the second Bush had to go in and.... shut up Hussain and really put our dick in the ringer..... we still would not be in any of this

Iraq has nothing to do with the issues of guns or the 2nd Admendment (which is covered in our bill of rights.) Iraq is an issue of NATO telling Bush Sr. that he was to leave Baghdad alone. Bush Sr. wanted to capture both Baghdad and Saddam in the gulf war. That is why they stopped just shy of Fallujah. Further more had we learned the lessons of the disaster known as Vietnam we would have learned the politics does not belong in war. War is about death mayhem and destruction. Nothing more, nothing less. Why we went a second time already in a war with Afghanistan God only knows. It was stupid and a 2 front war never works. Look at Hitler. Korea is still a war alive and well. There was never a peace treaty only a cease fire signed. Everyday there are small gun battles along the DMZ.

Now to the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Admendment. Almost all of our military was minute men and reservist at the same time there was no Wal-Mart or anything like that so you had to hunt or die. The latter is a tradition I do today. My guns used to be called "assault rifles" do to the fact they come from WWII. However if you wanted to you can assault with any weapon of your choosing. All is needed is a bit of training and trigger time. No assault domes not mean a fully automatic gun. You have to spend ass loads of money and several background checks to ubtane a class III weapons licence or a tax stamp. What you can on the regular is a semi-automatic or a double action (also known as Cowboy action only found on revolvers) rifles shotguns and pistols. All 3 can be used in a variety of ways. Me as a sane person uses them for protection and hunting.

For gun control if you strip every law biding citizen from guns do you think for one second that murders will stop. There is a black market for a reason. There is an underground for a reason. It isn't for law biding citizens. Now wouldn't you want to have the choice to defend yourself or would you rather plead on your knees hoping a criminal doesn't ******* you?