Hillary wont be a friend of gun owners

being just a bit stupid there are you?

Not really. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. You can't insist that congress has to follow the same laws they impose on the people and then exempt them from this law. Why is it any different? Their life is more important than yours?
Over 100 dead or wounded ... by one man with an AR-15; Point Made ... Enough Said!
The only time DENIERS will change their minds is when it is THEIR FAMILY gunned down.
These guns are NOT needed for entertainment, unless entertainment to YOU is killing large numbers of people.
And, these guns are not needed for HOME DEFENSE ... just more conservative BS ... same old "pissing down our backs and calling it rain" ... the Ostrich Syndrome!
The NRA owns the Republican Party ... and I mean O-W-N-S them!
Over 100 dead or wounded ... by one man with an AR-15; Point Made ... Enough Said!
The only time DENIERS will change their minds is when it is THEIR FAMILY gunned down.
These guns are NOT needed for entertainment, unless entertainment to YOU is killing large numbers of people.
And, these guns are not needed for HOME DEFENSE ... just more conservative BS ... same old "pissing down our backs and calling it rain" ... the Ostrich Syndrome!
The NRA owns the Republican Party ... and I mean O-W-N-S them!

Over 267 dead or wounded, by two young men in terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon:


When will the madness end???? When will we enact serious pressure cooker control laws????
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Over 100 dead or wounded ... by one man with an AR-15; Point Made ... Enough Said!

Why are you not passionate about saving these lives?

The only time DENIERS will change their minds is when it is THEIR FAMILY gunned down.

WRONG. even if my entire family was gunned down I would not change my mind about gun control - why? because I am smart enough to know it was not the GUN that killed them, it was not lack of gun control that killed then. I am smart enough to know it was the wacko pulling the trigger that killed them and that PERSON is who I will hold responsible.

You shouldn't live in fear Mac.
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Over 100 dead or wounded ... by one man with an AR-15; Point Made ... Enough Said!
The only time DENIERS will change their minds is when it is THEIR FAMILY gunned down.
These guns are NOT needed for entertainment, unless entertainment to YOU is killing large numbers of people.
And, these guns are not needed for HOME DEFENSE ... just more conservative BS ... same old "pissing down our backs and calling it rain" ... the Ostrich Syndrome!
The NRA owns the Republican Party ... and I mean O-W-N-S them!

You are truly uneducated on firearms. I will not change my opinion and the Constitution says it is my God given right to own one for protection "from foes both foreign and domestic". AR-15's are also used in hunting. I am surprised you do not know this, but you are probably just ignoring that fact, as well. You seem like the ******* type. I thought you would understand the fact that it is important to put animals, being used for food , etc.. down quickly and humanely. An AR-15 can put an ******* down much more humanely than a one-time wounding.

You call me a denier. Exactly what am I denying? The fact that this was a tragedy? No. The fact that the FBI cleared this guy 2 years ago? No. The fact there is no law EVER proposed or ratified that could have prevented this tragedy, except for complete confiscation of every gun in the world, the closing down of every manufacturer, and the banning of any materials that could have been used to make a gun like it? No. So you tell me. Exactly what am I denying?

They ARE needed for home defense. A crook runs a hell of a lot faster when he hears a semi-auto firing than when he hears one blast of a shotgun.

And once again, I would appreciate the cessation of the name calling. Very counter-productive.
You are truly uneducated on firearms... AR-15's are also used in hunting..... You seem like the ******* type. I thought you would understand the fact that it is important to put animals, being used for food , etc.. down quickly and humanely. An AR-15 can put an ******* down much more humanely than a one-time wounding.
There you go again, falcond, and you wonder why you and I can't carry on a descent conversation. You can't help with your insults. Then, when its returned you cry "foul" and start crying about being attacked.
"An AR-15 can put an ******* down much more humanely" ... now that's funny. Yeah, I imagine you need a 30-shot magazine to hit those frik'n jack rabbits; those mothers are pretty fast. I tried hitting one with a semi-22 but it only held 15 "longs" ... pretty tough. Should have had an AR-15 with a 30-round clip I guess, right? If you're serious about hunting for food, try using a black powder rifle and go hunt a frik'n grizzly bear or bull elk ... give the wild game a chance. We already know it can put down over a 100 people ... that comment was too funny ... gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
You call me a denier. Exactly what am I denying?
I don't see where I've called you ANYTHING falcond. Please point out where I've specifically addressed you, here. You're the one wishing to make yourself a victim to my posts; possibly because you feel you need someone to insult and argue with, and you see me as your nemesis. That's fine, but when I start returning the insults, falcond, don't go running to the moderators or looking for sympathy from the other posters. It was you who got the 2 of us kicked off a thread once before, and it was you who got yourself kicked off that same thread a second time, and then pitched a tantrum and left. I would like to retract what I said earlier about you lasting a week ... I don't think you're going to last 2 days.
They ARE needed for home defense. A crook runs a hell of a lot faster when he hears a semi-auto firing than when he hears one blast of a shotgun.
BS ... that's just the point ... with a shotgun I'm not planning on having to fire more than once or twice, and they won't be running once I'm done firing. That pretty, impressive AR-15 fires rounds that go through houses ... fine if it is YOUR HOUSE, but, I, or someone I love, may be living next door to your sorry ass, or standing in the street, when you go on your Wild Bill fits and empty your 30-rounds to scare off an intruder. No thanks!
And once again, I would appreciate the cessation of the name calling. Very counter-productive.
And once again, please point out where I have name called you? Or are you simply wanting sympathy from the readers and moderators that might not take the time to actually confirm where I'm supposedly name calling you? You're so desiring to make yourself appear victimized. Keep up the harassment of me, however, and I'll most assuredly grant you your wish. Now, go take your meds and take a "rest period".
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I have a Torus Judge and thinking about a Smith and Wesson 500. I know delivers right with those guns I don't have to aim right at an intruder I just have to point near them
For pure stopping power and room clearing potential nothing tops a plain old 12 Ga. shotgun 00 buckshot is the preferred load but #2 shot or larger is very nasty. I shudder to think what could have happened in Orlando of the SOB had a 12 ga and ammunition instead of the AR-15 and a handgun.
BACKGROUND CHECKS (including psych) ... wonder WHO has been pushing for that?
Certainly not the NRA owned Republicans.
The man in Orlando had had legally purchased firearms he apparently also had legitimate training. From what I have read so far there wasn't any indication that he was mentally unstable. The tripping point appears to be a couple of gay males that were kissing in front of wife and children. He apparently got quite upset and/or angry about the incident. I am sure that if someone displayed inappropriate behavior in front of your wife and children, especially if the children are small you would be upset I know I certainly would if some one did that to my family. But I am not going to arm myself and commit mass ******* and I doubt that you would either

It does beg the question. At what point do you involve the authorities in a persons actions and opinions? You have taken off on rants on more than one occasion, do you pose a danger? I don't think so but what if I am wrong? I have offered to get in the boxing ring with you. Are you fearing for your life? I certainly hope not. A lot of things are more evident in retrospect. If every minority every person with an alternative lifestyle took umbrage at every slur or threat civilization would likely grind to a halt
Over 100 dead or wounded ... by one man with an AR-15; Point Made ... Enough Said!
The only time DENIERS will change their minds is when it is THEIR FAMILY gunned down.
These guns are NOT needed for entertainment, unless entertainment to YOU is killing large numbers of people.
And, these guns are not needed for HOME DEFENSE ... just more conservative BS ... same old "pissing down our backs and calling it rain" ... the Ostrich Syndrome!
The NRA owns the Republican Party ... and I mean O-W-N-S them!
Nice rant about assault weapons, but if you want real room clearing capability a 12 gauge shotgun with large shot, preferably 00 buckshot is way more effective than the AR-15. The ironic thing is that of all the firearms out there the shotgun is likely to be the last that is regulated. If you want a real shoulder fired cannon get a 10 gauge

For the sake ff argument lets say no firearms of any type were available. So instead he fills up a couple of 55 gallon drum with gasoline and crashes them through the wall of the building in his car or truck. He wouldn't even have to be in it. Just point the vehicle and throw brick on the accelerator. Throw a lit flare in for a guaranteed ignition. That could have been even uglier
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Over 267 dead or wounded, by two young men in terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon:


When will the madness end???? When will we enact serious pressure cooker control laws????
Better start regulating plumbing supplies. Short sections of threaded pipe can easily be made into bombs. How about chemical warfare? Two products that are readily available in bulk from any farm supply store when mixed together generate a lethal gas cloud. And it doesn't have anything to do with ammonium nitrate
Better start regulating plumbing supplies. Short sections of threaded pipe can easily be made into bombs. How about chemical warfare? Two products that are readily available in bulk from any farm supply store when mixed together generate a lethal gas cloud. And it doesn't have anything to do with ammonium nitrate

Lets not forget our right to peaceful assembly as these mass shooting tend to happen where people gather. ;)
Nice rant about assault weapons, but if you want real room clearing capability a 12 gauge shotgun with large shot, preferably 00 buckshot is way more effective than the AR-15. The ironic thing is that of all the firearms out there the shotgun is likely to be the last that is regulated. If you want a real shoulder fired cannon get a 10 gauge
Write this down ... something we BOTH agree with, Torp. I own 2 shotguns ... 12 gauge semi, and my grandfather's double-barrel 16 guage Winchester; both filled with buckshot.
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I have offered to get in the boxing ring with you. Are you fearing for your life?
haha ... yeah, I certainly am .... (not) ... its just that I fight for self-defense not fun. Can't see any fun in getting punched in the face for "fun" and/or to prove that my "testosterone level" is up to yours. I suspect that I'd get "ill" rather fast after a few pokes to the face (I do have 5 years of self defense I took when my ******* were taking theirs) and I would simply roundhouse your knee, Torp, and your ability to stand, much less continue a boxing match, would be over. I'd think we would both want some kind of challenge much more civil.
You irritate me in a good way, Torp .... Let's not make it unfriendly & confrontational.
haha ... yeah, I certainly am .... (not) ... its just that I fight for self-defense not fun. Can't see any fun in getting punched in the face for "fun" and/or to prove that my "testosterone level" is up to yours. I suspect that I'd get "ill" rather fast after a few pokes to the face (I do have 5 years of self defense I took when my ******* were taking theirs) and I would simply roundhouse your knee, Torp, and your ability to stand, much less continue a boxing match, would be over. I'd think we would both want some kind of challenge much more civil.
You irritate me in a good way, Torp .... Let's not make it unfriendly & confrontational.
Interesting concept, too bad it is unlikely to happen. If it did I would likely feel bad when I injured you
Nice rant about assault weapons, but if you want real room clearing capability a 12 gauge shotgun with large shot, preferably 00 buckshot is way more effective than the AR-15. The ironic thing is that of all the firearms out there the shotgun is likely to be the last that is regulated. If you want a real shoulder fired cannon get a 10 gauge

For the sake ff argument lets say no firearms of any type were available. So instead he fills up a couple of 55 gallon drum with gasoline and crashes them through the wall of the building in his car or truck. He wouldn't even have to be in it. Just point the vehicle and throw brick on the accelerator. Throw a lit flare in for a guaranteed ignition. That could have been even uglier

I tried to make the same argument either earlier in this thread or on the politics thread that if AR's and AK's were not available he would have gone to knives. Then we ban knives. Then how do we cut the steak of the elk or moose we just beat to death with our fists? lol. But Mac conveniently ignored that.
It does beg the question. At what point do you involve the authorities in a persons actions and opinions? You have taken off on rants on more than one occasion, do you pose a danger? I don't think so but what if I am wrong? I have offered to get in the boxing ring with you. Are you fearing for your life? I certainly hope not. A lot of things are more evident in retrospect. If every minority every person with an alternative lifestyle took umbrage at every slur or threat civilization would likely grind to a halt

THAT is a good and legitimate question. How does a person know when? Although there are a few who claim to be, there are very few (if any) who are actually psychic and can read minds and predict the future. How does one determine what someone will intend and do in the future?
There you go again, falcond, and you wonder why you and I can't carry on a descent conversation. You can't help with your insults.

That was not an insult. Just a statement of fact based on your rants that you need to educate yourself on firearms before you become so vehemently opposed or pro something.
First, I was upset, because you said ". . . needed for entertainment" about AR-15's. NO gun is NEEDED for entertainment. And to most normal human beings, a gun is a last stand of defense, not the first thing they reach for. But, this guy was not using it for defense. He could have just as easily taken a big truck and driven it through the place and killed and injured just as many. Would you then be proposing banning trucks? My guess is no, you would not. And that just makes you inconsistent and disingenuous. I mean if the gun is to blame in this case, why wouldn't the truck be to blame in the scenario I presented?
Second, I was upset, because you are getting better at the sarcasm and backhanded statements - assuming that entertainment to me would be killing a lot of people. Pretty sick if you ask me and a thinly veiled insult. Especially since the statement was directed at me, personally.
Let's play a game. Let's say I agree with your statement that an AR-15 is not needed for home defense (I actually disagree, but let's just say I agree for argument's sake.). So what weapon would you say IS needed for home defense? Shotgun will ******* a man at close range as easily as an AR. *******? same thing. Knife? Try going up against a crook who has a gun with a knife. And who is to determine where that line is? The government? Yeah, like myself and millions of others would trust them to know anything.

The only time DENIERS will change their minds

That is an insult to me, because of the subject and the way the conversation has gone, you are lumping me in with your denier group and I am denying nothing.

"An AR-15 can put an ******* down much more humanely" ... now that's funny. Yeah, I imagine you need a 30-shot magazine to hit those frik'n jack rabbits; those mothers are pretty fast.

Did I mention anything about jackrabbits? No. Again you assume. And we both know where that gets you. I was actually talking about much larger prey from a long distance away. Wind can affect a shot. Weather can affect a shot. Terrain can affect a shot. A person might miss and only wound the ******* with a 30.06 single shot, whereas a 3 shot burst from an AR, it won't matter if you miss slightly. The ******* is down and staying down. Again. Education, Mac.

I don't see where I've called you ANYTHING falcond. Please point out where I've specifically addressed you, here.

I already addressed this issue and it is a combination of both this thread and the politics thread. Oh, I know. You never do anything wrong or call names or insult people. You're a perfect angel. So where did the horns and the tail come from?
Nobody needs to know what happened in the past. It's none of their business. But I will point out that you got yourself banned too. And I bet that wasn't the only time for you. And I will note that you deemed it necessary to spread private business to the whole community. You just can't stand it that now there are a bunch of people who actually call you on lies and incomplete statements and that don't just sit there and nod their head to everything you say. The biggest enemy of a liberal? Independent thought.

try using a black powder rifle and go hunt a frik'n grizzly bear or bull elk ... give the wild game a chance.

Actually, when I hunt, I prefer to use a bow for exactly the reason you stated.

That pretty, impressive AR-15 fires rounds that go through houses

So does a .22 long if it hits at the right angle.

Keep up the harassment of me, however, and I'll most assuredly grant you your wish. Now, go take your meds and take a "rest period".

Harassment? you must be joking. I am responding to your posts. You posted first, since I have been back, directly to me. I didn't ask for or want your attention. Any moderator or user of the forum can see it in black and white.
And if your last statement is not an insult directly to me, I don't know what an insult is - questioning my mental state, or maybe just making me seem like a frail old man who needs a nap. You don't know me so stop acting like you do. And the rest of what I want to say, you would consider a threat and go run to funny, so I won't say it.
Just remember who dragged me into these conversations.
Better start regulating plumbing supplies. Short sections of threaded pipe can easily be made into bombs. How about chemical warfare? Two products that are readily available in bulk from any farm supply store when mixed together generate a lethal gas cloud. And it doesn't have anything to do with ammonium nitrate

Oh no Torp!! Don't forget we will need to ban pressure cookers too!