Has the Coronavirus Affected your Play Lifestyle

OMG it's not the plague, go sit in a contained room and wait it out if you're that fucking paranoid. Wash your hands with soap and water and stay clean, not so hard is it.
Yea you seem to have a really good grasp on this so i guess we are all safe since you think so, it's funny how many people attack what others speak of pretending they have any fucking clue what is going on Lol. How would you know how serious this virus is or isn't
I agree, trust me I agree but it seems that was effective in stopping this if the Chinese govt is to believed. My 401K cant take another hit, the stock market is in free fall and people dont listen so we need a strict hand but look whats happening in NY... the national guard.... a lock down of a neighborhood... not in a million years did i see that coming
Sorry I suspect yor 401K might get another negative hit?

Sorry I suspect yor 401K might get another negative hit?

Sell high (I did) and buy low (I will). Being a “contrarian investor” has always worked for me. Like Warren Buffet says, when everyone else is running towards something, tend to run away. And when everybody else is running away, tend to run towards it. But, you have to have enough of a window of time to recover. I do for this one. But next time . . . .
am planning to cancell our trip to Italy in June. this is a mess
never mind June stay away from Italy this year, this thing is so serious and every one has to be so careful.
trumps next step could stop you all leaving.
take proper precautions and all should be safe.
you don't need a degree in rocket science to work it out
be safe one and all.
never mind June stay away from Italy this year, this thing is so serious and every one has to be so careful.
trumps next step could stop you all leaving.
take proper precautions and all should be safe.
you don't need a degree in rocket science to work it out
be safe one and all.
I am betting this is a cousin of the flu and come April-May, it will be gone. Italy is a beautiful place.. maybe not now but it would be better by the fall
Holy mackerel, this crappy virus can lead to a global recession! It's not only the gastronomy and tourism industry inflicted. No, the entire economy comes down and will most likely end up in a worldwide recession with all the negative consequences we have been through a couple of years ago!
Yea you seem to have a really good grasp on this so i guess we are all safe since you think so, it's funny how many people attack what others speak of pretending they have any fucking clue what is going on Lol. How would you know how serious this virus is or isn't
And how would you know, even the experts are telling us to just wash our hands and stay home if we're sick. You live yours and I'll live mine, byeee
Yeah, I did for me. Especially meeting women out in stores. I still flirt and say, stay Corona safe. But, I really enjoy the hunt. Just, keep your body alkaline. Read about it. I been doing it for years, never had the flu or a cold since I the 8th grade. I am 45 now, it speaks for itself.
I have basically taken a hiatus due to this virus and its not even the news scaring me or the crazy people hording all the supplies at the market but the fact that people dont really take care of themselves and will still want to party or go out when they dont feel well. Also hard to have fun when you are ******* money in the stock market
Wow, the newest cospiracy: the virus is a biological weapon and got unintentionally free in a Chinese laboratory on Wuhan?! :cool:
SO i be honest, I thought this and still do. I dont believe that it was because they eat a bat. News flash.. they have been eating bats and what not for hundreds of years.

My thought is that they were experimenting on an ******* andone got away and procreated and someone eat it and now we have this
The virus has been around for years its not new its amazing how fear spreads off of ignorance !!
Coronavirus has been here for years which is why its COVID19 however its Only been in Animals... this is the first Jump..which is why there is fear. Dont blame people... One good things this has done is to tell people to be more hygienic
They do this ******* every few years to cause panic and turmoil in the world....primarily for financial gain! Remember the bird flu....or what about the swine flu!? Strategically done....so people panic! All a distraction....
The virus has been around for years its not new its amazing how fear spreads off of ignorance !!
They do this ******* every few years to cause panic and turmoil in the world....primarily for financial gain! Remember the bird flu....or what about the swine flu!? Strategically done....so people panic! All a distraction....
It might have been around forever but it might have been enhanced as an hazardous bioweapon. :unsure: