Christmas Tree Hunting


Today we went to the Christmas Tree farm... Took my own bowsaw as we usually do... Rode the tractor out... After 30 minutes of evaluating the merits of particular trees that struck us we chose a tree. Full, green and lovely against the other trees; built like a brick chicken house.

We get the tree netted and on top of the car. It looked rather "full" in it's netting... As a matter of fact the netting appeared to be struggling to contain the glorious fullness of greenery.

We drove the tree home, got the ropes off and waited until we were ready to bring the tree in. With the help of a very jumpy dog, we shoved the tree through several doorways, slid it down a hall, got the stand on it and righted the still netted tree. Sure, it was a leaning a bit but that wouldn't matter, we'd have to work on it once the netting was off anyway.

So, with a pair of sheers I begin cutting the netting straight up one thin piece of plastic netting at a time... The tree was making noises, a slight rustling. I got to the last piece of netting and I get the sheer almost to that piece of netting when *snap* *woooosh* *clunk*. We were taken completely by surprise as the tree exploded into it's fullness as was the large dog who choose to lay down under the tree. And then we noticed a painting behind the tree was knocked off the wall.

We stood back, took the tree in and noticed the netting was only off of half the tree... There was still 15 inches of tree still contained by netting.

Lesson not learned again this year... We can take the tree that is full, green and lush! We do not need the tree thats "just a bit larger".