Bull's qualities

I am attracted to tall bald black men, attractive, well manicured and a nice body is always an add-on, but they don’t have to be some kind of fitness junkie, I like a good cock- thicker the better have but it doesn’t have to be overly long, and most importantly is compatible attitude. I’m not into humiliation and degradation of my spouse, and all of this kind of crazy stuff. We’re a fun loving couple and we look for a compatible playmate that has a great attitude is easy-going and is funny and respectful and can hold a conversation. Definitely is not a ******* user - I don’t think skunks or pot heads smell good, not a big drinker ( I ******* but on a play date ******* partners aren’t fun) a professional career person is always a bonus but they don’t have to be. jJust compatibility is the most important thing What kind of personality do you have? That’s the huge portion of who is the right person for you.
Well said!