Black men wearing their socks

Grip !! Thats a good point ...
I can see women now during the get acquainted cocktail ... Guy says its a no go for me if cucky is anywhere on the bed .. Wifey says agreed. Its a no go for me with ass to mouth. Guy says agreed. But its a no go for me if I cant keep my socks on ... Wifey says are we talking dress or athletic ? Guy says dress . wifey says as long as they are black and come no higher than 1/4 inch above your ankle .. Honey do you still have that tape measure.. 😆😆😆 😆 gtfoh smh 😆😆😆
If your are so worried about your feet touching the floor because the house is skanky then you need to got to a hotel or a place that is well kept. That's gross!
When you go to a couples house you never know what’s on their floor if it isn’t carpet. I’ve been to houses where the tile is just not at it’s best... So my socks stay on, and their floor can stay as dirty as they want it.
When you go to a couples house you never know what’s on their floor if it isn’t carpet. I’ve been to houses where the tile is just not at it’s best... So my socks stay on, and their floor can stay as dirty as they want it.

If you are worried about the cleanliness of their floor it’s probably better to keep your pants on as well. 🤣
So tell me gentelman what is it about fucking that says you have to keep your socks on! I hate it! I see this hot picture or video of some serious passionate fucking and as it pans out -here comes the black socks or worse white footies. You’re killing me! Please take your socks off. If you want me to dress up for the occasion then you got to play your part too and take off the damn socks.
So bare feet?