BBCs and the Covid vaccine?

To get the vaccine or not?

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Well the consequences of being unvaccinated are pretty apparent already, I hope you are at least taking precautions to protect yourself and others around you. Choosing to be unprotected has consequences for other people as well
My herbs serve me fine
My fasting serves me fine
Sauna serves me fine
My diet serves me fine
My exercise serves me fine
My mentality serves me fine
Any discussion is waste of time. No point to convince. I will never ever get vaccinated and you can take 100 vaccines good luck. EOS

I am astounded so many slappers with acidental partners got so sensitive about health all of sdden lol
You do have the right to commit suicide! However, you don't have the right to ******* others even if they are your family. You don't have the right to cause others economic harm. If you choose to be unvaccinated then you should be responsible for the damage you do to others. I should not be responsible for your hospital bills. If you are unvaccinated at least have the decency to die at home. You complain about your freedom being taken away. What about my Freedom. I did the right thing and protected myself and my family. I did not cause you economic harm. You by your actions make it so I have to wear a mask. I had to cancel my trip to Florida because of the idiot Governor who is in completion with Texas to see how many people they can *******.

I'm pissed! I want my life back and you idiots have taken it away, again. I have lost thousands of dollars because of You. My sex life has suffered because of you, Idiots! If you want to remain unvaccinated then you need to be isolated from the rest of us. The only good news is that 99% of those in hospital are unvaccinated Trump supporters. You are hurting us, but killing yourselves!
Yes just because some stupid idiots repeats what saw on lobbied and corrupted tv i shoud damage and poison my body.

Are you afraid - STAY AT HOME. My body, my choice, sorry frreedom ends wneh second person freedom starts.

I will decide about my body no one else, if anyone will invade this will get kick in teeth
You do have the right to commit suicide! However, you don't have the right to ******* others even if they are your family. You don't have the right to cause others economic harm. If you choose to be unvaccinated then you should be responsible for the damage you do to others. I should not be responsible for your hospital bills. If you are unvaccinated at least have the decency to die at home. You complain about your freedom being taken away. What about my Freedom. I did the right thing and protected myself and my family. I did not cause you economic harm. You by your actions make it so I have to wear a mask. I had to cancel my trip to Florida because of the idiot Governor who is in completion with Texas to see how many people they can *******.

I'm pissed! I want my life back and you idiots have taken it away, again. I have lost thousands of dollars because of You. My sex life has suffered because of you, Idiots! If you want to remain unvaccinated then you need to be isolated from the rest of us. The only good news is that 99% of those in hospital are unvaccinated Trump supporters. You are hurting us, but killing yourselves!
Amen! That is personal testimony, and she is telling the truth of what has happened in her life. That is as real as a heart attack!

We have to listen to experts when public health policy is made because many millions of lives are at stake. When did education, and science become something we feel we can ignore? We live in a complex and interconnected world where our individual choices impact others. It really only makes sense when we don't have the training, experience, and specialized education to listen to those who do. Its crazy that folks who spew unfocused, unverified, uneducated drabble are even given a voice in this situation. The country is already dumbed down enough as it is.

I wont ask a truck driver for a medical opinion, and I wont ask a doctor how to drive an 18 wheeler semi through the mountains.
Yes just because some stupid idiots repeats what saw on lobbied and corrupted tv i shoud damage and poison my body.

Are you afraid - STAY AT HOME. My body, my choice, sorry frreedom ends wneh second person freedom starts.

I will decide about my body no one else, if anyone will invade this will get kick in teeth
I have read your posts in this thread. If you are for real, I am guessing you may have spent some time in a county jail at some point in your life. It seems that you just might have a few social adjustment issues. Not everybody knows how to play well with others.
Amen! That is personal testimony, and she is telling the truth of what has happened in her life. That is as real as a heart attack!

We have to listen to experts when public health policy is made because many millions of lives are at stake. When did education, and science become something we feel we can ignore? We live in a complex and interconnected world where our individual choices impact others. It really only makes sense when we don't have the training, experience, and specialized education to listen to those who do. Its crazy that folks who spew unfocused, unverified, uneducated drabble are even given a voice in this situation. The country is already dumbed down enough as it is.

I wont ask a truck driver for a medical opinion, and I wont ask a doctor how to drive an 18 wheeler semi through the mountains.
I forgot to add, that's why a truck driver needs a special license, and a doctor has to have a special license too. People have to be qualified to do what they do.
Ok and the case of herd immunity in Sweden?

Economical issues of America started waaayyyyy before covid, covid is not the core of our economical issues, but has been made to become that way in day to day lives. America's debt is still super high, on top of that housing market is going up, on top of that bitcoin is killing the dollar, student loan debt at an all time high, on top of those inflation is higher than it has ever been. Covid is not the reason, its the agreed upon excuse for our situation.

Anyone that took this specific vaccination complied with sacrificing their freedoms for "the greater good".

Keep in mind the richness of our country, as in the laziest and most obese people live here, in America! If health was even a priority in America regardless of Covid, people rights should've been usurped because they simply dont take responsibility for their own health. Its no secret that big pharma isn't about cures, they are about treating symptoms and lining their pockets, as well as the bull ******* fast food industry, so people like myself that actually take responsibility for my own health, will not be getting a shot because over the years other people didn't value their lives and take care of their own health, as most of the people dying from covid already have co morbidities, rare is it someone that actually is in top peak health.
The only thing that you said that I agree with is that Americans, in general, do not value or take enough responsibility for their health; and it is true that the pharmaceutical industry makes lots [probably too much] of money. But your response here is unfocused and missed the point. Your statements of random disconnected undocumented information does not address the main point. You are arguing like guys in the barber shop when they are bullshiting around.

This issue is really not that complex. Get the shot and you will most likely stay out of the hospital and be put on a ventilator. Don't get the shot and you might be risking your life, health, and that of others. If you don't believe in the science, don't go to the hospital and ask them to try to save your life with all the science they know. If you get sick because of your choice not to be vaccinated, then be responsible enough pay your own bills, and those of your family if you die
The only thing that you said that I agree with is that Americans, in general, do not value or take enough responsibility for their health; and it is true that the pharmaceutical industry makes lots [probably too much] of money. But your response here is unfocused and missed the point. Your statements of random disconnected undocumented information does not address the main point. You are arguing like guys in the barber shop when they are bullshiting around.

This issue is really not that complex. Get the shot and you will most likely stay out of the hospital and be put on a ventilator. Don't get the shot and you might be risking your life, health, and that of others. If you don't believe in the science, don't go to the hospital and ask them to try to save your life with all the science they know. If you get sick because of your choice not to be vaccinated, then be responsible enough pay your own bills, and those of your family if you die
I don't go for binding statements.

Myself posting links supporting what I say isn't necessary, in particular for people that already have the vaccine, that's null and void. Instead, for the people that have the vaccine, men and women, I issue a challenge to prove my point. Vaccinated men, go get a woman pregnant. Vaccinated women, go get pregnant. If the woman gets pregnant abort the fetus within 121 days of conception.

This is only part of my point., but of course I cant experiment on people like the govt can. So if you take 100 vaccinated women or even a 1000, vast majority are now infertile (post covid vaccination). Men, black man in particular, go double check your sperm (and it sucks because if you already have the vaccine you cant even do a before and after test, only after).

As for everyone that is not vaccinated, but on the fence, if you have patience, one thing you can do is just sit back and watch, and take responsibility for your health (generally speaking). The vaccine has been out for a while, so if you haven't gotten the shot but still on the fence there is a reason for that, that reason could be your intuition....then you go through the battle of what you truly feel on the inside about what is happening vs what the media and everyone else is saying (peer pressure at its finest, Ill admit I'm impressed, but not defeated.)
I don't go for binding statements.

Myself posting links supporting what I say isn't necessary, in particular for people that already have the vaccine, that's null and void. Instead, for the people that have the vaccine, men and women, I issue a challenge to prove my point. Vaccinated men, go get a woman pregnant. Vaccinated women, go get pregnant. If the woman gets pregnant abort the fetus within 121 days of conception.

This is only part of my point., but of course I cant experiment on people like the govt can. So if you take 100 vaccinated women or even a 1000, vast majority are now infertile (post covid vaccination). Men, black man in particular, go double check your sperm (and it sucks because if you already have the vaccine you cant even do a before and after test, only after).

As for everyone that is not vaccinated, but on the fence, if you have patience, one thing you can do is just sit back and watch, and take responsibility for your health (generally speaking). The vaccine has been out for a while, so if you haven't gotten the shot but still on the fence there is a reason for that, that reason could be your intuition....then you go through the battle of what you truly feel on the inside about what is happening vs what the media and everyone else is saying (peer pressure at its finest, Ill admit I'm impressed, but not defeated.)

What amazes me is conspiracy theories like this one are so far out there. You would think that most intelligent people would engage brain when something they read this crazy and at a minimum look up the facts.

According to your theory the only people having children in the future will be unvaccinated. The problem is you may not live long enough!

Another brilliant theory you probably believe is that they will inject a microchip. Engage brain look at a hypodermic needle. How would you ever get a microchip that small. Next question is why? Do you own a smart phone? They whoever they is, can already track you.

I guess we could look at this as a way to cull the herd. 99 % of those dying are unvaccinated Trumpers. So I guess we just have to be patient.
What amazes me is conspiracy theories like this one are so far out there. You would think that most intelligent people would engage brain when something they read this crazy and at a minimum look up the facts.
People that never blieved in conspiracy theories, once covid happened, then people were like wow the what these conspiracy theorist said is actually happening, now that ots happening, half the country is just refusing to accept what is being pushed on them.
According to your theory the only people having children in the future will be unvaccinated. The problem is you may not live long enough!
This doesnt take long at all, I posted earlier, one my co workers who also got the vaccine, has came out and stated she has been unavle to get pregnant, periodt.
Another brilliant theory you probably believe is that they will inject a microchip. Engage brain look at a hypodermic needle. How would you ever get a microchip that small. Next question is why? Do you own a smart phone? They whoever they is, can already track you.
I dont know why, even though our phones are already trackable. Microchips that small do already exist and are used on animals for tracking.
I guess we could look at this as a way to cull the herd. 99 % of those dying are unvaccinated Trumpers. So I guess we just have to be patient.
Im not a trump supporter, even though they are anti vax, they arent the only ones.
This doesnt take long at all, I posted earlier, one my co workers who also got the vaccine, has came out and stated she has been unavle to get pregnant, periodt.
You may be on to something. My wife had trouble conceiving our second after no trouble with the first. Now our second was conceived over a decade ago, but it must have been some percursor effect of the Covid vaccine she would receive over a decade later....I mean what else could it be????
The irresponsible, immature, selfish, underinformed and reckless folks among us always seem to find a way to ruin things for everybody else.
I could not express it better.

Just because some fools believe what they see in media they want to ruin others lives by invading their privacy and life
I could not express it better.

Just because some fools believe what they see in media they want to ruin others lives by invading their privacy and life

Can you give me an example of how I ruined your life by getting a Covid shot?

Here's is how you have affected my life
I don't need to wear a mask as I'm vaccinated. I now have to wear one, because of you! I just canceled my two week trip to Florida, because of you! When you get sick and over load hospitals, I won't be able to get needed surgery because of you. Our economy especially in states like Florida and Texas will take a huge financial hit, because of you!

When you go to the hospital, you are going to expect me to pick up the tab!

What have I done to you?
You may be on to something. My wife had trouble conceiving our second after no trouble with the first. Now our second was conceived over a decade ago, but it must have been some percursor effect of the Covid vaccine she would receive over a decade later....I mean what else could it be????
She already got 2 *******...
I mean what else could it be????
Since you seem to be fishing for these type of comments, I'll take your bait; so here goes: Could it be you???? Could she be in menopause???? Is your sperm defective from smoking too much dope??? Is she on birth control and is hiding it from you??? Maybe God doesn't want her to have any more *******???

Seriously man, most folks here ( including a fertility doctor) could not diagnose your family's situation without a physical examination of you and your wife. You know that right? I do think you are pulling my leg.

But it begs the question that reproductive problems have to be studied by the medical community, scientists, and people who are competent to figure those things out, and not by some nincompoops on the internet.
But it begs the question that reproductive problems have to be studied by the medical community, scientists, and people who are competent to figure those things out, and not by some nincompoops on the internet.
Exactly, so people like BlackMist coming on here spewing anecdotal statements about one woman they know who has had trouble getting pregnant after getting the vaccine is a disservice to the community. Could it be her partners? could she be in menopause, is her partner's sperm defective from all their dope smoking. Maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't want her to have any more *******.

Thanks you for proving my point, even though it apparently flew over your head ;)