The First Cuckold


I've got a wild imagination but I'm too lazy to write a story myself. Luckily I figured out a way to make chatgpt write some of them for me. Some editing is required but its not terrible. This is the first one I've done to completion. It takes place in the stone age when a white tribe's territory is being invaded by a black tribe....

In the ancient lands where time was marked by the rising and setting of the sun, two tribes existed: a tribe of white people from the verdant northern forests, and the black tribe, fierce warriors hailing from the distant lands of the south.

One fateful day, under the amber glow of the setting sun, emissaries from the black tribe arrived at the outskirts of the white tribe’s village. Adorned in the skins of beasts and carrying weapons made of stone, these warriors presented an ultimatum to the chief of the white tribe and his council. Submit to the rule of the black chief or conquered and enslaved. Surrender must be paired with tribute, including Elara, the queen of the white tribe, as a gift to the black chief. They were given seven sunrises to decide.

Inside the council hut, tension hung thick in the air, palpable among the gathered members of the White Tribe.

One of the elders spoke out, "We cannot yield to these black savages! We must stand and fight!"

Another white warrior countered, "But look at the strength of their black warriors! We don't stand a chance against them. We'll only bring destruction upon ourselves if we resist."

The murmurs in the hut grew louder, each voice vying to be heard over the cacophony of conflicting opinions.

Amidst the chaos, Raldor, the White Chief, rose to address his people. "Silence!" His voice boomed, commanding attention. The council members gradually quieted, turning their attention to their leader.

"We face a grave problem, my people. Resisting the might of the Black Tribe will lead to our destruction and enslavement. We must weigh our options carefully."

A voice from the corner spoke up, "But surrendering means submitting to their barbarism!"

Raldor nodded solemnly. "Yes, it does. But it also means preserving our people, our families. We will submit, but know this—it is not out of weakness, but out of the need to protect our tribe"

Some members grumbled, discontent evident on their faces, but a sense of resignation settled within the hut. The reality of their situation was harsh and unforgiving.

With a heavy heart, the Raldor concluded, "We will bow down to the Black Chief's dominance and ….. and……I will give him Elara”.

In the dimly lit confines of the Pale Chief's dwelling, Raldor, sat opposite his wife, Queen Elara. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows upon the hardened lines etched upon Raldor's face, a testament to the weight of the decision he was about to disclose.

"Elara," Raldor began, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "The time has come for a decision—one that weighs heavily upon me and our tribe."

Elara's eyes bore a mixture of concern and anticipation, sensing the gravity of Raldor's tone. "What is it, Raldor? What news do you bring?"

Raldor hesitated for a moment before continuing, "The Black Chief has issued an ultimatum. We must submit to their dominance or face destruction. To ensure peace, I must offer you as a gift to the Black Chief."

Elara's eyes widened in shock and anger. "Submit? Offer me as a gift?! Are you a coward, Raldor? Will you bow to those black savages and sacrifice your mate?"

Raldor's gaze dropped in shame. "It's not cowardice, Elara. It's survival. We cannot withstand their might. I must do what is necessary to protect our tribe, even if it means sacrificing my own pride."

Elara's anger blazed as she rose from her seat, pacing the hut in frustration. "So, you’re just going to hand over your wife to this black brute? How dare you!

"Elara, please understand. This is the only way to save the rest of our tribe from the same fate. You'll ensure the peace between our tribes and prevent further suffering."

Tears welled in Elara's eyes as she realized the weight of Raldor's words. The realization of the sacrifice she had to make for her people hit her hard. With a heavy sigh, she composed herself and turned to face Raldor once more.

"Fine, Raldor," Elara spoke, her voice laced with contempt. "Your queen will become a slave for the Black Chief. Not for you, but for the sake of our people. May this sacrifice spare the rest of our tribe from the same fate.”

A heavy silence fell upon them, the weight of their conversation settling like a dark cloud in the room. The decision made, though painful and heart-wrenching, was one borne out of necessity—a sacrifice for the greater good of their tribe, an act that both Raldor and Elara knew would leave scars that time could never heal.

In the hushed twilight before the seventh sunrise, a solemn procession departed from the white village. Raldor, flanked by a handful of his trusted warriors, led the way. Beside him walked the Elara, her eyes a reflection of sorrowful resignation, knowing the sacrifice she had to make for the sake of her people's survival.

The journey to the Black Tribe's village was marked by an eerie silence. The rhythm of footsteps on the untamed earth was the only sound that accompanied their passage. As they arrived, the imposing figures of the Black Tribe awaited them.

As the members of the white tribe traversed through the heart of the black Tribe's village, a mix of awe and apprehension coursed through their veins. The magnitude and intricacy of the stone structures, alien to their simplistic huts, elicited silent admiration. However, a somber realization dawned upon them as they noticed many white men from different tribes toiling away as slaves, an ominous glimpse into their potential future.

Raldor and his warriors were stirred by the beautiful black women who were going about their daily tasks. Their massive asses, distinctly different from the women of their own tribe, ignited a primal fascination within the white men. The black women wore elegantly crafted thong loincloths ornamented with beads, feathers, and dyed fabrics. The loincloths offered minimal coverage with only a simple triangular piece of soft leather draped in front of their intimate areas. The attire, though modest, exuded a distinct allure, enhancing the primal femininity and grace of the black women.

Elara concealed her trepidation beneath a veneer of composure. Her heart raced with anxiety, envisioning a life of labor and servitude in the depths of a mine or in a vast field. Yet, amidst her fear, a strange sense of awe engulfed her as she observed the powerful, enigmatic black warriors. Their stature exuded strength and dominance, evoking a peculiar mix of submission and a strange sense of protection within her. Deep within her, a conflicted emotion brewed—a primal recognition of their power, tinged with a resignation to her fate.

At the center of the village, the black tribe's warriors, adorned in intricate tattoos and donned in loincloths of ******* hides and feathers, were gathered in anticipation of the impending feast. The guards led Raldor, Elara, and the white warriors to a magnificent throne at the center of the gathering. This seat of power undoubtedly belonged to the Black Chief, a man known as Ezana, whose name resonated through the whispers of both fear and reverence among the tribes.They were told to kneel before the throne and place their foreheads on the ground, they all obeyed.

Ezana, a towering figure with obsidian skin glistening in the flickering firelight, emerged from his hut. His physique was formidable, muscles rippling under his modest attire—a loincloth fashioned from the skins of rare beasts and a cloak of feathers adorning his broad shoulders. Intricate tattoos adorned his chest and arms, a testament to his status and valor in battle. His eyes, like orbs of smoldering coal, bore into the souls of those who dared to meet his gaze.

With an air of authority that echoed through the night, Ezana commanded Raldor to rise and present his tribute.

"Great Chief Ezana, I acknowledge your mighty power and am grateful for your merciful decree. In tribute to your strength and benevolence, I present these humble offerings from our lands—a bounty of meat and treasures from our meager possessions."

With a sense of solemn duty, the White Chief placed the offerings at Ezana's feet, a symbol of his acceptance of the Black Chief's superiority. Then, with a heavy heart and a measured breath, Raldor gestured toward Elara, who knelt before the Black Chief’s throne.

"And ... this is our greatest tribute," Raldor murmured, his voice tinged with reluctance and regret. "I offer you my… our beautiful queen, Elara, a beacon of grace and wisdom, offered to ensure the peace and prosperity between our tribes."

"Kneel before me, little chief," Ezana sneered, his voice carrying the scorn of one who relished the act of dominating another. "You and your warriors may lack the strength of muscle, but your willingness to bow at my feet rather than resist is proof that you’re among the smartest of your race.

Ezana's gaze shifted towards Elara, kneeling face down with a quiet dignity amidst the tumultuous exchange. Elara possessed a striking beauty—a cascade of chestnut hair framed her delicate features, and her eyes, pools of amber, held both strength and vulnerability. She wore an old fur loincloth and a simple bone, gifted to her by the Raldor.

Ezana's gaze lingered upon Elara, desire stirred within him as he admired her beauty. Her presence exuded an elegance that intrigued him, yet his haughty demeanor masked any hint of admiration. Ezana was offended by her primitive attire, finding it beneath her potential allure.

"Stand, Queen Elara," Ezana commanded, his voice commanding obedience. "The rudimentary furs you wear fail to showcase your true worth. Strip off your barbaric attire and reveal your beauty to me."

Elara's heart sank with a mixture of shame and defiance. With a heavy heart, she complied, casting off the modest fur attire that clothed her. Only her necklace remained. As Elara stood exposed, the flickering firelight danced upon her bare skin. Her natural grace and ethereal beauty emanated like an aura around her.

Ezana felt his cock surge as he gazed upon her raw allure. The black warriors in attendance released primal howls and grunts as Elara stood naked before their chief. Ezana laughed in response to his warriors' reactions,but his eyes remained fixed upon Elara's form. He praised her beauty with deliberate articulation, his words weaving a tapestry of compliments that highlighted every curve and contour of her womanly figure.

Ezana rose from his throne and took Elara into his arms. Her heart pounded with conflicting emotions as she looked up to her new master. Suddenly, his lips met hers. Elara wanted to resist but she found herself strangely drawn to Ezana on a primal level. In the embrace of the powerful Chief, she felt diminutive, yet an inexplicable connection simmered beneath the surface.

Raldor felt the sting of shame and powerlessness as he watched this scene unfold, unable to intervene or protect Elara from this unexpected turn of events.

The kiss ended, leaving Elara bewildered by her own conflicting emotions. Elara was once again caught off guard when Ezana announced that this feast was being held in her honor. She struggled to comprehend he would lavish attention on a slave.

Ezana commanded a black-skinned woman to present Elara with a new loincloth. The modest attire, crafted from supple hides and intricately woven fibers, adorned Elara's hips, accentuating her curves in a way that blended grace with modesty, a stark contrast to her previous attire.

Ezana then presented her with a beautiful necklace, a masterpiece of craftsmanship far more exquisite than the one gifted to her by Raldor. Ezana ripped off her bone necklace, tossing it with her discarded furs. Slowly, he lowered Elara’s new necklace over her head, letting it rest between her large breasts.

Overwhelmed by his unexpected generosity, Elara accepted the gift with a mix of gratitude and confusion, her mind racing with questions about the motives behind such gestures from a Chief known for his dominance and power. Unsure of how to respond, Elara knelt at Ezana's feet and expressed her gratitude for the gifts. Her heart raced with conflicting emotions as Ezana gently lifted her back to her feet.

“As much as I enjoy the sight of you on your knees, you are far too beautiful to serve me as a slave. You will be my queen and provide me with many strong children”.

The revelation that the feast was, in fact, their wedding left her stunned and speechless. Though drawn to Ezana's powerful presence and undeniable attraction, Elara grappled with the fact that he was also the man responsible for enslaving her tribe.

As Ezana announced the commencement of the feast, he further declared that on this night, Raldor and the rest of the white warriors would serve the black tribe as slaves. Shock rippled through the white men. Furthermore, Ezana decreed that Raldor, whom he mockingly referred to as “Little Chief," would serve him and his new bride personally. The Ralder and his warriors knew they had no choice but to comply with the bBlack Chief's commands.

The night wore on as Little Chief dutifully served his new King, Ezana, obeying every humiliating request. Ezana reveled in his power, belittling and commanding the White Chief, each order chipping away at his dignity.
As Ezana and Elara feasted together, their interactions became increasingly familiar and comfortable. Ezana regaled her with stories of his conquests and hunts.Ezana's arm remained draped around Elara for much of the evening, a symbol of his possessiveness.

Little Chief, observing the couple, wrestled with a maelstrom of emotions—jealousy, embarrassment, and an undeniable sense of longing. He yearned for Elara to be by his side once more. And yet, a part of him was ****** to acknowledge the undeniable chemistry between Elara and Ezana. The contrast between their skin color seemed to create an intoxicating allure that both aroused and pained him.

Raldor’s heart sank further when he heard a command from Elara's voice. “Fetch more meat for us, Little Chief”. Despite the indignity and the depths of his humiliation, Little Chief obeyed, a broken man who had relinquished his cherished queen to a stronger warrior.

After the feasting was done, Ezana stood and he proclaimed that the unity between the black tribe and white tribe has pleased the Moon Goddess.

In a surprising turn, the Ezana removed his loincloth, causing gasps of astonishment from Little Chief and Elara. A thick long black cock swung between his legs with a hypnotic sway. Raldor was in disbelief. The males of the white tribe often hunted naked and no man in the white tribe had a cock half as large as Ezana’s.

The air was thick with anticipation as Ezana declared that in a display of trust and unity, all present must shed their covering. There must be no secrets between the tribes; the act symbolized transparency and acceptance.

With deliberate yet graceful movements, the Black Warriors began to disrobe. Their bodies, chiseled and defined by a life of primal living, were illuminated by the silvery sheen of the moon. Their physiques were a testament to their resilience and strength, sculpted by their daily pursuits—hunting, foraging, and defending their tribe. Broad shoulders, sculpted chests, and powerful limbs exuded raw power and prowess. Sinewy muscles rippled beneath the surface, hinting at their physical capabilities and untamed vitality.Like Ezana, the warriors were equipped with cocks larger than any found in the white tribe. Their nakedness was not a display of vulnerability but rather a celebration of their physicality

The black women stood proudly with features exuding an alluring charm and primal grace.The moonlight delicately highlighted the subtle contours of their bodies—the gentle slope of shoulders, the heavy breasts, the curvature of hips, and the supple arches of their backs.

Elara found herself inexplicably drawn to the hypnotic allure of the Black Tribe's men, their godlike appearance casting an irresistible spell. As the moonlight continued to bathe the unclothed forms of the Dark Tribe's warriors, an almost magnetic pull tugged at her, beckoning her to remove her clothing. With a quiet resolve, Elara shed her garments and stood naked among the Dark Tribe. A sense of liberation and acceptance washed over her, a silent acknowledgment of the unity and primal connection she felt in that moment.

However, among the white males, a veil of insecurity descended as they reluctantly shed their loincloths.The sculpted physiques and large cocks of the Black Tribe's men accentuated a stark contrast to their own forms. Many of them felt like they had been reduced to mere boys in the presents of these warriors and the gifts that swung between their legs. They silently thanked their gods that their own wives were not here to witness this display of superior manhood.

The contrast between the two groups of men did not go unnoticed by Elara. Ezana's imposing stature, strength, and massive black cock evoked a sense of admiration and primal attraction within Elara. She had never felt such feelings for Raldor. Elara had always allowed Raldor to mate with her out of a sense of duty. She belonged to him and he had the right to put his seed in her. Yet, Raldor had been her mate for 2 years and his tiny cock had given her no children.

The rhythm of the drums echoed through the air. Ezana took Elara's hand and led her to a bed of ******* skins. A sense of anticipation filled the air. Elara knelt upon the furs, presenting her hairy pussy and beautiful asshole to her new mate. “Take me mighty chief, I am yours by right of conquest, fill my womb with your seed and may the goddess bless me with your black baby”, Elara said while staring into Ezana’s eyes.

With a tribal victory yell reverberated through the tribe. Ezana knelt behind Elara and rested his massive cock on her ass. Ezana briefly considered taking her dark hole first, but decided that impregnating his foreign bride was more paramount.

As Elara’s moans filled the air, Little Chief's heart sank. Ezana’s powerful thrusts seemed to be in sync with the beats of the drums. Jealousy and helplessness consumed Raldor, yet his cock was hard as stone. How could this be? He was witnessing a rival male fuck his woman. Any true warrior would have grabbed a rock and smashed in Ezana’s head for even looking at their mate. However, the only thing Raldor wanted to grab was his cock. Raldor remained on his hands as knees as Ezana ravaged his new bride, it was the only way he could hide his small erection.

Ezana began to thrust faster. His balls longed for release. Elara moaned louder and placed her head firmly on the ground to allow Ezana full access to her womb. Five pumps later and Ezana flooded Elara’s pussy with his thick cum.

Ezana stood proudly as he looked down at Elara's naked body. In his mind he had liberated her from a tribe of inferior males who could not please her the way he had. Soon all the white women of her tribe would experience the power of the black spear.

Ezana walked over to Raldor. Raldor slowly looked up and his eyes locked onto the black snake that had rewired his brain and rearranged the insides of his former mate.

In a final act of submission and without command, Raldor kissed Ezana's large black cock.

Ezana laughed, “Hmm, perhaps you’re disappointed I did not take you on my furs”. The black warrior’s laughed and made similar jests at Raldor.

Raldor could not believe he had kissed another man’s cock. Unsure of what to do, he placed his head on the ground again. As he knelt, a sense of resignation washed over him. It wasn't merely an act of obedience; it was a recognition of the harsh realities of their tribal world. Dominance, strength, and power dictated the course of their lives. The act symbolized the white tribe's subjugation to the overwhelming might of the Black Tribe and Chief Ezana.

Ezana smiled and told Raldor and his men to leave his village at first light. He then beckoned Elara into his hut. However, she was unable to move, exhausted from the animalistic sex Ezana had given her. Ezana threw her nearly ******* body over his shoulder and carried her into their hut.

The white males were provided a small hut to share for the night. Sleep eluded Raldor as his thoughts dwelled on Ezana and Elara. Amidst feelings of anger and humiliation, there lingered an unsettling pull—an inexplicable desire to watch them fuck again.

Though the thought brought a sense of shame and confusion, Raldor couldn't deny the strange allure he felt towards the Black Chief’s dominance. The blessings of massive cocks bestowed upon the black warriors held an inexplicable fascination for him, sparking a blend of envy and a strange, primal longing.

His mind fixated on the memory of Ezana's manhood, a symbol of dominance that stirred complex emotions within him. The thoughts of Elara in Ezana's arms, on her back, accepting his massive black cock in her little white pussy created an inner conflict he struggled to comprehend.

In shame, Raldor grabbed his modest prick and began to stroke it slowly. As he stroked, Raldor imagined Elara on her knees, sucking Ezana's massive black cock while her belly was heavy with his black baby. Just like that Raldor felt himself cum.

Finishing seemed to clear Raldors mind. He was almost proud of the fact that he had gifted his new chief with a beautiful bride. Surely this will grant him favor with Ezana and perhaps one day he will give him a great gift as well. Moreover, Elara, his love, will be safe here and she’ll give birth to strong black warriors. He wanted to do more to please the black chief and his warriors. Raldor imagined preparing a feast for the chief and his warriors in the white tribe’s village….