BBCs always fuck us (white guys) like they hate us, why?

I have this compulsive attitude of offering to please every black guy I meet. After a few days of meeting some black guy, I propose it to him, always "as a joke" and if they follow the joke, I tell them that it is serious.

Normally the majority when they accept, they only accept a blowjob. When they ask me to fuck, I accept, but it always makes me nervous because I already know what's to come.

EVERYONE, seriously EVERYONE, the black guys that have fucked me always do it like they hate me or want to hurt me, I don't want kisses and words of love, but I really feel that each one of them seems to want more to hurt my ass than to even seek their pleasure. The vast majority tell me I'm pathetic for allowing it, usually while getting fucked.

Is this to humiliate? Or is it simply his exaggerated stamina?
Don’t really know why , I don’t fuck white boys like I hate them , I do use them for my pleasure tho . But I don’t hate fuck . Many of the white Boys I fucked become addicted to the way I use them . I love it . More white boys for me 😈
One more for ya right here Daddy💯👅