Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

I'm curious. I've seen a number of posts and profiles from white couples and females stating that they are conservatives. I'm sorry when I see White married women and their husband's here ready to fuck black men and women, the last thing that comes to my mind is someone is conservative. I think being here in a very progressive-thinking site full of anything except conservative actions makes them either confused as to if they really are conservatives, liars or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths to fit in. I would like to hear from some of those people. No right or wrong answers, just information that I hope will help me see things your way.
They are future politicians in training lol.

In my opinion most government is just corrupt people trying to make money for them and their friends or supporters. The days of the politicians working for the country have long passed.
We are Classical Liberals... As John Locke and our Founding Fathers. Politically Liberals think they want more government and less police and Conservatives want less government and more police. In the end they come full circle and meet at Communism/ Socislism/ Police State.
Religious Conservatives do tend to align with political conservatives. Just like anarchists and communists align with Liberals. Without the fringe extremes of both parties pushing everyone apart we would see most people can agree on a majority of things and that government is the enemy of all people. My wife and I do not hide our sex life. We actually have mostly conservative friends ad they will talk and disagree with you and still be your friend while liberals will not allow you to disagree without emotional tirades, name calling and straight up hate. For instance We had a black friend of 11 years call us a racist for voting for trump. Then start a social media smear campaign against us. We have black friends who voted for Trump and would have bern pissed if we voted for Biden, but would not have attacked us over it. We do not parade our sex life in public as it is something we like to do, not something that defines who we are. If your identity does nit ride above your sex life you need some serious introspection and personal growth.. But I digress
We are open and honest with anyone who asks and not one of our friends has ever had a problem with anything we do. Most people, especially political conservatives, believe in each individuals right to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
This was absolutely spot on ❤️
First off, I was posing a question. I wasn't being rude or assuming I knew what people think. If you want to be a big bad ass and throw out insults to make yourself fell better go ahead, They don't harm me. Cancel Culture? yeah, I'm not even going to respond because anyone who can read knows how crazy that is. I haven't spoken anything about hate here. I posed a question for understanding. I also understood that I would probably have to read comments like yours. Again no worries as you hide behind the computer breaking bad. Feel free to rant.
Your right conservative = racists. But you mention nor do you imply that at all. Wake up.
They are future politicians in training lol.

In my opinion most government is just corrupt people trying to make money for them and their friends or supporters. The days of the politicians working for the country have long passed.
They are future politicians in training lol.

In my opinion most government is just corrupt people trying to make money for them and their friends or supporters. The days of the politicians working for the country have long passed.
Has anyone who has been canceled ever actually shut up... what does it truly mean to be canceled
They shut down your social media account(s) thrn they try to get you fired. It happens the same way in China. It ends in you disappearing and your organs for sale on the open market. Communism always works this way. Castro did it. Stalin did it. Pol Pit did it
I respect and understand what your saying, but my bias towards liberals that you pointing out is not irrational at all, the whole start of this thread was based in the idea of conservatives being inclined to be racist..and my rebuttal was that that’s not true, pointing out my inclination to be more specific about liberals and racism is fine with me, that was my intention anyway, keep in mind this started with the “stigma” of conservatives being inclined to be racist, I have every reason to point out the obvious character flaws of liberals, and for what it’s worth, your trying to change the subject when you switch it over to “pro life” “gay rights” those things have nothing to do with racism and stigmas about conservatives, which kind of validates my point about white liberals, the same point that Malcom x and I both share when it comes to the deceptive ideas and nature of the liberal mindset
Additional Facts that also "Validate" your points:
1) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Civil Rights Act.
2) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Voting Rights Act.
3) It was Democrats who started the KKK.
4) It was Democrats who put a KKK Grand Wizard (Robert Byrd) as their Senate Majority Leader.
5) It was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
6) It is Democrats who just passed this new (Racist) Farm Bill. (Only Non-Whites get any of the money. It will never survive Supreme Court)
7) Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN.
Lol this thread certainly had a mind of its own. The wives and cuckold couples who are into this dynamic are found across the political, idealogical, economic and geographical spectrum. It's often thought by some that those that lean politically conservative are "less open-minded" to new ideas or new people who are different then themselves. Therein lies the source of taboo - the excitement from seeing a conservative white cuckold couple engaging in activities that are supposedly outside of the norm for stereotypically conservative folks.
They shut down your social media account(s) thrn they try to get you fired. It happens the same way in China. It ends in you disappearing and your organs for sale on the open market. Communism always works this way. Castro did it. Stalin did it. Pol Pit did it
I don’t mean to be a Debby downer😔 but I have those same concerns, I recently saw a post about cancel culture being “a dress rehearsal “ for mass genocide, the ******* freaks me out to be honest
Additional Facts that also "Validate" your points:
1) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Civil Rights Act.
2) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Voting Rights Act.
3) It was Democrats who started the KKK.
4) It was Democrats who put a KKK Grand Wizard (Robert Byrd) as their Senate Majority Leader.
5) It was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
6) It is Democrats who just passed this new (Racist) Farm Bill. (Only Non-Whites get any of the money. It will never survive Supreme Court)
7) Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN.
😂❤️❤️ come on now don’t pour it on too heavy
Whoaaaa. First... Lets stay civil. Second Lincoln was a Tyrant and genocidal maniac. He won because he promised a central bank and the powers that be pushed him into office. Lincoln was a slave owner. 7 states had seceded and formed the Confederacy before Lincoln was president. Lincoln taxed the south even more heavily and used that money to "subsidize" his northern friends businesses. Lincoln did not free the slaves for 2 years. Then he stated he did it to punish the southern states.
And Trump did more for the black communities than any other president in recent history, which is well documented as well. But cancel culture has not done nothing to try and change that narrative either correct?
Malcom X even stated the American Liberal is the enemy of the negro. But im sure cancel culture will change that narrative as well.
Additional Facts that also "Validate" your points:
1) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Civil Rights Act.
2) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Voting Rights Act.
3) It was Democrats who started the KKK.
4) It was Democrats who put a KKK Grand Wizard (Robert Byrd) as their Senate Majority Leader.
5) It was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
6) It is Democrats who just passed this new (Racist) Farm Bill. (Only Non-Whites get any of the money. It will never survive Supreme Court)
7) Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN.
So much that is incorrect about this. Before diving into the details, allow me to ask you a question. For full transparency - I'm neither a democrat or a republican. I am a truth seeking independant. My question - if Democrats are so racist and Republicans so not racist, why is it that black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat in presidential elections? Is it because they are not up to speed on the "truth" as you seem to be?
Additional Facts that also "Validate" your points:
1) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Civil Rights Act.
2) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Voting Rights Act.
3) It was Democrats who started the KKK.
4) It was Democrats who put a KKK Grand Wizard (Robert Byrd) as their Senate Majority Leader.
5) It was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
6) It is Democrats who just passed this new (Racist) Farm Bill. (Only Non-Whites get any of the money. It will never survive Supreme Court)
7) Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN.
Cancel culture will change all those narratives as well because it does not fit the Socialist agenda.
So much that is incorrect about this. Before diving into the details, allow me to ask you a question. For full transparency - I'm neither a democrat or a republican. I am a truth seeking independant. My question - if Democrats are so racist and Republicans so not racist, why is it that black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat in presidential elections? Is it because they are not up to speed on the "truth" as you seem to be?
Again listen to Malcom X on the liberal agenda. He answers that exact question.
Lol this thread certainly had a mind of its own. The wives and cuckold couples who are into this dynamic are found across the political, idealogical, economic and geographical spectrum. It's often thought by some that those that lean politically conservative are "less open-minded" to new ideas or new people who are different then themselves. Therein lies the source of taboo - the excitement from seeing a conservative white cuckold couple engaging in activities that are supposedly outside of the norm for stereotypically conservative folks.
Maybe. For the fetish people.
Some people just like sex and big dicks. We don't discriminate based on your Dick color. We have played with couples and men of every race but we have several black friends over 9 inches, a couple who are 11 inches, and have seen some over the years a little bigger than that and you just don't find that with any statistacal probability with white guys. So that's the draw I think for a lot... Size..
Size equals pleasure
And Trump did more for the black communities than any other president in recent history, which is well documented as well. But cancel culture has not done nothing to try and change that narrative either correct?
Malcom X even stated the American Liberal is the enemy of the negro. But im sure cancel culture will change that narrative as well.
I’m not even kidding, I wouldn’t be surprised if Malcom got cancelled at this point