Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

Yes it is, but we both know which party fought against it.
If that’s your point of view then you would be ****** to acknowledge that there was an entire war fought in this country involving slavery and who fought for it, the southern “Dixiecrats” aka Democrats literally fought to keep plantations and slavery alive, they fought a war over it.
So we both know which party fought against gay marriage...that’s fine, we also know which party literally fought to keep slavery
If that’s your point of view then you would be ****** to acknowledge that there was an entire war fought in this country involving slavery and who fought for it, the southern “Dixiecrats” aka Democrats literally fought to keep plantations and slavery alive, they fought a war over it.
So we both know which party fought against gay marriage...that’s fine, we also know which party literally fought to keep slavery
Indeed, and we both know which party still fly the flag of the traitors and claim it wasn't about slavery.

Edit: And my point was definately not that conservatives was wrong once and therefore deserves to take the blame for the history, but I guess I'm just saying that there isn't a history of "Each to their own" under conservatisms, it's rather the opposite.
Well, thank you so much! I appreciate your benevolence.
If the liberal Democrats really cared about Americans out of 1 trillion 970 billion, all of that or the overwhelming majority would have gone to the people. Singles could have received 17 thousand dollars and families of 4 would have received 64 thousand dollars each. In stead all of us making less than 250k a year got a whole 1,400.00 dollars, the other 1 trillion 700 billion is going to liberal city's that shutdown every business and now don't have enough revenue to pay their bills and pensions, it's going to out of the country to other countries, and the unions are getting a crap load. So don't believe the liberals on tv who are telling you it's raining while they are pissing on your leg!!
I hear you BA. I want to hear from those who say they are conservative and get their definition rather than use my own.
I think we have forgotten what it means to be humble towards one another. Both my wife and I are fiscally conservative but pretty liberal socially. It’s unfortunate we have all been “labeled.” Neither of us identify with a political party. As Benny said we all love black cock/pussy. Last thing right quick...I just moved from South Carolina to California and these people are so much worse in every possible way when it comes to everyday life. If those people in the south are “Bigots and Racists” then our media is severely out of touch (We all know they already are). I guess the tolerant do not understand intolerance

What the fuck do you know about conservatives besides your obvious hate and prejudices? Lincoln was conservative you dumb ass libtard !
Whoaaaa. First... Lets stay civil. Second Lincoln was a Tyrant and genocidal maniac. He won because he promised a central bank and the powers that be pushed him into office. Lincoln was a slave owner. 7 states had seceded and formed the Confederacy before Lincoln was president. Lincoln taxed the south even more heavily and used that money to "subsidize" his northern friends businesses. Lincoln did not free the slaves for 2 years. Then he stated he did it to punish the southern states.
We are Classical Liberals... As John Locke and our Founding Fathers. Politically Liberals think they want more government and less police and Conservatives want less government and more police. In the end they come full circle and meet at Communism/ Socislism/ Police State.
Religious Conservatives do tend to align with political conservatives. Just like anarchists and communists align with Liberals. Without the fringe extremes of both parties pushing everyone apart we would see most people can agree on a majority of things and that government is the enemy of all people. My wife and I do not hide our sex life. We actually have mostly conservative friends ad they will talk and disagree with you and still be your friend while liberals will not allow you to disagree without emotional tirades, name calling and straight up hate. For instance We had a black friend of 11 years call us a racist for voting for trump. Then start a social media smear campaign against us. We have black friends who voted for Trump and would have bern pissed if we voted for Biden, but would not have attacked us over it. We do not parade our sex life in public as it is something we like to do, not something that defines who we are. If your identity does nit ride above your sex life you need some serious introspection and personal growth.. But I digress
We are open and honest with anyone who asks and not one of our friends has ever had a problem with anything we do. Most people, especially political conservatives, believe in each individuals right to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Fiscally conservative is also nonsense, just look at the debt and conserve which party increases it every time they are in power. I understand the idea, but reality doesn’t match up to the claimed ideals.

It's total bullshit, at least as far as political parties go. In the United States, the main parties both do massive deficit spending đź’° . . . the difference is in the things that they choose to spend that money on đź’´
Indeed, and we both know which party still fly the flag of the traitors and claim it wasn't about slavery.

Edit: And my point was definately not that conservatives was wrong once and therefore deserves to take the blame for the history, but I guess I'm just saying that there isn't a history of "Each to their own" under conservatisms, it's rather the opposite.
As long as we’re on the same page
Democrats are the party of slavery
The party of the kkk
And party of Jim Crow
Guess we’re settled
Whoaaaa. First... Lets stay civil. Second Lincoln was a Tyrant and genocidal maniac. He won because he promised a central bank and the powers that be pushed him into office. Lincoln was a slave owner. 7 states had seceded and formed the Confederacy before Lincoln was president. Lincoln taxed the south even more heavily and used that money to "subsidize" his northern friends businesses. Lincoln did not free the slaves for 2 years. Then he stated he did it to punish the southern states.
You have no fucking clue
You think cancel culture is a leftist thing? You don’t know about Lenny Bruce? Playboy? Porn? Dixie chicks? These are all things that conservatives tried to cancel, in some cases even going so far as to bring em to court. Conservatives are just mad that they’re preferred weapon is now being used against racists instead of Rock bands as they tried to for a long time.

Conservatism is about character? Lol at-least the left eventually get rid of their sexual abusers instead of rallying around them.
If the liberal Democrats really cared about Americans out of 1 trillion 970 billion, all of that or the overwhelming majority would have gone to the people. Singles could have received 17 thousand dollars and families of 4 would have received 64 thousand dollars each. In stead all of us making less than 250k a year got a whole 1,400.00 dollars, the other 1 trillion 700 billion is going to liberal city's that shutdown every business and now don't have enough revenue to pay their bills and pensions, it's going to out of the country to other countries, and the unions are getting a crap load. So don't believe the liberals on tv who are telling you it's raining while they are pissing on your leg!!

What the fuck do you know about conservatives besides your obvious hate and prejudices? Lincoln was conservative you dumb ass libtard !
First off, I was posing a question. I wasn't being rude or assuming I knew what people think. If you want to be a big bad ass and throw out insults to make yourself fell better go ahead, They don't harm me. Cancel Culture? yeah, I'm not even going to respond because anyone who can read knows how crazy that is. I haven't spoken anything about hate here. I posed a question for understanding. I also understood that I would probably have to read comments like yours. Again no worries as you hide behind the computer breaking bad. Feel free to rant.
It's total bullshit, at least as far as political parties go. In the United States, the main parties both do massive deficit spending đź’° . . . the difference is in the things that they choose to spend that money on đź’´
True. Though no matter what politicians spend money on, very little of it ever goes towards what they tell us they are using it for. I'm all for better infrastructure, better education, state of the art defense, prison reform, and all of it if our taxes really went to make those things better. The problem is that BOTH parties spend most of our taxes paying their buddies and themselves exhorbitant fees for bs projects that never have an impact or that never reach the goal that they tell us they are trying to attain.
If the liberal Democrats really cared about Americans out of 1 trillion 970 billion, all of that or the overwhelming majority would have gone to the people. Singles could have received 17 thousand dollars and families of 4 would have received 64 thousand dollars each. In stead all of us making less than 250k a year got a whole 1,400.00 dollars, the other 1 trillion 700 billion is going to liberal city's that shutdown every business and now don't have enough revenue to pay their bills and pensions, it's going to out of the country to other countries, and the unions are getting a crap load. So don't believe the liberals on tv who are telling you it's raining while they are pissing on your leg!!
Liberals destroying major cities has been kind of the norm for decades now, if it keeps advancing they’re going to destroy the entire country
Actually its not a secret. Lincoln's history and even campaign speeches are well documented. Just like the histories and dates of secession. Try reading before slinging insults.. It makes you sound like a liberal
Ok, he freed the slaves. But I guess in this new age you just want to make up your own narrative to play the victim card.