Anyone else notice the rise of interracial advertising?

All about politicsl correctness. All bullshit. Diversity is great,but when ts used for political purposes, gets kinda sickening. Don't forget about all the same sex couples also.
I see there is a show about Anne Boleyn where she is played by a black actress. We even change history for political correctness. Wonder what would happen if they casted a white actress for say, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks etc..
I'm not convinced it's "it's all about political correctness." With companies, it's often all about the Benjamins. I can't imagine a company producing an ad it believes isn't going to help sell a product. They often test market their ads before putting them out. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that some ads featuring interracial couples simply test better in some cases.
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I'm not convinced it's "it's all about political correctness." With companies, it's often all about the Benjamins. I can't imagine a company producing an ad it believes isn't going to help sell a product. They often test market their ads before putting them out. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that some ads featuring interracial products simply test better in some cases.
That’s not true. There are plenty of examples of woke ads that make me never want to support companies. M&M’s just politicized their candy. Utterly stupid
I'm not convinced it's "it's all about political correctness." With companies, it's often all about the Benjamins. I can't imagine a company producing an ad it believes isn't going to help sell a product. They often test market their ads before putting them out. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that some ads featuring interracial products simply test better in some cases.
This is not a criticism but rather a curious question. Can you tell me what an interracial product would be. Nothing comes to mind for me.
It's the liberal corporate wokeness. Funny, too, because Blacks only makeup about 19% of the US population, yet are saturating TV advertisements. Realistic? Not even remotely.
I believe Blacks make up about 14% of the U.S. population.

Also, I don't perceive that Blacks are "saturating TV advertisements" at all. From what I've noticed, most commercials still feature White actors.
Its actually what's really happening! In fact this illustration was released from the United Nations which is a worldwide organization as you know and according to them this is the current perception of the world. Now they caught some heat for this and had to remove it from their site but the fact remains that this is the current perception of the world of the racial demographic in America and they released this on Valentine's day so what does that tell you! 🤷‍♂️

By the way good post good observation!
The use exploded during the pandemic, especially during Floyd/BLM. There's no additional cost to cast an African-American, Latino or Asian to be the Mom, Dad or Grandma. It also gives a lot of new actors opportunites to make money.