"Alpha Males" the last guardians of...Monogamy??

Recently, on this site and others, it seems the guys who proclaim themselves to be "Bulls" and "Alpha" seem barely able to conceal their contempt for, what they consider, "beta" men for being willing to (drum roll)....share their wives.(???) :eek: The horror!!! Open relationships?!!! In the 21st Century??!! The gall!

They seem to imply that the only acceptable "Alpha" solution is....what, exactly? Monogamy? Seriously? I love the delusion that these guys are such God's gift to humanity that living with & fucking the same person, day in & day out, for DECADES would never get old, never get predictable, never get stale and something New, Different & Shiny could NEVER, EVER be appealing to THEIR woman.( Really? Really?)

A woman who's a 3rd in an FFM threesome is called a "Unicorn". That's off the mark. The term should be reserved for those very few women who can live with their long-term partner/spouse, in monogamous relationships, for years on end and not lose sexual interest in them, whether hetero or lesbian. That phenomenon of loss of desire for long-term mates has been studied, empirically observed but it's not understood. (I guess "sexual boredom" is not scientific enough and you can't "cure" that with a pill so it must be something else. Right?)

In women who don't actually live with their mate then the decline in sexual interest seems to be less pronounced. It seems that actually living with with your mate for between 1-5 years is what accelerates the decline. (Klausman, Uni. Hamburg)

Some wives on this forum have talked about their "Bulls", who are married men, whose own wives have no interest in sex with them. Why do you suppose that is?

I read an interview with a woman who became sexually bored with her husband, thought that meant she didn't love him, divorced him, remarried "the perfect guy" and 3 years later.....Yup, became sexually bored with him, too.

In divorce cases where the wife is the cause of the dead bedroom what do you think she does once she's no longer married? Take a vow of celibacy? Or gets a boyfriend and starts fucking again? Hmmmm, I wonder.

Personally I think as long as each partner can remain trustworthy, communication remains transparent, each party is sincerely committed to putting the needs of their spouse first and remain open to changes in the future then ANY form a relationship takes can remain healthy to both parties involved.

Moral of the story: If you still believe in the pseudo-science of "Alpha" and "beta" as a meaningful model for understanding human psychology & sexuality (ESPECIALLY in the context of long-term, live together, sexual relationships) then you should probably believe in Tarot readings and Alchemy, too.

The fact is, regardless of how "Alpha" you think you are or how great you might actually be, living with and fucking the same person, year after year, is still the same person, year after year. And THAT can get boring no matter what you call yourself. What is more "beta" than boring?