White girls against racism..

id love to see a video of her
With you being Jewish why are you not a fan of Trump? He is on excellent terms with Benjamin Netanyahu and even more so you know he's genuinely not an anti-Semite as his ******* Ivanka converted to Judaism, his *******-in-law Jared Kushner is Jewish, and by extension his grandc.hildren are Jewish? Not being an American I can't vote in 2020, but I hope Trump 🇺🇸 wins.

And if you did go to those KKK areas they'd probably ******* you @dumblonde but at the end you might unfortunately end up as kindling for their cross-burning activities, so I would not recommend it.:eek:

ewwww Bibi...i dunno which is more worse...if Stumps not a antisemite or a racist its only cuz he dosnt realy beleave in ANYthing xept hizself...if he cared about jewz or Black n brown ppl even white working ppl or farmerz or any1 he woudnt have white nationalists as his top adviserz n say nice thingz about nazis n ******* babiez into cagez n stop ppl selling their stuff n try n steal there votes n there health care so zillionairz dont havta pay any tax n burn the hole planet down around us!

but yah yr rite i dont realy wanna b burned on a cross...or else i bet u WOUD recommend the other part :p
I do not know why, but I have the weird feeling that many so called anti racism pics are very racist?? I think the first big mistake here:
there are no different races except one, the human race, especially by a scientific point of view, there is definitely nothing such a thing
like different human races.... and real anti racism pics should show it,
ewwww Bibi...i dunno which is more worse...if Stumps not a antisemite or a racist its only cuz he dosnt realy beleave in ANYthing xept hizself...if he cared about jewz or Black n brown ppl even white working ppl or farmerz or any1 he woudnt have white nationalists as his top adviserz n say nice thingz about nazis n ******* babiez into cagez n stop ppl selling their stuff n try n steal there votes n there health care so zillionairz dont havta pay any tax n burn the hole planet down around us!

but yah yr rite i dont realy wanna b burned on a cross...or else i bet u WOUD recommend the other part :p
I disagree. You are very polarized to your belief just as I believe differently so we will just have to agree to disagree. And I don't want you burned on a cross either. :lips: