White girls against racism..

No! We have a Yankee Carpetbagger whore pretending to be southern, in order to be disrespectful of our southern culture. And for disrespecting the flag, she should be cut up into crab trap bait. Must be Berne Sanders *******. LOL

i dont care for that white supremacist flag in public or in porn...im a northern girl...never been in the south much...if i realy thot the kinda hatred n grewsum violence u wrote was "southern culture" yah id disrespect the fuck out of it...but no i think thats just u n ppl like u...n probly not even u alla time but just when sum1 pushes yr buttons lol...n we got plenty of that kinda crap up here too...but i cant beleave thats the good respectful n caring ppl just struggling 2 make a good life in the southern states...or northern.
(Go Bernie!!! our next President!)
i dont care for that white supremacist flag in public or in porn...im a northern girl...never been in the south much...if i realy thot the kinda hatred n grewsum violence u wrote was "southern culture" yah id disrespect the fuck out of it...but no i think thats just u n ppl like u...n probly not even u alla time but just when sum1 pushes yr buttons lol...n we got plenty of that kinda crap up here too...but i cant beleave thats the good respectful n caring ppl just struggling 2 make a good life in the southern states...or northern.
(Go Bernie!!! our next President!)
Being Jewish I don't think you would be popular in the KKK areas down there, and I know many will disagree but Trump is going to win.
i dunno...i mite b popular in those places if i was naked :p and no way ima let Stump win...ru???
With you being Jewish why are you not a fan of Trump? He is on excellent terms with Benjamin Netanyahu and even more so you know he's genuinely not an anti-Semite as his ******* Ivanka converted to Judaism, his *******-in-law Jared Kushner is Jewish, and by extension his grandc.hildren are Jewish? Not being an American I can't vote in 2020, but I hope Trump 🇺🇸 wins.

And if you did go to those KKK areas they'd probably ******* you @dumblonde but at the end you might unfortunately end up as kindling for their cross-burning activities, so I would not recommend it.:eek:
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