Wedding dress sex 4 real

There’s different plateaus or levels you reach in this lifestyle that keeps pushing for the rush of excitement….of course the unprotected sex or nothing between them …and then you reach one of the greatest levels for everyone involved that is the no pulling out and staying deep inside….the first time a married wife goes to that level and feels another man releasing his warm seed deep …she always remembers that very first time he stays in.
Then there’s some other situation levels one of course being letting the two of them have all alone sex together again very exciting for her…. And the wedding dress level but before that try this one ….have the guy during all the foreplay …gently remove her wedding ring then hand it to her…she places on the bed table and he slowly enters while she closes her eyes make sure he knows to kiss her neck… of course no pulling out on that level because it’s the feeling single again level … again very exciting for her.
Several of my wife's bulls were married to black women. A few of these studs liked to play out a scenario where they would "take" my wife away from me and make her a member of their harem of wives. My wife would take off my wedding ring and place a wedding ring from her black husband on her ring finger. They would then proceed to "make love" in the true sense of a married couple, plenty of kissing, hugging and "I love you" comments being spoken. Of course, the love making would also include efforts to "make a baby".

It was simply an effort to make the sex hotter; none of these alpha-males wanted to actually "take" my wife away from me. As one of these studs explained to me: "I want to make as many ******* as possible with different women. But I only want one wife to my name".