Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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how do you figure that is bipartisan......we all know manchin is a republican pretending to be a dem....he needs to suck up....I see tody he is looking at switching parties....he needs to get that in the air soon before someone runs against him....pretty sure the dems will fund another dem against him

Trump won his state by like 20 points - good luck with that 😉
Facts facts facts say the Dems give me the facts
I can assure you, if you ever have to go before a Judge for some civil violation, you'll be demanding those FACTS you so choose to criticize. You don't support facts, here, because you know the individual & party you choose have no facts to prove themselves innocent. You're only fortunate in that the Democrats are extremely weak in taking & enforcing power ... disgustingly weak. But, it will happen even as the ReThuglicans continue to shore up their power with stealing SCOTUS judges and gerrymandering districts as they are doing here and other conservative states.
Is everyone ready to watch our leader meet Vladimir in Ukraine? Are you as a American willing to see Americans fighting Russian troops over UKRAINE ? Fucking Ukraine??? The Pentagon is drawing up the plans at this moment. This is a frightening scenario as China prepares to take Taiwan and we’re all arguing about this silly ******* while the elites ( the third party) send young Americans to die.
rumor has it they are taking people with redheaded wives....as they are the least likely to have a clue
I can assure you, if you ever have to go before a Judge for some civil violation, you'll be demanding those FACTS you so choose to criticize. You don't support facts, here, because you know the individual & party you choose have no facts to prove themselves innocent. You're only fortunate in that the Democrats are extremely weak in taking & enforcing power ... disgustingly weak. But, it will happen even as the ReThuglicans continue to shore up their power with stealing SCOTUS judges and gerrymandering districts as they are doing here and other conservative states.

You are TRULY delusional !!!!!!
Is everyone ready to watch our leader meet Vladimir in Ukraine? Are you as a American willing to see Americans fighting Russian troops over UKRAINE ? Fucking Ukraine??? The Pentagon is drawing up the plans at this moment. This is a frightening scenario as China prepares to take Taiwan and we’re all arguing about this silly ******* while the elites ( the third party) send young Americans to die.
Do I want us to go? No. But it was a mistake not to go when Vlad went into Crimea (Ukraine 2014). Russia taking Ukraine puts them on Poland's, and therefore NATO's doorstep.

Mature nations negotiate their differences. Tyrants, despots, and madmen bully their way, 'taking' what they want. Avoid the fight, but when you realize you must, cold cock the bastard rather than let him get ready to bully you too.

P.S. The Pentagon is NOT drawing up plans; they're dusting them off, updating them. Hell, there's been plans to fight Canada for decades, that's the way they do.
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