Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That's an extreme exaggeration but you know what you're doing.
Only some government support in some aspects of our lives.
Problem with you is you can't admit that you don't want government direct helping people, only businesses.
Same ol' Republitard philosophy that has sank the economy three fucking times since the 80s.
Yet, it's takes that over reaching government to bail us out and set us on the right track.

It’s incredible to me - that for a seemingly bright guy you can’t see that everything Biden is trying to do will fuck this country in the eye - least most Americans see it now.
Oh, I don't think I'm better than anyone. It's people like you, that have thought in that manner.
You've had every opportunity to be in a better position in life, and you chose not to. Fine.
But, you come on here, and stand against policies, that if were in place, would have made your life better, you would have contributed more to the economy in profit and taxes, which means the investment in you would have been worth out.
Yet, you bark out like the Fool of the Year against these programs, some you need right now!!!

You stand against Democratic policies like the one where there is a tax write off and sometimes support from the states, for taking care of an elderly parent. But, that's too socialists! You'd rather be a bigger burden on your children then support a government that makes it easier for them to care for an elderly parent, or get their children a couple of years of college- maybe for skills training or preparation for further education.
Both of those things, add in baby care, makes a productive workforce, which means more people making more money and contributing to the tax rolls for much longer.
But you can't have that because it will bring about the end of the republic.
No, because it will give even more people a better opportunity, opportunities you didn't take.
So, you cheerlead your own demise.

You're a fucking idiot. Wait, a selfish fucking idiot.
I am not going to fall for your useless opinion of humanity or your views of what America should be. The problem with you is that you are trying to pick and choose. The man you present yourself to be appears to be painting a picture of yourself as a hypocrite. On one side you support all of the Government services we have in this country and in fact you say we need more, Socialism . On the other side you claim to be a successful business man, but has accomplished this through capitalism, but under your false view you consider this Democracy.
How do you know when Trumptards are LYING? When you see their lips moving .... case in point!
Latest Trumptard LIE!

Obviously Trump & his Trumptards are very concerned with the way voters are starting to lean ... being outnumbered they think the only way to WIN is to create doubts with voters (through fabrications) of the abilities to have Fair Elections.

"Liars, liars, pants on fire!"
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everything Biden is trying to do will fuck this country in the eye - least most Americans see it now.
If you'd get off those right-wing shows you wouldn't be getting those skewed reports.
As is proven DAILY ... HOURLY you can't believe anything the Republicans are reporting. They've now gone "hook - line - sinker" in Trump now. Its all or none for them. Hopefully it won't matter, by this time next year Trump hopefully will be in the jailhouse.
It’s incredible to me - that for a seemingly bright guy you can’t see that everything Biden is trying to do will fuck this country in the eye - least most Americans see it now.
yes he's simultaneously unaware of his name and doesn't know what's going on, and at the same time is masterminding a take-down of every institution without actually enacting many policy changes

makes total sense.

just see this list of all the radical policies he's gotten passed:

1. ?????
Here to confront Dem HORSESHITE

Kinda sick of it :|
Well, sweetheart, you can't imagine how sick the LEFT is of this bullshit either. But, unlike you Trumptards, we don't have our heads pushed so far up our asses that we can't see what's going on with Donald Trump. You know, all this to me, was just politics until January 6th came along, then it wasn't just politics to me anymore. There's no more bull shitting from the LEFT as to how we feel about Donald Trump, I can assure you that. I'll do what I feel is necessary for the country to keep Trump out of office. My ******* will NOT live under a damn dictator, especially a dumb one.

I imagine if we start a couple lists, the "horseshit" list for Republicans the past 5 years would be at least 10X that of Democrats, blkdlaur.
Should we start a couple lists and see?

Trump might lie a lot, but he wears his intentions on his sleeves quite clearly. Almost like he's telling everyone "just try to stop me". He wants a totalitarian type of government and I'm betting he's not going to be given the chance. He's starting out just like Hitler. You better look at the parallels and get on the right side. He is NOT GOOD for anyone unrelated to him.

The startup of Hitler & Nazism has probably been researched more times than just about any event in non-religion history. This attachment gives as good of timeline as I've read in a while. You best take the 10 minutes it takes to read it. Maybe something said in this article will trip your switches as to how you might feel about Trump regaining the #1 seat in the US.

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That was during a time of war, and you've got the wrong perspective on this. The Brits kept poking at us and used the Indians to cause havoc from York to New Orleans. Including burning the US Capitol Building and a little midwest city called Ft Dearborn (later named Chicago).
The second one, January 6th, was a group from within the country who didn't agree with the election results, and went to the Capitol Building to stop the certification of the election - after every single state both Democratic and Republican states certified their states' results. Including Florida, Wisconsin, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, etc.
They, those Americans, went to stop a Constitutional process that certified the change of the head of state. That is treason.

That's impossible. The time under Trump was great according to the other tards on here.

No it's not. Too many cases of black men being shot and/or killed by the police for just the idea of having a weapon.

It's "color". And, if you think we have been losing our mind for just a year, you are not a person who pays attention.
You are not informed enough.
Back up a step, Ed. His spelling was correct. He used the British variant; and remember, as long as we have 'tards we can't claim to be the smartest nation...
I said it occurred during the peaceful protests - the articles point the finger at BLM protestors - not me. At any rate the protests gave whoever was at fault the cover to riot, loot and try to destroy government buildings.
When your side does it - seems to be ok - just the double standard that identifies Dems.
I see now!
The bathwater is dirty, throw the baby out method; also the definition of stereotype. Thanks for making your process of thought clear.

this one for blkdlaur........he likes the fake *******.... a good example of what he spews everyday​

Failed Republican House Candidate Kim Klacik Earns Ridicule After Posting False Empty Shelves Photo to Slam Biden​

Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee/Getty Images
Kim Klacik, a failed Republican candidate for Maryland’s 7th congressional district, is being pilloried on Twitter for posting a clearly false photo of empty shelves in an attempt to slam President Joe Biden.

On Wednesday, Klacik posted a picture of empty grocery shelves with the caption, “A look at #BuildBack Better,” implying that the photo was taken recently and in the United States.

Twitter users were quick to note, however, that the prices in the picture used the symbol for the pound sterling, the currency of the United Kingdom.

he tried to commit treason....he shouldn't get any protection for that....he is nothing more than a fucking criminal temporarily one step ahead of the law......and treason is it the top of the list of his crimes.....he should be charged with ******* after that gal shot on Jan 6th.....didn't we keep Charles Mansion in prison for life for basically the same thing

White House formally rejects Trump's request to protect specific documents from being given to January 6 investigators​

The White House formally rejected the request by former President Donald Trump to assert executive privilege to shield from lawmakers a subset of documents that has been requested by the House committee investigating January 6, and set an aggressive timeline for their release.

The latest letter came after the Biden administration informed the National Archives on Friday that it would not assert executive privilege over a tranche of documents related to January 6 from the Trump White House. When the White House sent its first letter last week, the former President had not formally submitted his objections yet. The latest response from the White House counsel is more of a technicality in response to the request from Trump regarding the subset of documents, according to a person familiar, reaffirming the decision already made by President Joe Biden not to assert executive privilege.

The letter sent Friday, and released on Wednesday, from White House counsel Dana Remus to Archivist of the United States David Ferriero requests that the documents be released "30 days after your notification to the former President, absent any intervening court order."


Republican Senate candidate gets booted from Ohio school board meeting​

U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel was kicked out of a Cincinnati school board meeting after disrupting the event to "defend the moms and dads" against board members he said were "using ******* as pawns in a political game."

A video of the gauche display shows school board candidate Darbi Boddy giving Mandel a brief window to speak to parents and board members of the Lakota Local Schools District, southwest Ohio's largest suburban school system, according to WCPO.

In the video, Mandel opens by critiquing the district's apparent failure to update the Ohio Checkbook, a digital financial record of each public institution in Ohio that was created during Mandel's term as the state treasurer.

Mandel is quickly asked by board president Kelley Casper to stop speaking, but the Ohio Republican refuses to step away from the microphone. "I'm just trying to stand up for *******," Mandel says.

In another video of the affair, Mandel takes aim at the district's mask mandate, telling the school board that it's "using ******* as pawns in a political game." He also railed against the district's apparent effort to teach ******* about gender identity, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer, later saying in an interview: "It is not the role of a school official or politician to tell moms and dads how to raise their *******."

After a kerfuffle between board members about whether district's bylaws allowed Mandel to speak in the first place, two deputies later approach Mandel and ******* him out of the room.

My post wasn't about Trump and didn't mention him- it was in regard to your statement that Jan 6th was just a protest and I stated it was not just a protest. And for the record, he said NOTHING for hours after the insurrection was well out of hand. That woman was not 'innocent' and was shot taking part in the invasion of the Capitol. I find it interesting that you and others, accuse this LEO of being trigger happy but when the conversation was about Black men, women, and children being inappropriately shot by police your positions were solely about them complying with police instructions. Are there factors other than race in the reversal of opinion?
See, we're going to have to disagree here... I felt that you were insinuating that Trump caused some sort of insurrection, or committed sedition, which he didn't...
Yes, that woman was innocent, and this is different than the black men and women being shot by police... I'm not denying that's happening, however, the argument put forth by some sounds like "white cops are chasing down blacks and murdering them in the streets"... To put forth an attitude like that is not only polarizing, but just plain wrong... Conclusions are jumped to without any facts of what happened being released, and the media creates a narrative that causes extreme division... If we all want to be mad at someone, we should stop being mad at each other and turn our anger onto the media for doing what they do... Honestly, I'd rather stand with you than against you.

Since your focus was on Trump and not who I talked about, which was those who stormed the Capitol...he also did not ask for calm differentiating from the speakers before him like Rudy who used terms like "fight like hell"; instead he said "WE are going to march right down there..."
He said to "fight like hell", but he also said to remain peaceful... We can fight like hell and remain peaceful... It's really not that difficult.

So you don't see the difference in a vacant court building (vacated before the protests) and the Capitol while Congress was in session? No government function was interrupted in the PNW.
No, there is no difference, both are government buildings... Both were equally as wrong

I almost disagreed with this, but it wouldn't have been honest. But I would like you to understand my motivation to do it comes from the fact you continue to do so with others, frequently to posts that state a position with NO personal reference to you. I didn't want jokes specifically from blkdlaur, who in my opinion, makes similar derisions in the form of corny jokes that aren't funny, primarily appealing to others of "your ilk". And aren't y'all calling others libtards, socialists, etc. in an attempt to marginalize, or silence those of differing opinions?


I only do it with people who have insulted me. Blkdlaur is a great person, someone I enjoy meeting here... I try to only use accurate descriptive terms with them, unless they start hurling insults toward me, then I'm quite capable of retaliation. That actually makes the entire conversation break down. When I see something that is socialism, I'm not afraid to call it what it is... I don't say it as a red herring.
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