Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Have you guys considered that he hasn't got a plan beyond 'must build big wall'?
This man doesn't play chess - he isn't smart enough. He just tries to bulldoze people who get in his way. He thinks he's the CEO of America. He isn't, he's the president, the leader of the country and he's an asshole of the highest order.
He's got into power through the misguided idea that 'success' in business means that he's the man to lead a country. He's fundamentally selfish and that is the opposite of what a leader should be.
Have you guys considered that he hasn't got a plan beyond 'must build big wall'?
This man doesn't play chess - he isn't smart enough. He just tries to bulldoze people who get in his way. He thinks he's the CEO of America. He isn't, he's the president, the leader of the country and he's an asshole of the highest order.
He's got into power through the misguided idea that 'success' in business means that he's the man to lead a country. He's fundamentally selfish and that is the opposite of what a leader should be.

damn you hit the nail on the head with that one.....

I think the wall is just a monument to himself...he can say later on that "I built that wall"

although I understand a few weeks ago he didn't even care for it...but a bunch of conservatives got on his ass about it and told him he wouldn't get re-elected without the wall.....so now it is a big push....he needs a way out because the left is not going to give in YET anyway...especially after that big tax cut and his spending has already pushed the deficit up there...so he needs something to say..."I tried"
Who knows where all this will actually lead, but if even a fraction of the stories gathered on Trump are true, congress needs to make an example of him to discourage future 'others' of trying similar. Interestingly enough, Republican congressmen are hesitant to turn on one of their own, or even reprimand them for unprofessional conduct, and THAT should be THEIR undoing in 2020 & 2022.
"He thinks he's the CEO of America. He isn't, he's the president, the leader of the country"
I've said many times that Trump doesn't understand the differences between the private & public sectors. He simply can't 'cheat' and 'threaten' and 'overpower' obstructions to his actions in the public sector as he has in the private sector. The man is going to go DOWN!
Who knows where all this will actually lead, but if even a fraction of the stories gathered on Trump are true, congress needs to make an example of him to discourage future 'others' of trying similar. Interestingly enough, Republican congressmen are hesitant to turn on one of their own, or even reprimand them for unprofessional conduct, and THAT should be THEIR undoing in 2020 & 2022.
"He thinks he's the CEO of America. He isn't, he's the president, the leader of the country"
I've said many times that Trump doesn't understand the differences between the private & public sectors. He simply can't 'cheat' and 'threaten' and 'overpower' obstructions to his actions in the public sector as he has in the private sector. The man is going to go DOWN!

what's funny...Graham made a similar statement a couple days ago about the wall and etc......but after a meeting with the pres.....suddenly supports the pres!
Serious question: what happens if you are a government employee who misses a mortgage payment because of the shutdown?

got a problem!..I heard on the news one woman was going to turn in her new car....would think you could just be late or make it up...but maybe some mort. companies are not very tolerant or understanding!
got a problem!..I heard on the news one woman was going to turn in her new car....would think you could just be late or make it up...but maybe some mort. companies are not very tolerant or understanding!
That is outrageous! The government is potentially putting people out of their homes. Wow
That is outrageous! The government is potentially putting people out of their homes. Wow

That is really nothing New. Happens all the time. Just like I mentioned with Obama - He opted to bail out the greedy crocked banks but offered nothing to help those loosing their homes. Our government as a whole has become a group of corrupt politicians that have no problem stepping on it's people.

Justification for Obama in 3... 2... 1...
careful there your bias for trump and the right is starting to show....knew it was just a matter of time before your true colors came back out
you have been stringing subby along with a line of ******* for a while now....all of this it is both sides and bad gov...well it is.....but you have spent 2 years now defending the trump administration....and now all of a sudden you change.....

and the man responsible for putting all those people out of their homes......you guessed it...he is now a part of the trump administration

and not a lot Obama could do to stop people from losing their homes....he did investigate the banks doing so much of it....but the banks gave all those bad loans......Obama did put in stop gaps to prevent that from happening again......but trump just removed those...said it hindered banks from loaning money.....and it sure is funny no mention of the money to the auto industry...all of which has been paid back...and Obama did try to stop the money going to wall street...but seems the right thought it should go on and is still going on......ask your trump supporter 2bi about that

zzzzzz1.jpg2bi and company right there!
Just like I mentioned with Obama - He opted to bail out the greedy crocked banks but offered nothing to help those loosing their homes.
And there you go again, TwoBi ... lying out your ass, and know you are. You fail to mention the state of the economy when Obama took office ... the country was but one step from having another GREAT Depression, which would have probably devalued everything in the US but gold. In 2009-2010 the housing market hadn't bottomed out ... there was NO real fix to that until it did. Some people just bought way MORE house than they could afford, others shouldn't have purchased homes at all but for the weak housing regulations. However, with all the OTHER things going on, Obama had his hands quite full of issues that "tax cuts pay for themselves" Republicans created ... "feed the one percent & the corporations and they will create jobs" ... isn't that the line they have sung since Reagan? Or was it "tax cuts PAY for themselves." I think those lines are in the same song as the "throw the dog a bone" song. Obama created the Home Affordable Refinance Program to allow refinancing of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac loans which helped over a million homeowners, but, there were just too many homes under water at one time. He put in some regulations to help avoid future misdeeds by financing companies in the future, but it seems Republicans have since taken those out. By the time Obama got back to homeowners in 2011 the good ole Republicans were implementing their obstruction plans on Obama to "make him a one-term President". Surely you recall THAT. With Republicans holding both sides of Congress there was NOTHING Obama could propose that Republicans would allow get approved. The polarized state of Washington politics today is primarily due to Newt Gingrich's "Party Of NO" strategy. How has THAT worked out for Republicans? So they win both sides of Congress and do absolutely NOTHING for 6 solid years but go after Obama & Hillary, and 72+ congressional votes to obstruct or destroy the ACA. That awesome health plan they promised? What happened to that promise? They never had one, and had NO intention of providing one. They and our great Alt-President didn't flinch an eye in lying to the country about it, however, now DID THEY?
That's ok, though ... next 2 election cycles should get much of the rift-raft out of Washington. In NC we're going to do the Republicans a big favor ... 2 Tea Party members (oh wait, they changed their name to the new Freedom Caucus, now, right?) are up for re-election in 2020 ... the citizens of NC are biting at the bits to take care of them. We may, however, have to build more JAILS.
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And there you go again, TwoBi ... lying out your ass, and know you are.

How do you figure? Are you now trying to say Obama didn't bail out the banks????? It's not a lie Mac and you know it. Stop stooping to your lap dogs level,

You fail to mention the state of the economy when Obama took office ..

Deflection - completely irrelevant to my point. Obama could have helped the people - He didn't. He bailed out the banks, made the rich man richer no matter how you try to point the finger the other direction. Keep telling yourself the Democrats are for the people all the while they get rich while in office.

Are you now trying to say Obama didn't bail out the banks?????
Never said that at all, TwoBi ... Obama had no choice but to save the banks, auto industry, Wall Street, etc ... the alternatives would have hit the middleclass harder than anyone. And as of last time I checked, I believe all or a majority repaid the money back to the US that Obama loaned them ... what we did with it, once we got it, who knows, but their loans were repaid. I believe Romney was wanting to let them ALL settle under bankruptcy ... which was one reason Obama beat Romney.
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Good for the goose...

Didn't take long for the kool-aid drinkers to defend their god now did it.

didn't take long for your trump loving statements to come back out.....you can only go so long without your trump colors showing...you talk out of both sides of your ass for a while...but eventually go back to your god on the right
tell us agin how the trickle down works so well for America...your biz 3 fold under trump....I think your exact words...and you gave your employees NOTHING...except allowing them to keep their jobs
you are precisely what is wrong with this country.....and do not want to hear anything about it except to blame the left to turn the attention away from your personal greed

you simply refuse to admit that Obama bailed this country out of a serious problem created by your party....the ones that obstructed everything he wanted to do....and you talk about the banks...….Obama wanted to end that bail out to wall street when he found out most of it was just bonus for upper exec's...but your party didn't want to end that

Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years ...
Jan 07, 2019 · Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later ... continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government data. ... At least the money being paid to the banks is ...

2bi..I have never talked to anyone as full of ******* as you are......your lies and just plain false facts make you something to ……..???? you fill in the blank.....last time you cried about being picked on to the Mod
Never said that at all, TwoBi ... Obama had no choice but to save the banks, auto industry, Wall Street, etc ... the alternatives would have hit the middleclass harder than anyone. And as of last time I checked, I believe all or a majority repaid the money back to the US ... what we did with it, once we got it, who knows, but their loans were repaid. I believe Romney was wanting to let them ALL settle under bankruptcy ... which was one reason Obama beat Romney.

again he fails to acknowledge that it was HIS party that started the bank bailout Obama just finished/fixed it.....2bi has a habit of just using the part of the facts that suit him!

More Americans think Obama, Not Bush, Enacted Bank ...
Aug 12, 2010 · Nearly half of Americans incorrectly think President Obama started the the bank bailout program, otherwise known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a new poll shows.

But if you want to talk about Obama...lets tell it all!

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked ...
Jan 09, 2017 · It didn't stop with the banks. In the early days of his presidency, Obama also backed an estimated $80 billion bailout of the foundering American auto …
Whether or not the banks should have been bailed out, the bankers involved in the sub- prime scams should have been punished. As far as I'm aware they walked away scot-free and many are still trading!
In the meantime, thousands of families had their homes repossessed.
2bi has a major problem getting the facts straight...his party started that bailout...hard for Obama to change something passed by congress and voted on by the American people....another scam Bush pulled off..like his Iraq war!

Secrets and Lies of the Bailout

The federal rescue of Wall Street didn’t fix the economy – it created a permanent bailout state based on a Ponzi-like confidence scheme. And the worst may be yet to come

It has been four long winters since the federal government, in the hulking, shaven-skulled, Alien Nation-esque form of then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, committed $700 billion in taxpayer money to rescue Wall Street from its own chicanery and greed. To listen to the bankers and their allies in Washington tell it, you’d think the bailout was the best thing to hit the American economy since the invention of the assembly line. Not only did it prevent another Great Depression, we’ve been told, but the money has all been paid back, and the government even made a profit. No harm, no foul – right?


It was all a lie – one of the biggest and most elaborate falsehoods ever sold to the American people. We were told that the taxpayer was stepping in – only temporarily, mind you – to prop up the economy and save the world from financial catastrophe. What we actually ended up doing was the exact opposite: committing American taxpayers to permanent, blind support of an ungovernable, unregulatable, hyperconcentrated new financial system that exacerbates the greed and inequality that caused the crash, and forces Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup to increase risk rather than reduce it. The result is one of those deals where one wrong decision early on blossoms into a lush nightmare of unintended consequences. We thought we were just letting a friend crash at the house for a few days; we ended up with a family of hillbillies who moved in forever, sleeping nine to a bed and building a prohibited chemical lab on the front lawn.

how wall street killed financial reform

But the most appalling part is the lying. The public has been lied to so shamelessly and so often in the course of the past four years that the failure to tell the truth to the general populace has become a kind of baked-in, official feature of the financial rescue. Money wasn’t the only thing the government gave Wall Street – it also conferred the right to hide the truth from the rest of us. And it was all done in the name of helping regular people and creating jobs. “It is,” says former bailout Inspector General Neil Barofsky, “the ultimate bait-and-switch.”

The bailout deceptions came early, late and in between. There were lies told in the first moments of their inception, and others still being told four years later. The lies, in fact, were the most important mechanisms of the bailout. The only reason investors haven’t run screaming from an obviously corrupt financial marketplace is because the government has gone to such extraordinary lengths to sell the narrative that the problems of 2008 have been fixed. Investors may not actually believe the lie, but they are impressed by how totally committed the government has been, from the very beginning, to selling it.


Today what few remember about the bailouts is that we had to approve them. It wasn’t like Paulson could just go out and unilaterally commit trillions of public dollars to rescue Goldman Sachs and Citigroup from their own stupidity and bad management (although the government ended up doing just that, later on). Much as with a declaration of war, a similarly extreme and expensive commitment of public resources, Paulson needed at least a film of congressional approval. And much like the Iraq War resolution, which was only secured after George W. Bush ludicrously warned that Saddam was planning to send drones to spray poison over New York City, the bailouts were pushed through Congress with a series of threats and promises that ranged from the merely ridiculous to the outright deceptive. At one meeting to discuss the original bailout bill – at 11 a.m. on September 18th, 2008 – Paulson actually told members of Congress that $5.5 trillion in wealth would disappear by 2 p.m. that day unless the government took immediate action, and that the world economy would collapse “within 24 hours.”

To be fair, Paulson started out by trying to tell the truth in his own ham-headed, narcissistic way. His first TARP proposal was a three-page absurdity pulled straight from a Beavis and Butt-Head episode – it was basically Paulson saying, “Can you, like, give me some money?” Sen. Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, remembers a call with Paulson and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke. “We need $700 billion,” they told Brown, “and we need it in three days.” What’s more, the plan stipulated, Paulson could spend the money however he pleased, without review “by any court of law or any administrative agency.”

The White House and leaders of both parties actually agreed to this preposterous document, but it died in the House when 95 Democrats lined up against it. For an all-too-rare moment during the Bush administration, something resembling sanity prevailed in Washington.

o Paulson came up with a more convincing lie. On paper, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was simple: Treasury would buy $700 billion of troubled mortgages from the banks and then modify them to help struggling homeowners. Section 109 of the act, in fact, specifically empowered the Treasury secretary to “facilitate loan modifications to prevent avoidable foreclosures.” With that promise on the table, wary Democrats finally approved the bailout on October 3rd, 2008. “That provision,” says Barofsky, “is what got the bill passed.”

But within days of passage, the Fed and the Treasury unilaterally decided to abandon the planned purchase of toxic assets in favor of direct injections of billions in cash into companies like Goldman and Citigroup. Overnight, Section 109 was unceremoniously ditched, and what was pitched as a bailout of both banks and homeowners instantly became a bank-only operation – marking the first in a long series of moves in which bailout officials either casually ignored or openly defied their own promises with regard to TARP.

Congress was furious. “We’ve been lied to,” fumed Rep. David Scott, a Democrat from Georgia. Rep. Elijah Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland, raged at transparently douchey TARP administrator (and Goldman banker) Neel Kashkari, calling him a “chump” for the banks. And the anger was bipartisan: Republican senators David Vitter of Louisiana and James Inhofe of Oklahoma were so mad about the unilateral changes and lack of oversight that they sponsored a bill in January 2009 to cancel the remaining $350 billion of TARP.

So what did bailout officials do? They put together a proposal full of even bigger deceptions to get it past Congress a second time. That process began almost exactly four years ago – on January 12th and 15th, 2009 – when Larry Summers, the senior economic adviser to President-elect Barack Obama, sent a pair of letters to Congress. The pudgy, stubbyfingered former World Bank economist, who had been ****** out as Harvard president for suggesting that women lack a natural aptitude for math and science, begged legislators to reject Vitter’s bill and leave TARP alone.
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