Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The silence is deafening!

Weird, you're taking my side now. Welcome. The silence and lack of one credible source from Fake News MacNFruies has been odd. But we all know the reason why he can't post any proof to refute everything.

I wonder if he watched his favorite network CNN yesterday since they validated my position. AS if it needs any additional validation.
The silence is deafening!
oh no ... it won't as soon as he reads it. He's like H-H ... always, always has to have the last comment on anything. He'll find some weak ass "trump excuse" to try to shift the failure to me, I'm sure. He's a conservative; its his nature.
You two have fun. I'll check back tomorrow to see if either of you can post one, just one source validating anything you say. And no Fake News MacNFries, some high school kid on Quora doesn't count. Especially when compared to the 5-10 sources I've posted who are credible.

Have you figured out who Doris Kearns Goodwin is yet?
won't be long now......the plot thickens and the noose tightens...mueller working with N.Y. Ag...what he might escape on fed charges from his republican terroists…...N.Y will get him on!
More "art of the deal" and another mind fuck by the pres to the American people...like all his other deals so far

The EU won Trump’s trade deal and other comments

Foreign desk: EU Was Bigger Winner on Trade Deal
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker “came to Washington with a bridge to sell,” says Bloomberg’s Leonid Bershidsky, “and in three hours of talks he sold it” to President Trump. The joint statement the two men issued on trade and tariffs has “no numbers, no deadlines and no specific measures.” Yet Trump’s “fire and fury against European car imports” has now “been put to rest, at least temporarily.” In return, he got promises of increased European imports of soybeans and liquid natural gas. But “the EU cannot order member states to buy more” LNG from the US — besides, it’s not as if U.S. suppliers are sitting on lots of LNG they can’t sell. Juncker, suggests Bershidsky, ran “circles around Trump.”
Conservative: Is Ocasio-Cortez the Left’s Donald Trump?
On paper, they couldn’t be more dissimilar, but The Federalist’s David Marcus suggests President Trump and new socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez actually have much in common. Both won primaries “against the establishment in parties that didn’t want them.” Both used social media “to do an end-run around those establishments.” And both espouse views “that quite recently would have been disqualifying but no longer are.” Their appeal is “based less in a belief that they have the answers” and more on a feeling that “the status quo is broken beyond repair and we need something —
anything — new.” But “this is a dangerous attitude that makes little sense given the peace, prosperity, and well-being most Americans enjoy today.” Yet there’s “a good chance” she can “bring her party along with her.”
Ex-gov: No US Bailout for States Drowning in Debt
When a state “pursues boneheaded policies long enough,” notes former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels at The Washington Post, “people and businesses get up and leave, taking tax dollars with them.” And over the past few years, several large states “have descended into unmanageable public indebtedness,” thanks to the explosion of Medicaid and “grotesque” public pensions. So, he asks, “where is a destitute governor to turn?” Eventually, “we can anticipate pleas for nationalization of these impossible obligations”— or “subsidy of the poor by the prudent.” California did just that in 2009, pitching it as an “investment” by more fiscally sane states. And though it didn’t succeed, it did walk away with $8 billion in federal “stimulus” money. But now, warns Daniels, “such a heist will be harder to justify in the absence of a national economic emergency.”
Opinion: Trump cannot keep his corruption hidden forever. Here's what's coming.
San Francisco Chronicle

Caption Close Two of the biggest stories in Washington right now - President Donald Trump's battle with lawyer Michael Cohen, and a federal judge's decision to let a lawsuit alleging ongoing violations of the Emoluments Clause proceed - are both converging towards one end point. Both demonstrate the degree to which Trump places his personal interests before those of the American people, and both may shed light on that wretched reality in much more detail in coming days than Trump ever bargained for. Thursday morning, multiple news reports tell us that Trump's allies view future disclosures from Cohen - who released audio showing Trump was aware of a hush-money scheme to quiet an alleged mistress ...
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word_OPPS.jpgJust out tonight, Cohen announces that Donald Trump did know about the July 2016 meeting in Trump Tower between his ******* Jr, and the Russians days before the meeting. This means his sons have now been caught again lying under oath, and, Trump is on tape saying he knew nothing about the meeting ... yet another Trump lie. And, Trump's life long accountant has been subpoenaed by Mueller ...
But he is so respected around the world...…..

UN bloc of developing countries elects Palestine as next leader in snub to US and Israel
Bethan McKernan,

A United Nations bloc of developing countries has elected the observer state of Palestine as its next leader in a symbolic snub to the US and its ally Israel.
The Group of 77, which has grown to encompass 135 countries since its formation in 1964, was formed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity. It now represents a total 80 per cent of the world’s population.
The choice of the Palestinians as the group’s chair for 2019 is a diplomatic win for Ramallah at the expense of Israel and Washington DC. Both have argued against strengthening the Palestinians’ international political clout until a peace settlement is reached in the intractable Arab-Israeli conflict which agrees on the formation of an independent Palestinian state.

The permanent Palestinian observer to the UN, Riyad Mansour, confirmed news of the Group 77 decision in a phone interview on Tuesday with The New York Times.
The Palestinian mission to the UN was granted observer status in 2012, which made it eligible to join important bodies such as the International Criminal Court and Unesco.

hell just how many republicans ARE in bed with Russia and the NRA?

Lawyer who introduced NRA to Russia hinted he might advise GOP Senate hopeful

Five days ago, the Tennessee Democratic Party stated emphatically that in 2012 Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) met with Alexander Torshin, a now-sanctioned Russian official at the heart of Russia’s efforts to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA). Blackburn, who is currently running for Tennessee’s open Senate seat, has dodged questions about such a meeting since — but has not yet issued a denial on the topic. Blackburn’s alleged role in the efforts of both Torshin and accused Russian agent Maria Butina to access high-ranking officials within the NRA — and the Republican Party more broadly — may not have simply ended with a meeting in 2012. After all, Kline Preston, a Nashville-based lawyer ...
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Does this make all those gun tottin NRA rednecks...commies?

Senior NRA figures met with wife of billionaire tied to alleged Russian agent: report
The Hill

these republicans always doing what is right for the country....voters be damned

here (Okl)they passed the pot law..by 56% a while back
the gov. here decided that nothing in that law says it has to be smokeable...so that's not going to happen
health dept decided that druggist who sell need a special lic and training...so no lic issued yet
just as a public service reminder on just now....even though the law has passed..it is still illegal to own or sell pot...subject to a $400.00 fine and imprisonment....court suits could go past next election!
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well there is hope
at least for a change...now if they will only do something

Meet the Midterms: Warning signs of a blue wave emerge in the Midwest

In Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, polls are showing a red alert for a blue wave coming this November.

although nongolfers Iowa really needs the blue wave......2 of the dumbest congress reps ever put in congress..joni Mitchell as dumb as the one that came from Minn (Michelle Bachman)a few years ago...and steve king....even senators make fun of him and not wanting to be the steve king of the senate
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to America, please keep cuckolding and this ******* and real life politics separate....

+Mind blowing!
+Warped thinking!

Unfortunately I can only converse in three languages, but regardless of which language I converse in, they all translate to cause me the same reaction!
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