Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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oh you wittle wienie muncher you......you need to concentrate more on politics and less what mac has in his pants.....you just keep trying to look for something when there isn't anything there
The guy has some serious issues, subhub. I'm not sure what to say. It doesn't matter what I'm posting, he seeks me out and has some smartass remark to make. The idiot has some kind of obsession with me.
It'd be so easy to resolve who wants the wienie if he'd just meet me in Shelbyville. We could both put these ill feelings behind us. He's just a sad old fat slob with health issues, a miserable marriage (obviously) and no friends.
All of this negative copy and paste foolishness about the Republican Party doesn't excite me or even make me mad, it does BORE me however. Name calling, crude and ignorant language are worthless and very unproductive.

Sniffing hair to cracking open beers in your kitchen to men kissing their "husbands," Democrats have created for their voters a world where truth and reality are indefinitely suspended, supplanted by fairy tales.

Yes, all the world's a stage, and the men and women in it mere players, and irrespective of influence and propaganda, adults are responsible for their own actions and decisions. But the Democrat delusions of grandeur pervasive throughout the republic — buttressed by lies, conspiracy theories, and myths that Democrat Media Industrial Complex rarely challenge — are dangerous and deadly.

Men are women. Hillary Clinton won the 2016 presidential election, But Donald Trump did not win it in 2020. Inequality is the new equality. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. On and on. Democrats live in a politically manufactured world.

Democrats don't actually believe the bull dung they peddle,
whether it be "fundamental transformation," "democratic socialism," or "it takes a village." What if I'm mistaken, however? The only people who frighten me more than those who don't believe the nonsense coming out of their mouths are the ones who do.

Inequality Is the New Equality

Recalling Sal Tessio, from The Godfather, who intentionally betrays the Corleone family, a Tessio Republican is one who betrays America First principles of nationalism, constitutional liberties, free markets, and common sense.

Democrats world is one where males who decide they're females should be able to compete in women's sports. Democrats sell this stranger-than-science-fiction narrative because it's what they believe that their voters want to buy.

It's not just that Democrats destroy everything and every place they touch; their policies always have the opposite intended effect. Does any Democrat in Congress, or do any of the Democrats' voters, realize that? The "party of science" couldn't be more anti-science. The "party of women" couldn't be any more misogynistic showing a hatred and distrust of women.

The "party of the youth" couldn't be any more anti-baby, as evidenced by its fetish for on-demand abortions, as well as its zealous political exploitation-engineering of our youths in our schools, culture, and media. Democrats spit in the faces of Naomi Fraley, who inspired the World War II–era poster girl "Rosie the Riveter"; women's suffrage heroines Ida B. Wells and Susan B. Anthony; and every woman who demanded — and achieved — true equality. Let's also sing a dirge for the activism of the ladies who fought for Title IX, the Nixon-era landmark law that requires athletic departments to offer programs in proportion to their sex breakdown, such as tennis legend Billie Jean King and Olympics gold medal–winning gymnast Dominique Dawes.

Democrats have set women's equality back a century. Are there any prominent Democrats in the country willing to stand up against their party's apparatus? If you want true diversity and equality, strive for excellence, not pseudo-science. "Transgender" men don't need red carpets rolled out for them to compete against the weaker sex; they need an intervention that prevents them from becoming the next statistic in the rising transgender suicide body count.

It's Democrats are the exact opposite of what they proclaim to be about. It is why they constantly employ the first rule of propaganda: to accuse your opposition of what you yourself are guilty of. This illogic is the norm, not the exception, in the "Truman Show" habitat Democrats inhabit. Useful idiots will accept fictions as facts.

Democrats view governing as a vanity project. The Ocasio-Cortezes, Omars, and Tlaibs are high-priced, taxpayer-funded Manchurian congresswomen who are traitorous burdens to their and our country and serve zero legislative purpose. They seek not to govern, or achieve, or represent — they seek to conquer their political opponents and invoke ideologies shaped and influenced by the worst in man's history. Look how pathetic, as examples, Nurse Ratched Nancy Pelosi and U.S. rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) are. Pelosi, 79, can barely get through a press conference; Nadler, 71, fainted last week. Rather than retire and spend time with the grandkids, they will spend their twilight years peddling Russian collusion/obstruction of justice/cover-up/whatever's next lies that they know are lies.

To bridge our divide, the Democrats must be conquered; perhaps then there can be political peace. When Truman Burbank discovers that his entire life has been scripted, he forgoes the comforts of a manufactured reality to live a real-world, organic life; he overcomes the false hope and tyranny of a life of fantasy and make-believe. Now is the Democrats' opportunity to channel their inner Truman — to live their adult lives as grown-ups rather than children masquerading as adults.

It needs to end badly at the polls for the Democrats.
We on the America First nationalist side seek calm, and to have our rights, our families, and our businesses left alone. But they continue challenging us, we will be ****** to fight back ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times fiercer. In the end, Truman defeated the world of la-la land. Conquer, or be conquered.
Stanley this is the most cerebral post you've made in some time, but it's still stupid rhetoric. How's that for a conundrum?
What are you trying to do, View attachment 5039100, get some of your fellow RightRETards to join you in your childish criminal acts? Trying to get others to join you? Well, let me tell you what's eventually going to happen, "boo boo" ... you're going to find yourself kicked out of the forums. So, I guess you desire some of your "buddies" to join you, huh? You're sounding more and more like the X Prez-Orange Orangutan.
The rest of them here KNOW I'm not joking!
Happy Trails DAISY BOO BOO!


Explain my “criminal acts”. Do you think disliking your posts is a “criminal act”?
Just because you don’t like something, does not make it a criminal “criminal act”. You do understand that, right?

If you aren’t joking, then get me kicked out of the forum. Please do it, I’m begging you.

I don’t care, there are plenty of other forums. Unlike you and STUPID, this is not my whole life. You 2 geniuses still haven’t figured out why I post the same thing over and over

Please get me kicked out, im sure you morons try daily. Nothing I’m doing is “illegal” or especially not a “ criminal act”
That is why you haven’t succeeded in getting me kicked out.

You are a little whining bitch.


signed, Daddy
I wish the fuck you could speak & write proper English, you moron. Your ignorance of the English language just flows out of your mouth every time you say anything.

Here, go read this you idiot! ................ View attachment 5040536



I can’t believe how dumb and unaware you are


Yours truly, Daddy

Behind church doors: White evangelicals are quietly fueling Trump's Big Lie​

Evangelicals for Trump
© Provided by SalonEvangelicals for Trump
Fran Flynn (C) prays during the 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry as they await the arrival of President Donald Trump on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

"There's one thing that I know for sure," declared Gene Bailey, the pastor of Eagle Mountain Church International, before a crowd of thousands recently gathered at Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma. "The raw truth was on Nov. 3, 2020, President Donald J. Trump won the election."

yeah we have our resident bible thumping anti religious trump supporter on here daily

January 6 committee wants GOP Rep. Mo Brooks to detail how Trump asked him to overturn the election​

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama and former President Donald Trump are seen here in 2021. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
© Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesRepublican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama and former President Donald Trump are seen here in 2021. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
  • The House January 6 committee want to hear from Republican Rep. Mo Brooks.
  • Brooks has made stunning claims about Trump's pressure campaign to overturn the election.
  • House lawmakers also wants to hear from Republican Reps. Andy Biggs and Ronny Jackson.
The House January 6 committee said on Monday it wants to hear from Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, who's made explosive claims that former President Donald Trump repeatedly pressured him to overturn the election after President Joe Biden took office.

Judge rejects RNC's bid to block January 6 committee subpoena​

Washington — A federal judge in Washington, D.C., rejected an effort by the Republican National Committee (RNC) to block a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the January 6 assault on the Capitol, ruling late Sunday that the panel can demand records from the party's email fundraising vendor.

View attachment 5041476

keep talking trump......you are the democrats strongest recruting tool​

for the right it has always been party over country.....except for trump.....then it is trump over everything

Arizona GOP front-runner loses lead as Trump decries lack of action on voter fraud​

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s (R-AZ) comfortable lead that he has held for nearly a year took a hit in April as his opponents boosted their advertising efforts and former President Donald Trump denounced him for not supporting his claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. The decline in favorability may be due to Brnovich’s balancing act of serving as the attorney general and running as a Senate candidate as he struggles to make clear his position on the results of the 2020 election.
@blkdlaur @TnC93
More than once I would only say the jokes are unfunny.
Once again you're WAYYYY over the line compounded by some liking the way over the line crap.

Is this how it's going to be?
I'm not sure why I got roped into this comment, I haven't really been able to post lately, just been taking a passing glance at the thread. Are you upset about the likes we're giving out? I thought you and I were doing pretty good with each other, and all of the sudden you posted the "FOAD" comment.... Sooooo??? 🤷
I'm not sure why I got roped into this comment, I haven't really been able to post lately, just been taking a passing glance at the thread. Are you upset about the likes we're giving out? I thought you and I were doing pretty good with each other, and all of the sudden you posted the "FOAD" comment.... Sooooo??? 🤷
I wouldn't have used the word 'upset' to describe my disagreement, but on reading your post I do think it's accurate. Your Mighty Mouth Almighty friend has gone back to calling 'the other side' communist and did call me one specifically, and you added a like to the comment. We've had the conversation about vets before and I know I'm one of very few in this thread and pretty sure I'm the ONLY one with a purple heart from Vietnam-fighting communism literally. I think that qualifies me to tell anyone who calls me one to FOAD and if that's who you want to ride with....
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