Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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We're not "going back" to anything, I'm going somewhere I really never went, you're only complaining because you know I'm correct.
correct on what....for the last time...all you have done is ask about a trial that is over and can not be repeated...so anything I have to say is mute....same as yours....enough on this!
How? Please list specific ways in which you can prove that. Or is it just your opinion?

The president (in title only) called Rittenhouse a "white supremacist" in a tactic designed by his puppet masters with the goal of swaying potential jurors... Was he justified in spouting that nonsense? Or should he have withheld any comments in the spirit of impartiality?
I watched the whole Trial and you are 100% correct. Sub is just spreading left wing media Propaganda.
you guys are hard pressed.....accidental shooting and you all want to make a big thing about it.....goes right up there with fauci....anyone trump hates....for you guys to fit in you have to hate also.....ever try thinking for yourself.....or is that confusing
So Alec Baldwin should not be charged for his negligence? Is that what you are saying?
you are saying that I'm not......you like to create your own conversation and have some one agree with you....or disagree.....so you can argue.....try someone else.....I'm not into crime scenes
I'm just trying to understand where you stand, but you keep flip flopping around... I'm glad I took you off of ignore, this is getting to be quite entertaining!
well go figure....nothing wrong with the news before....they start telling the public stuff trump didn't want the public to know...and then they are all of a sudden fake news.....but he also bullshits .....

Fact Check: Did Media Approval Rating Fall Below Congress After Trump Presidency?​

Donald Trump revived his attacks against the mainstream media during a gathering at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Saturday night. The former president fired shots at his former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley and repeated unfounded "stolen election" claims.

Trump also appeared to take credit for the falling levels of trust in the media among Americans, labeling his media enemies "crooked b*****ds."

The Claim

In his speech to the conservative group Turning Point USA, which was streamed live by Jack Posobiec, Trump aired his grievances against the U.S. press, saying they are "the most dishonest group of people."

"I am proud to say that when I first announced I was running in 2015, they had a 94-95 percent approval rating. And now they have a lower approval rating than Congress," the former president claimed.

The Facts

While there is no doubt that Trump has been very consistent in expressing his disdain for the press, and trust in the news media has indeed seen a long-term decline in America, it appears he is overstating his role in that process.

While trust in the media dipped in 2015 as Trump announced his presidential campaign, reaching a low point of 32 percent, neither then nor at any point during Trump's presidency was the public's opinion of the press worse than its views on Congress.

Congress' approval rating ranged from 15 to 20 percent through 2015, and between 13 and 20 percent in 2016. In fact, after the 2016 election, the public's trust in the press began to rise, briefly hitting 45 percent in 2018, and then falling again to 36 percent in 2021.

Other sources paint a similar picture. For example, Edelman's annual trust barometer showed that the percentage of Americans who trust traditional media rose steadily from 2015 to 2019, peaking at 59 percent before a significant drop that left it at 45 percent at the end of 2020—still significantly higher than that of Congress.
you 2 have to be the 2 of the dumbest fuckers around....when you can't come up with your own stories you start some

just because we got along talking guns........in no way means i agree with any of your other bullshit!
The only reason we can't "get along" is because you choose not to! It's hilarious watching you throw your tantrum, though!
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