Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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the corruption and protecting it has no limits for this man.....or for a lot of republicans who seem to be ok with him working with/for Russia..

Trump's new acting attorney general already has a plan to stop Mueller probe

In op-eds and interviews from before he joined the Justice Department, new acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker expressed his criticisms of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe along with a plan for how it could be stymied.
Following President Trump’s firing on Wednesday of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Mueller’s investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia will now be overseen by Whitaker instead of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Whitaker was critical of the investigation in an August 2017 CNN op-ed, writing that the special counsel has “come up to a red line in the Russia 2016 election-meddling investigation that he is dangerously close to crossing.”
“It does not take a lawyer or even a former federal prosecutor like myself to conclude that investigating Donald Trump’s finances or his family’s finances falls completely outside of the realm of his 2016 campaign and allegations that the campaign coordinated with the Russian government or anyone else. That goes beyond the scope of the appointment of the special counsel,” continued Whitaker in the piece.

In an appearance last year on CNN, Whitaker laid out the plan he could now use to limit the Mueller investigation.
“So I could see a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced with a recess appointment,” Whitaker said in July 2017, “and that attorney general doesn’t fire Bob Mueller, but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigation grinds to almost a halt.”
Whitaker also defended Donald Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with Russian officials promising opposition research against Hillary Clinton, stating, “You would always take that meeting.”
Sessions hired Whitaker as his chief of staff in September 2017 after his views about Mueller were public. Whitaker was then a former U.S. attorney who had run for the Senate from Iowa as a Republican in 2014, promising that he would vote for federal judicial nominees who have “a Biblical view of justice.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., responded to the announcement by saying that Whitaker needed to follow Sessions in stepping away from oversight of the special counsel while running the Justice Department.
“Given his previous comments advocating defunding and imposing limitations on the Mueller investigation, Mr. Whitaker should recuse himself from its oversight for the duration of his time as acting attorney general,” wrote Schumer.
So far, Mueller’s investigation has resulted in convictions against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and guilty pleas from former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former campaign aide Rick Gates and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. Dozens of additional indictments have been announced by the special counsel.

Another 2 years of stagnation - Well at least this way nothing should get rammed down our throats. The two sides at some point will have to shake hands.
Why do you assume that? Hasn't been that way in over 10 years ..., what's going to change? As long as the habitual Liar N Chief is President, there'll be no bipartisanship. For one so negative on government, you sure have a glimmer of hope that I DON"T SEE happening anytime soon.
Personally, as I said, I won't budge an inch until the voting processes are seriously addressed. Here in NC we had 2 locations in the state that RAN out of paper voting sheets before the people had a chance to vote ... did they really run out or was this their next "creative ploy" to eliminate voting? We'll see wht the investigations reveal. Its SAD, however, that one's rights to vote hare being discouraged and even discarded.
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as per our previous conversation about Trump liking watersports here is more on it

Trump, Russian Spies and the Infamous ‘Golden Shower Memos’

Updated | The story began making the rounds at Washington dinner parties late last summer: Donald Trump had been caught in a compromising sexual position by Russian intelligence agents during a business trip to Moscow. According to one version, told by a high-ranking Obama administration diplomat, Russian intelligence services, acting on Trump’s well-known obsession with sex, had arranged an evening for him with a bevy of ******, with hidden cameras and microphones recording all the action. The jaw-dropping detail that topped the story? Trump had somehow engaged in “golden showers,” sex acts involving urine.

Now, according to a leaked annex to the combined U.S. intelligence agencies’ report on Kremlin intrigues in the American elections, Russian security agents watched Trump engaging in “perverted sexual acts” that were “arranged/monitored by the FSB,” the Kremlin’s leading spy agency. The FSB, it said, “employed a number of prostitutes to perform a golden showers (urination) show in front of him.” Not only that, according to the report’s anonymous Russian sources, Trump deliberately chose for his escapade “the Ritz Carlton hotel, where he knew President and Mrs. Obama (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia and defiling the bed where they had slept.”

he veracity of the report and its sourcing have not been verified. CNN reported only that a two-page summary of the report “was presented last week to President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump [and] included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” It cited “multiple U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the briefings,” and said the FBI was investigating. BuzzFeed published what it said was the full report ”compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official.”
“It's all fake news," Trump said referring to the allegations on Wednesday. "It’s all phony stuff."


so I would say piss on your man...but he would probably like it...after all he is a republican and they get pretty kinky...some even serve time over it
nobody tops Bill Clinton on being kinky sorry! well maybe JFK was close?
you are so mind fucked...….you don't suppose they are controlled by state run budgets do you?
and who manages those?
go ahead take a guess......I will wait.....but no more than a year or so for you to think of the answer!
if you can't figure it out ask someone who runs the state budget and funding for the schools and teachers...although cities are supposed to help also with local taxes....but again who controls that?....look it up..it sure isn't unions and democrats...could be a dem on occasion if you have one as Mayor...but not to many of those in the south!

now go back to your job of skin diving for roto rooter!
nope schools are controlled by the leftist democrats. ******* come out more stupid every year. im certain your a product of public education.
nobody tops Bill Clinton on being kinky sorry! well maybe JFK was close?
..... and you say that, WHY? Over a cigar he put in Monica's pussy? Have you given it any thought as to what the Russians HAVE on Trump? Initially, early on, Trump denied ever visiting Russia, now its known that he visited Russia on numerous occasions. His sexual escapades are highly rumored over in Russia. At some point we'll all know what it was all about. WE already know it involved multiple women (prostitutes) provided to him by Russian diplomats for entertainment. We know the rumors regarding "golden showers" with a few of the women ... and what I think is being suppressed is his strong desire for very, very young girls, which Russia readily & openly provides. We'll see, won't we, german? I think we'll soon know a way lot more about Trump as he's fired Sessions, I think a lot about Trump is going to become public, like with his TAX RETURNS to start. This is a President who swore, for over 6 years that Obama was not a natural citizen of the US and that Ted Cruz' ******* was a spy ... and you say Bill Clinton was kinky? Other than that cigar, what information do YOU have?
nope schools are controlled by the leftist democrats. ******* come out more stupid every year. im certain your a product of public education.
More info from WHAT SOURCE, german? Democrats support public school systems as a primary educational source, they DON"T CONTROL the school systems; the State & local governments do. In NC, in which the state legislation is 100% controlled by Republicans, they are robbing the state educational funds earmarked for the public schools to fund their private schools voucher program. Public schools are way Underfunded as Republicans declare public school education a waste ... thus they come up with the voucher program by stealing $800,000 of public schools funds to pay for their voucher program ... so now, inner schools will do with much less, but poor inner school parents can send their ******* to PRIVATE SCHOOLs if they can come up with the additional $3000-10,000 it will take to offset what the voucher program doesn't pay ... great, right?
You're way off base, Fido ...
So what if Trump banged some ****** on Russian business trip? I pissed on a married slut before with no Russian collusion I might add.
Bill was the one flow on Epsteins plane without secret service to the island to ******* ******* girls.
Jones,Willey,Broaddrick,Milwee......all victims we know Bill assaulted or raped.
Millions of people believe Obama was Kenyan born so what? doesn't even matter anymore.
Cruz's ******* was CIA like Bush both from Texas....see the connection. maybe he did spy so what? That's what the CIA does.
What does Trumps tax returns have to do with anything? Id like to see who donated to the Clinton Foundation more personally.
Sessions was on borrowed time come this is a surprise to you? you knew that was coming it wasn't even news.
More info from WHAT SOURCE, german? Democrats support public school systems as a primary educational source, they DON"T CONTROL the school systems; the State & local governments do. In NC, in which the state legislation is 100% controlled by Republicans, they are robbing the state educational funds earmarked for the public schools to fund their private schools voucher program. Public schools are way Underfunded as Republicans declare public school education a waste ... thus they come up with the voucher program by stealing $800,000 of public schools funds to pay for their voucher program ... so now, inner schools will do with much less, but poor inner school parents can send their ******* to PRIVATE SCHOOLs if they can come up with the additional $3000-10,000 it will take to offset what the voucher program doesn't pay ... great, right?
You're way off base, Fido ...
I don't like the voucher program but the way you explain it sounds like Republicans are trying to help poor low income ******* get a good education but letting them get away from union teachers in lousy schools.
and talk about liking them young...our pervert in the white house seems to like that also

Former teen beauty queens: Trump barged in on us changing

Donald Trump barged in on Miss Teen USA contestants while they were changing clothes, and engaged in “creepy” dressing room banter with the girls — some as young as 15, according to a report.

At least four women told Buzzfeed that the mogul — who owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants from 1996 until last year — nonchalantly strolled into their dressing room during the 1997 pageant.

“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my God, there’s a man in here!’” former Miss Vermont Teen USA Mariah Billado told the site about the alleged 1997 incident.

The Donald, she recalled, responded, saying something like: “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”
Donald Trump barged in on Miss Teen USA contestants while they were changing clothes, and engaged in “creepy” dressing room banter with the girls — some as young as 15, according to a report.


Creeper Trump Barged Into Dressing Room At His Miss Teen USA Pageant

and in his own words!

Trump Brags About Groping Women

The Republican faces the biggest crisis of his candidacy after the release of a 2005 recording in which he boasts that stars like him can “grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

That’s Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, in a video obtained by The Washington Post. Trump was speaking with the television personality Billy Bush, waiting for an appearance on a TV show, in 2005. It’s unclear how the newspaper obtained the video, but it shows Trump making a series of lewd comments about women. He ogles some, and describes his unsuccessful efforts to pick up a married woman.


this guy makes the average pervert look like a choir boy
I never dreamed there would be anyone so stupid as to not know how education is funded...but I guess there is always one exeption

The Roles of Federal and State Governments in Education

When it comes to matters of policy, the public tends to look to the federal government to lead the way, but the local governments actually determine educational policy. Early in our nation's history, lawmakers passed the 10th Amendment to the Constitution which is the basis for making education a function of the states. Each school district is administered and financed by the community along with that district's state government. School districts with higher socioeconomic levels tend to give more resources to their schools. Standards and quality of education consequently vary widely from state to state, town to town, and even district to district. However, federal and state government can still play some role in education policy, as this article explains.

Federal Authority

As stated above, the federal government has historically played a minor role in education, and in fact, the federal government did not issue any educational policy until the 1960s. The National Science Foundation published a report studying which educational techniques were effective that the Johnson administration used in its "Great Society" program. Federal involvement in education has only increased since then.
The federal laws with the most impact on education concern:

Education is not exactly a constitutional right, like free speech and assembly, but it is an important enough interest to warrant constitutional protection. Students are therefore protected against discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or disability, or ethnicity through the 14th Amendment.

The federal government also influences education by allocating funding only to those school districts that follow certain federal guidelines. Roughly three percent of the federal budget is spent on education as of 2017 - a small proportion, of course, but in many years this amounts to billions of dollars. Most of this money goes toward assistance programs for children with disabilities. The rest of the money is distributed to school districts under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The federal government plays a role in evaluating each school district by administering the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NEAP), also known as the Nation's Report Card. Finally, federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education publish recommended teaching strategies and materials. States and local governments are free to adopt or ignore these recommendations as they see fit, although no funding will be awarded if the school district adopts these recommended practices.

I don't like the voucher program but the way you explain it sounds like Republicans are trying to help poor low income ******* get a good education but letting them get away from union teachers in lousy schools.

how much of all your stupid comments are similar to trump firing session RIGHT NOW and wanting him gone immediately?
mad about the outcome of the election?
the people spoke...he can rig the national election with Russia's help...but can't rig state and local elections...that's done by the right through voter suppression
they DON"T CONTROL the school systems; the State & local governments do.

On the surface you are correct. However if you get involved you would know that the vast majority of school boards are democrats. The board is what controls where the money is spent, they hire democrat and liberal teachers, they cut classes that will actually educate in favor of more social-issues classes. Technological courses are scrapped, and it's not because they can't afford computers. The money that funds schools are based on passing success of the ******* - So, if you are a Superintendent and you face de-funding because most of your ******* are failing, what are you going to do? You pass them anyways just to hold your funding. YOU might be about the *******, but the board isn't. Just like everything else, its all about the money and the democrats are no exception.
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