Vintage blacktowhite ... when it was really taboo

Raylene, this pic reminds me of an article in Vanity Fair, about one of the heiresses of the Rothschild family (one of the great European financial dynasties), who was a dedicated lover of modern jazz and particularly Thelonius Monk. She supported him through thick and thin, because of his genius, he also exhibited what we now call Bi-Polar characteristics, so he was not very stable and resorted to self medication..with her wealth, she didn't care one bit what proper white society thought..proves again, love transcend color, or cultures..osp
My man, OSP, I agree!
Yeah. Anytime from the early 60s to early 70s.Bullet bras were the rage in the 60s but many younger women worn under garments like this slut had on.
You can tell by looking at the woman's underwear the time frame of the porn. What style of bar she wears and if she had a thong or garters and panty style.

You like the REALLY old porn?

A super rare 1930s IR threeway

NO BIRTH CONTROL BACK THEN! Plus, most sex ended with the man coming inside of the woman. That or one might pull out to try and not knock her up. Rubbers were rare (they exists but were ******* bladders or intestines- jokingly called fish skins) and there was no pill.
Raylene all jokes aside..this stuff is viable and valuable from a legitimate historical standpoint. No way are they going to teach this in any university or college. But there is the kernel of a PHD in history in this material..there will be some goofy reactions..but I think it could lead to thesis on race, sex and gender studies..race (laws limiting black contact-sexual more's of the periods-women who CHOSE to knowingly share their bodies with Black Men)..something to think about..osp
Raylene all jokes aside..this stuff is viable and valuable from a legitimate historical standpoint. No way are they going to teach this in any university or college. But there is the kernel of a PHD in history in this material..there will be some goofy reactions..but I think it could lead to thesis on race, sex and gender studies..race (laws limiting black contact-sexual more's of the periods-women who CHOSE to knowingly share their bodies with Black Men)..something to think about..osp
i agree! there's more to this than just some sexy photos. as i've found this stuff over the last several years, i've come to realize somebody really needs to study this seriously and systematically.
... there's more to this than just some sexy photos. as i've found this stuff over the last several years, i've come to realize somebody really needs to study this seriously and systematically.

itsraylene ... awesome job, as usual. This thread just keeps picking up momentum from your posts. Guess I"m gonna have to go back down to my porn cellar and dig around. I have some old DVDs & even floppies I can look in; they're in that special box of porn with the written message "destroy immediately upon my death" ... :unsure:
Raylene, I live in Evanston Il and will ask around and see if some grad student would consider the material from you and MacNFries, be enough for a thesis in either Sociology or History. I might even check with Un of Chicago, this stuff has a value. Just not sure what the reaction will be..but you guys should ask around the local universities and maybe get some credit for the basic data and
The material should be kept and archived for the future as it does have historical significance.

The Leather Archives and Museum in Chicago maintains a collection of material related to D/s, BDSM and the Leather culture. I don't think this would be of interest to them as it isn't related, however, they may know of other resources that may be interested in helping preserve it.