Trump wins

I much rather attach a link and let readers link to the article but some simply refuse to READ ANYTHING that is contrary to their opinion, and instead prefer posting rhetorical comments with little to no facts. So, I'll make an exception to this one topic ... I think it's a very well written & informative piece.

Published Writer The Huffington Post
Ernest W. Adams
How many times have I heard the slogan, "The USA is a republic, not a democracy"? This blatantly false catchphrase is chiefly used as a way of persuading the ill-informed to vote for the Republican party instead of the Democratic party. But anyone who says it must have either forgotten or flunked high school civics.

First, it is a false dichotomy. A republic is a form of government. It says nothing about the legitimate source of governmental authority. It's perfectly possible to have an totalitarian republic, or one based on religion. The opposite of a republic is not democracy, but monarchy or some other form of government.

Democracy is not a form of government, it is a source of governmental authority. Other sources include raw ******* ("might makes right") and divine right. Divine right is the traditional source of governmental authority of absolute monarchs, such as the kings of pre-Revolutionary France.

They are two different domains, not opposite ends of one domain.

(How can the UK be a democratic monarchy? Because Parliament, the people's elected representatives, have the power to choose who will be the sovereign.)

A republic is a form of government in which laws are made by persons appointed to represent the general mass of the people. It does not guarantee that they will be appointed by the people, nor work for their benefit! Nor does it guarantee pluralism, or that the people's rights will be protected.

Rome used to be a republic. The United States would not want to be that kind of republic. The USSR was one, too, but the only legitimate party was the Communist party. The United States would not want to be that kind either. The Catholic Church is a republic, but it's not democratic. The Pope chooses the cardinals, and the cardinals choose the pope.

The United States is a democracy because the authority of the government arises from the people.

Jefferson said it best in the Declaration of Independence: secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it... [Emphasis added]

Many of the people reciting the republic-not-a-democracy line assume that a democracy is a direct democracy in which the people directly make the laws. This is just plain false, and a misunderstanding of the meaning of the term.

The USA is a democratic republic. Unfortunately, that particular phrase has been abused by all sorts of totalitarian regimes, so a certain smell attaches to it. Nevertheless, it is an accurate description of the situation. You can say "republican democracy" if it makes you feel better.
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you need the education.... ever hear the saying majority rules... it applies to a democracy!.... it in no way means neither coast should count because they don't represent middle amercica.... *******.. you are a typical trump supporter...

you really do lack an education!

a REAL president represents ALL the people!... not just the uneducated ones!
nope!... just a plain old American... with American beliefs!

and I believe the right is doing all it can to suppress those rights and beliefs!

they are doing it through voter suppression and taxes and on and on...!

and it started with REAGAN!

verdict still out on Trump... for a couple years... but he has surrounded himself with people who will do more... and the congress now has a free pass to really do some damage to the middle class
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nope!... just a plain old American... with American beliefs!

and I believe the right is doing all it can to suppress those rights and beliefs!

they are doing it through voter suppression and taxes and on and on...!

and it started with REAGAN!

verdict still out on Trump... for a couple years... but he has surrounded himself with people who will do more... and the congress now has a free pass to really do some damage to the middle class
It sounds like you only watch biased news. Lol
must only have access to MSNBC
The media is full of ******* and the majority of Americans know it now.

Lying threw their teeth as usual.

The NY times, Huffington Post, and most other major news papers have been lying in similar fashion.
CNN has been caught red handed working hand and hand with the DNC(braking the law, by handing Hillary debate question before hand).

Only an idiot would keep watching or reading them for "news".
with Trump... I think our only real hope is... HIS ******* and ******* in law!
if you remember right they couldn't support him in the primaries because they were registered Democrats!
his ******* set up the meeting with Gore!

and for now... it looks like he has backed off his Reagan tax cut plan!
and hopefully one or both of them can squash a lot of Ryan's plans
what I suppose you consider Briebart news a reliable source?
....itis questions 60 Minutes, 20/20, Time, USA Today ... didn't hear any objections, however, to Mad Magazine, or the SUN, or Flame, or Nat'l Enquirer. The righties have been that deeply brainwashed on the media. Our outgoing NC governor (R-Pat McCrory) questioned the validity of every county where he lost to his opponent ... saying there was voter fraud, not because there was, but because he wanted voters to question the integrity of the voting process themselves to encourage the lower voter turnout. Turns out, in every county he requested recounts, the votes just continued rising for his opponent, so he gave a press conference Monday accepting defeat.
Build the wall pleases !!!!!!!!
gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif .....irinne, there's not going to be any wall, and certainly not paid for by Mexico, unless we keep losing jobs to Mexico and Americans start going to Mexico to find "jobs" ... lol
....The only wall the "Donald" is going to build is probably some modifications to the White House, and he'll probably hire illegals to do that for him, then not pay 'em. :)
....Now, watch this swing ... "FOREEEEEEEE!" gif_Yellowball-golfing.gif
that would explain your "twisted" posts

they are the ones that started the news on the pizza joint and Hillary.... real reliable source

I draw on many sources for my posts and if you feel I am in the wrong about any of my prior posts, feel free to challenge me on the facts if you can should you discover any error in them.
I don't know about "Briebart", but is a reliable news source.
....Based on who's opinion, yours? Is this more "piss down our backs and tell us its rain" type of facts? They have a far-right agenda; I don't think you should expect unbiased, impartial political news stories from them. No doubt, however, if you, yourself are a conservative, you'll most certainly "bobble your head up and down" with the gif_CRAP.gif they dish out.
....And you say this with such a "straight face" earnesty, too ... wow!
....Based on who's opinion, yours? Is this more "piss down our backs and tell us its rain" type of facts? They have a far-right agenda; I don't think you should expect unbiased, impartial political news stories from them. No doubt, however, if you, yourself are a conservative, you'll most certainly "bobble your head up and down" with the View attachment 1067350 they dish out.
....And you say this with such a "straight face" earnesty, too ... wow!

Ahhh Mac nice to see you back after your short hiatus you said you were going to lay off politics which I thought was a year? Time does fly it seems. I loathe circular arguments where we are mudslinging each other long enough nothing really gets resolved and saying things like "piss down our backs and tell us its rain" isn't really constructive is it? So I'll try to adhere to the facts and allow those that read my response judge for themselves.

At first I was curious about subhub's statement where he found an additional news source I was unfamiliar with called "Briebart"?
what I suppose you consider Briebart news a reliable source?
I am unfamiliar with that news site. Perhaps you can inform me plus all who will read what I write about it as I know nothing of it?

However, I know of and it appears to be a more balanced news source than in my humble opinion (Sorry no facts to support that as it is my opinion). Prior to the election, CNN was pro Hillary (example: and Breitbart was pro Trump (example:

Mac we each have our own positions in the political continuum, so I have my position and you have yours. So we seek news that we gravitate towards. But should you desire to quarrel about the facts, be careful not to contradict someone you might know:

....One reason I withdrew from jousting in these political threads was because of the rhetorical responses & comments one gets back when posts, like yours, are tossed in their face. You'll get no direct response to your factual comments, just more rhetorical comments and questions and denying the facts. Unless you just don't have anything better to do, its basically a recycling of old "finger pointing" topics over and over and over, not that either side is blameless.
....I've convinced myself to simply take a seat in the bleachers this coming year and watch Trump (who has now lost the popular vote of the country by an approaching 3 million and still counting votes) & his minions who have their own diverse track records. Democrats lost a majority of elections simply because they lacked the spine to reciprocate an equally intense challenge & attack at their opponents. They lost again to negative & deceiving ads that they failed to promptly challenge, and unorthodox voting strategies, as they felt that "right" was on their side ... maybe it was, but it still didn't win them elections. I was wrong about Trump's chances of winning the election under the same premise, that "right" would prevail and I was just as wrong. Trump openly admits he did what he did, during the campaigns, necessary to win ... to him its what it is all about, winning at all cost. Now its time for him to focus on HIS REAL AGENDA as he begins retracting his campaign promises. I can say this, if Wednesday's "Carrier" negotiations is his example of his approach at "keeping jobs in America", this country can't possibly give the major tax cuts he's already promised to give AND then buy jobs back from other countries with bribes that the tax payers will end up paying.
....I suspect we'll see a lot of "past won rights" for a lot of people weakened in the future year(s) ... and by the time Democrats get another chance at the POSTUS, this country will be right back to the post-Bush, Jr. mess magnified by ten, and we'll be right back into having to fix the crap the last administration left again. I just hope Democrats are a bit more selective in how they choose their next leader. We lost a lot this election ... mainly control of the SCOTUS, which if Trump follows through, will take liberalism 30+ years to recover. I have a good seat ... mid-court, lower level, and I have plenty of popcorn. There's still seats available.
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