Trump wins

I'm sure you don't remember... but at the RNC there was going to be a movement to "dump trump".... and several of those people said when they raised their hands to say something... some "muscle" came right over and intimidated them.... and again if you remember right Trump was promoting some of that and even offered to pay the legal bills...... you guys have a twisted memory of the facts.... and it is still going on today!

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down

Chuck Jones, the union leader who claims President-elect Donald Trump lied to Carrier employees while touting a deal to keep jobs in the U.S., says he started receiving harassing phone calls a half hour after Trump slammed him on Twitter. But Jones is refusing to back down.

“I’ve been doing this job for 30 years,” Jones, president of the United Steelworkers Local 1999, told CNN on Thursday morning. “I’ve had a lot more serious threats than what people are making right now. I’ve got a little more thicker skin than maybe I did many years ago.”

“Everybody’s got a right to their opinion,” Jones continued. “He overreacted, President-elect Trump did. I would expect that if he were to tweet something, he should have come out and tried to justify his numbers.”

lies and intimidation and stir hate and discontent and self promotion are what this guy does!
But I don't think everything he has going so far is wrong... I see some good in some of it.... but his picks for cabinet jobs so far... all have questionable backgrounds... like the 2 from Okl... both not good... yes some may like Pruitt... but his position on the water here for one thing was not real popular... especially so soon after the Mich thing!.... when I had to go to the office people were complaining about the water at work... had it tested... came up bad... they tried to complain... but was told it was within specs!.... the majority of the water companies here are privately owned so you can't complain to the gov... you have to go to the BBB.... they pass you off to someone else... and they pass you off again...and nothing!
I live on the outskirts of a suburb of Tulsa... our water company is private... when we complained about the quality... they were more than willing to shut if off for us!
now like most people around here... we buy bottled water by the case... and we have several containers we take to Wal Mart.... and refill..that we use for cooking... they have a purifier and sell it by the gallon or if you have your own container it is cheaper... been doing it so long now don't even think about it!

miss the days when you could go to the tap fill a glass and get a *******!... all I'm saying is be careful what you wish for!
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But I don't think everything he has going so far is wrong... I see some good in some of it.... but his picks for cabinet jobs so far... all have questionable backgrounds... like the 2 from Okl... both not good... yes some may like Pruitt... but his position on the water here for one thing was not real popular... especially so soon after the Mich thing!.... when I had to go to the office people were complaining about the water at work... had it tested... came up bad... they tried to complain... but was told it was within specs!.... the majority of the water companies here are privately owned so you can't complain to the gov... you have to go to the BBB.... they pass you off to someone else... and they pass you off again...and nothing!
I live on the outskirts of a suburb of Tulsa... our water company is private... when we complained about the quality... they were more than willing to shut if off for us!
now like most people around here... we buy bottled water by the case... and we have several containers we take to Wal Mart.... and refill.. they have a purifier and sell it by the gallon or if you have your own container it is cheaper... been doing it so long now don't even think about it!

miss the days when you could go to the tap fill a glass and get a *******!... all I'm saying is be careful what you wish for!

It will be ironic if President Trump restores the quality of water you get from your water tap. Afterwards, every time you ******* a glass of water from your tap you can thank Trump and not just eat crow, but dine upon several thousands of courses of resurrected deliciously cooked pterodactyls with your preference of ketchup or mustard on their wings that write "Trump was a great president."
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and his pick for labor sec.... ceo of a fast food chain....opposed to any hick in the minimum wage...doesn't anyone else pick up on any of this!
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and now the true Trump comes out in more of his tweets with the union leader....." if they had spent more time working and less time talking they wouldn't be losing their jobs to mexico!"

that should tell you what he thinks of workers!
and now the true Trump comes out in more of his tweets with the union leader....." if they had spent more time working and less time talking they wouldn't be losing their jobs to mexico!"

that should tell you what he thinks of workers!

As of when I am writing this message it isn't even Trump's month anniversary of being elected and Obama is still the official POTUS. Would not the onus of blame fall on Obama as to why Carrier wanted to pick up and move their operation to Mexico in the first place? Also the issue with your poor drinking water you mentioned earlier would also fall on Obama too. Nice job he did fixing it.
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Trump - Time Person Of The Year!


Next Stop....Nobel Peace Prize!!!!
Also the issue with your poor drinking water you mentioned earlier would also fall on Obama too. Nice job he did fixing it.
the drinking water has been that way since I moved here... 15 years ago!

Would not the onus of blame fall on Obama as to why Carrier wanted to pick up and move their operation to Mexico in the first place

no that would fall on the right and their obstructionist way of doing things... they blocked/refused to pass 2 different small biz bills he tried to pass.... but you being from Canada have no real idea... you just love trump... and will say or do anything to support him... kind of perverted isn't that?
If any one is confused on what the topic of this thread is.....
It's..........wait for it.............
...........................TRUMP WINS
the drinking water has been that way since I moved here... 15 years ago!

Well the responsibility to cleanse your drinking water indirectly became Obama's responsibility as POTUS and he took 8 years to do nothing to rectify it. As a comparison we have yet to see how fast it will take Trump to do the same job. Should he do so you will reflect on what I wrote and no matter how clean and pure the water is, it will taste bitter to you whenever you ******* it. So in either circumstance you might want to stick with the bottled water.

no that would fall on the right and their obstructionist way of doing things... they blocked/refused to pass 2 different small biz bills he tried to pass.... but you being from Canada have no real idea... you just love trump... and will say or do anything to support him... kind of perverted isn't that?

Yes I admire an underdog like Donald J. Trump who not only defeated 16 other competitors to get the RNC nomination, and a formidable opponent like Hillary Clinton, but fight against the Republican party itself. From our ongoing dialogue it is apparent that you are a die-hard Democrat and there will be no ******* in Heaven or Earth that will change that, but there has to be some microscopic part of you that has to admire Trump's David vs Goliath victory despite all odds?

And you are wrong. You might not realize this, but I am a black male. I was thrilled when Obama got elected as America's first black male POTUS despite being a Democrat. Looking over the border with the news that I hear after Obama served his 2 terms (minus roughly 2 months as I write) it is apparent that from the perspective of Black males it might not have been very positive.

Before Obama became president he was a community organizer in Chicago. The 2016 isn't over yet and there is over 500 murders there ( Nice legacy he left there.

Seeing that 2016 isn't over yet, I am ****** to work with official statistics from 2015. In 2015, there were 1152 people killed by police. 30% of the victims were black despite the fact that 13% of the US population is black. ( I can see you wonder why I am citing the UK BBC, but note at the base of the article their source is the US Census Bureau. I hope that is a legitimate source to you.
the drinking water has been that way since I moved here... 15 years ago!

Well the responsibility to cleanse your drinking water indirectly became Obama's responsibility as POTUS and he took 8 years to do nothing to rectify it. As a comparison we have yet to see how fast it will take Trump to do the same job. Should he do so you will reflect on what I wrote and no matter how clean and pure the water is, it will taste bitter to you whenever you ******* it. So in either circumstance you might want to stick with the bottled water.