Trump wins

well since you brought that up... the trump foundation is still under investigation.... has given NOTHING to charity...
I'm not going to argue weather or not whomever is the best... the election is over and we have what we have... and have to live with it!... but as for all the bad things against the Clintons ... a lot is just right wing PR and you bought it!
did you get your education from Trump U?

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It sounds like you only watch biased news. Lol
must only have access to MSNBC
Now you're really showing your ignorance
who is showing their ignorance?.... apparently you get all your news from trump's bleeps!

Like I said I am not going to argue the election... it's over!
But if you want me to point out all of Trumps "discrepancies" I will be more than happy to do that!
since you apparently have no idea of what is going on
hints the purpose and need for the electoral college... read a book..

yes it's those same people that gave us Bush!... and why there are a couple asking for FBI protection because of death threats... they told their people they would vote one way and voted another...... the elct college was fine back when it was impossible to count the vote... but those days are over and it's time OUR VOTE counted!
yes it's those same people that gave us Bush!... and why there are a couple asking for FBI protection because of death threats... they told their people they would vote one way and voted another...... the elct college was fine back when it was impossible to count the vote... but those days are over and it's time OUR VOTE counted!

Electoral college started with the constitution to allow for a Fair election. Good luck changing that one.
Take NYC and California out its a landslide ... he won over 3000 counties vs her 51... hints the purpose and need for the electoral college... read a book..

you really can't be that stupid.... but apparently you are.... the vote goes on PEOPLE NOT counties.... we have a ranch here.. (King Ranch in Okl) and it covers several counties... according to your belief that ranch families vote counts more than a city because it covers more ground?
Electoral college started with the constitution to allow for a Fair election. Good luck changing that one.

true right now we have Republican leadership and it has put 2 presidents in the white house for them... pretty sure they are not going to want to let the people vote.... besides they have done everything they can to suppress the vote anyway
What works for people in LA or NYC doesn't work for middle America educate yourself before you spout off at the mouth.

you need the education.... ever hear the saying majority rules... it applies to a democracy!.... it in no way means neither coast should count because they don't represent middle amercica.... *******.. you are a typical trump supporter...

you really do lack an education!

a REAL president represents ALL the people!... not just the uneducated ones!