TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Go back to your frozen pot pie CuckCanuck, you don't want any of this smoke.
Your insults are as lame as your politics.
Shaking Winter Solstice GIF by funk
Stop using the sayings that I steal from other people or you will get ALL the smoke
Here are some critical moments from that deadly encounter.

8:24 p.m. Officers conduct a traffic stop and apprehend Nichols

"Get the f--- out the f----ing car!" an officer is heard screaming while pulling Nichols out of his car.

"I didn't do anything," Nichols responds.

A scuffle ensues, with an officer yelling "Get on the f---ing ground!"

"All right, I'm on the ground!" Nichols says.

Police had said that they stopped Nichols for reckless driving, but Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn “C.J.” Davis said early Friday morning an investigation and review of available camera footage found “no proof” of that.

Officers are seen pinning Nichols to the ground on his side while grabbing his arms and giving him contradictory orders.

"You guys are really doing a lot right now," Nichols is heard saying during the encounter. "I'm just trying to go home!"

8:25 p.m. Nichols is pepper sprayed and attempts to flee during stun gun attempt

Officers pursue Nichols on foot after he flees while officers attempt to use a stun gun on him. They call for backup, which arrives at around 8:29 p.m. and pursues Nichols.

8:29 p.m. Backup arrives

Two police cars arrive at the intersection where Nichols was initially stopped as officers ask for his location. An officer can be heard on the radio saying they've spotted Nichols running on foot.

8:32 p.m. Officers re-apprehend Nichols

Nichols is repeatedly pepper-sprayed during his second encounter with officers.

"Shut the f--- up!" an officer yells to Nichols.

Two officers are seen on top of Nichols, who is lying on the pavement.

"Give me your hands!" officers say to Nichols.

Nichols appears to shield his face as officers begin to punch and slap him in the face.

"You want to get sprayed again?" one officer says to Nichols.

Nichols screams, "Mom!" repeatedly. Police caught up with Nichols in a neighborhood — less than 80 yards, his mom has said, from her home.

Officers ask again for Nichols to give them his hands. "All right, all right," he replies and appears to move his hands to his back.

Officers continue to pepper-spray Nichols directly in the eyes while he lies on the ground. They are heard complaining the chemical spray got in their eyes as well.

8:34 p.m. Nichols is kicked in the head and beaten with batons

At least one officer is seen kicking Nichols in the head while he is pinned on his side on the pavement.

Officers stand Nichols upright and pin his hands behind him. Officers punch Nichols, who is staggering about, repeatedly in his head and beat him with batons.

8:41 p.m. Medics arrive at the scene but offer no aid

Nichols is sitting handcuffed on the pavement.

Two medics prop Nichols' slumped body up against the unmarked police car. Nichols is conscious but visibly injured. Medical personnel are seen standing around nearby Nichols but do not render aid at this point.

The two fire department employees tasked with Nichols' initial patient care were later relieved of duty.

During this time the officers are standing around the scene and discussing the violent arrest.

“I hit that man with so many pieces,” an officer says to the group.

At least two officers are heard claiming that Nichols attempted to grab one of their guns. Body-camera footage reviewed by NBC News did not show any indication that Nichols had reached for their weapons. Authorities also did not confirm this account.

One officer claims that during the initial traffic stop, he repeatedly tried to get Nichols to stop driving.

"That man drove around, swerved like he was gonna hit my car. So then I'm like, goddamn, what are we doing?" the officer says.

“He pulled up at the red light, stopped at the red light, put his turn signal on," adds the officer.

The officer said he jumped out of his car and "******* went from there."

Several minutes later, the two medics begin to attend to Nichols. EMS and EMT ambulances are also seen arriving at the scene.
Do I have to highlight all of the violations?
Why no riots?
Dont worry you can blow Ed.He likes drag queens HEMAN
Another well written reply from our Grammar Champ, Ontardio. Tell you what Ontardio, we'll give you a whole dollar if you have Mommy tutor you on stringing together a complete sentence. Ok, now go ask Mommy ... such a fun and rather rotund Dope. :devilish:


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Didn’t plagiarize shite - that’s Debacle Joe’s forte !!!!! 🤨

First ya criticize me cause I was gone for a few days and now ya say I’m here too much - make up your addled Dem mind 😆
Now, ya see buttlurp ... you just earned two more incorrect statements and technically a third.

* You did plagiarize your dumb pontification in stealing your little "Police Officers leaving in Droves." from a Time magazine opinion article.
* I didn't say you were "gone for a few days", I said you were "hiding for four days" ... again.
* Now, pull your head out of your ass for a minute and find exactly what Biden plagiarized. You will find out that it was one footnote out over 800 that wasn't listed correctly in a student paper and was corrected immediately thereafter.

Now, lil Ms. Mountain out of a buttdlurp Molehill ... "duh, dat big bad 72 year old yelled at Houck and his boy, deserving to be smacked down.".

Seems my mind is plenty made up. Dopey. :devilish:

ps: Also, seems like your "Omar is Gone!" proclamation might just hit your "Incorrect and Asinine Statements in a Row" scorecard. Lol ....


  • Ms. buttdlurp Molehill.gif
    Ms. buttdlurp Molehill.gif
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Now, ya see buttlurp ... you just earn two more incorrect statements and technically a third.

* You did plagiarize your dumb pontification in stealing your little "Police Officers leaving in Droves." from a Time magazine opinion article.
* I didn't say you were "gone for a few days", I said you were "hiding for four days" ... again.
* Now, pull your head out of your ass for a minute and find exactly what Biden plagiarized. You will find out that it was one footnote out over 800 that wasn't listed correctly in a student paper and was corrected immediately thereafter.

Now, lil Ms. Mountain out of a buttdlurp Molehill ... "duh, dat big bad 72 year old yelled at Houck and his boy, deserving to be smacked down.".

Seems my mind is plenty made up. Dopey. :devilish:

ps: Also, seems like your "Omar is Gone!" proclamation might just hit your "Incorrect and Asinine Statements in a Row" scorecard. Lol ....

I’d say “leaving in droves” is completely within the public domain - don’t read Time magazine.

Ole Joe had to give up running for President once as I recall cause he’s such a known plagiarist 😝
word_LIAR2.jpg ...... word_LOSER2.jpg ...... word_TRAITOR-TumpPhoto.jpg

During his deposition in New York on Wednesday, former President Donald Trump pleaded the Fifth more than 440 times, NBC News reported, citing a person with knowledge of the deposition. Trump's lawyer Ron Fischetti told NBC News the only question Trump answered was one asking what his name is. A spokesperson for the New York attorney general's office confirmed to NBC News that Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment right but did not elaborate on how many times he did so.

The deposition took place at the office of Attorney General Letitia James of New York. James is investigating whether the Trump Organization violated banking, insurance, and tax laws and whether it engaged in financial fraud. The New York Times also spoke with Fischetti, who told the outlet the deposition, which lasted about four hours with breaks in between, involved Trump saying "same answer" over and over and reiterating that he was taking the Fifth.

Trump famously said in the past that only members of "the mob" would take the Fifth. "You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

Fischetti did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider.
Last edited: instead of him being known as honest to you trumptards it is the opposite

your memory has always been slanted.....similar to your dick....always down!

TRUTH hurts - HUH Dems - but unfortunately for you it’s STILL the TRUTH !!!!!!