TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Or the investments of Hunter, and daddy.
Oh, if that is true, how can you compare that to the loans, investments, accounts and patents China gave the Trumps? FFS, Trump paid more taxes in China than his own country (not Germany, America) and let's not forget about the secret bank account.
I bring this up because we elected a president who was such a bad risk for banks, that he had to go to China and Russia for loans. No one thought owing billions to our adversaries was a big deal. And here comes the hypocrisy...
Yet Hunter, who is exactly who Trump is - (minus the crack, THEY like the whores and made it through life based on daddy). Well, Hunter never ran for office. Anyway, not being the brightest bulb, we can obviously access that his business partners and Uncle, used him to make all kinds of money everywhere. What we know publicly is that Joe Biden's input was to shut it down. And make them break some ties. His own brother was the man behind the scenes on Hunter's businesses.
What has not been presented, is proof or illegal or even unethical transactions. I'm sure it's all on the laptop that JFK Jr is holding on it until he comes back to run with Trump for Pres and VP.

Bottom line, Hunter is not the President. Apples to apples please.
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Does the US need a balloon to do that? Not when we have phone calls that can be monitored.
Or warrants for regular citizens. While there are still hoops to jump through for actual phone calls, they get around that by tracking your movements based on your phone (most apps on your phone have a tracking feature and if you use MAPS or any gps app, you're open for it), your social media, and public cameras.

And China doesn't need that either. A spy balloon is so 1960s.
All of your iPhones (and mine) are manufactured in China. So are half the apps on your phone, are you keeping up with what is going on with TIKTOK today??
You cannot look around your home at any of the technology from your computer to your smart refrigerator that doesn't have Chinese components. Same with your car.

We aren't sure what the balloon is, I am sure a fucking balloon is not needed for a spy mission. That for sure doesn't make sense.
I love the udder stuff! I was afraid the ballon had a crate of Covid 🦠 germs
Isn't China suffering more than any due to Covid? They can't get a handle on it. They were on a two year lockdown, recently lifted it, and then had another pandemic with it. If they created it, they're fucking themselves royally.
I wonder where some of those theories come from.
first confirmed air-to-air _kill by an F-22!

$74,000,000,000 well spent! balloon never stood a chance
I kinda agree with this although that $number seems a bit rich. Initially I thought just shooting it down with guns or cannon fire made sense then I got to thinking, not knowing what that balloon might really be carrying, it made sense to "flame it out" really good just in case it was carrying some germs or viruses. And waiting to shoot it down over the water certainly made sense as well.
I'm glad Biden listened to his military staff on this one.
Yet these are HIS words:
View attachment 5840006
Nevermind his gigantic ignorant assessment that watching interracial sex means he's no racist (he forgets that slave owners regularly r/aped their slaves) - Look at his third sentence..."Let's face it, I'm here because I want to share my wife with a black man."
Is there anything else that needs to be said to show he is a delusional liar full of shite?

Before I am accused of those not being his words, here's the post exchange he had with @SCBlknNsty :

View attachment 5840016

So, maybe he bullshits himself too, but how can anything this guys says be taken seriously?
"patently false"? Patently ignorant. :rolleyes:
This is the second time today that I've had to expose his phoniness with his own words. #sad

Very funny kind of "patently" sad tho ...:devilish:


  • Wait a min, yep still funny.gif
    Wait a min, yep still funny.gif
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You're really concerned about the events in Missouri! Honestly, no legitimate religious leaders are in league with this dumbass group... Btw, there's NO bills in Missouri that strip rights from the lgbt idiots... Nice try, you always excel at embarrassing yourself, Sparkles!

You are neither qualified or authorized to determine which religious leaders are "legitimate". A true constitutionalist would've known better.
You're really concerned about the events in Missouri! Honestly, no legitimate religious leaders are in league with this dumbass group... Btw, there's NO bills in Missouri that strip rights from the lgbt idiots... Nice try, you always excel at embarrassing yourself, Sparkles!
Leaders of Christian and Jewish organizations are not legit and dumbasses?
LGBT people are idiots?

Do you ever say these things out loud before writing them?
For fuck sakes man, you are just making this too easy for us.
G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". Today to we look more closely at three primary RepTard complaints ... "I wanna more gunnies, dat COVID is da flu and Imma not wearing masks nor vaxxin' anyting, and Imma doing all dis for my kiddos and grandkiddos".

Well, here is a newsflash for our mouth-breathing RepTards ... and its official. After two years of gun violence being the primary cause of death and injury of our childre*n, COVID has moved to the top of list. "duh, Imma not wearing dat mask cuz den I can't whine and pout about da gunnie Amendment ... ummm, forget da number doh.".

Yep, our backward thinking knuckle-dragging RepTards are leading the way in snuffing out our family jewels. "but, wad bout dat Mooning da Balloon stuff ... dat wreally showed me kiddos dat I know sumtin'."

Way to go Asswipe RepTards .... "SCAM AMERICA - WHINE AND POUT!". Dopes. :devilish:


  • Iwanna Gunnies No Masks.gif
    Iwanna Gunnies No Masks.gif
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Oh, if that is true, how can you compare that to the loans, investments, accounts and patents China gave the Trumps? FFS, Trump paid more taxes in China than his own country (not Germany, America) and let's not forget about the secret bank account.
I bring this up because we elected a president who was such a bad risk for banks, that he had to go to China and Russia for loans. No one thought owing billions to our adversaries was a big deal. And here comes the hypocrisy...
Yet Hunter, who is exactly who Trump is - (minus the crack, THEY like the whores and made it through life based on daddy). Well, Hunter never ran for office. Anyway, not being the brightest bulb, we can obviously access that his business partners and Uncle, used him to make all kinds of money everywhere. What we know publicly is that Joe Biden's input was to shut it down. And make them break some ties. His own brother was the man behind the scenes on Hunter's businesses.
What has not been presented, is proof or illegal or even unethical transactions. I'm sure it's all on the laptop that JFK Jr is holding on it until he comes back to run with Trump for Pres and VP.

Bottom line, Hunter is not the President. Apples to apples please.
You have made some excellent points, I’ll admit. Yet, I’m reserving judgement until after the conclusion of our current President’s reign. I await more facts. They will be coming, I have little doubt.
You have made some excellent points, I’ll admit. Yet, I’m reserving judgement until after the conclusion of our current President’s reign. I await more facts. They will be coming, I have little doubt.
I'm good with this, as long we actually get some facts.
With this new House, they seem to be focused on gas lighting over a strawman position to the point of obfuscation.
It's theatrics over policy because so many of their supporters are moved by emotions and feelings instead of facts.
Trump already sent that to them from Mar A Lago. You don't pay attention.
I'm sure this balloon was all about collecting information on the new Beyonce' album.

In reality, you so far removed from knowing anything you wrote above.

Yes Ed - everything Biden fucks up is Trump’s fault we know 😆
Yep, buttdlurp is a clueless RepTard, but insists on spouting off like he knowns something. No idea on the right plan vs wrong, on what might be captured vs not, zero idea in any of the risks. "duh, Imma mooning da balloon ... dat will do it". Just a mumbling Dope. :devilish:

Dems - the CCP had a military surveillance asset overfly the good ole USA for about a week gathering intel on our nuclear and military facilities while apparently our Debacler in Chief LET them - then shoots it down when it has already finished it’s mission - a REAL American would be OUTRAGED - but all you can do is try to deflect by WHATABOUTISM and default to trying to make it about former President Trump. You guys can be really pretty disgusting in your inability to perceive the TRUTH.
Only if it has a communications link via satellite aboard. The only way to find out is to find the balloon. If it has an antenna aboard, it did. If it stored the data and China planned to parachute the balloon down to the ocean, near a Chinese ship , it didn’t. It’s within US waters, so it’s unlikely that a Chinese ship would race to retrieve the balloon. This information is not from my mind. It’s from a friend.

Yes indeed but experts have said it has an antenna array and was not storing but sending the information back home.

You are neither qualified or authorized to determine which religious leaders are "legitimate". A true constitutionalist would've known better.
Actually, I am, FAR more than you... Especially when it comes to things in my state. Go polish your fraudulent Purple Heart.
Very funny kind of "patently" sad tho ...:devilish:
He said I was here "trying to get my wife black dick", yet he has yet to produce any statements where I said that... He's a liar, ignorant in the area of politics and the constitution, constantly begging me to respond to him, hence he found himself on ignore... Frankly, I'm surprised anyone interacts with him here.
Dems - the CCP had a military surveillance asset overfly the good ole USA for about a week gathering intel on our nuclear and military facilities while apparently our Debacler in Chief LET them - then shoots it down when it has already finished it’s mission - a REAL American would be OUTRAGED - but all you can do is try to deflect by WHATABOUTISM and default to trying to make it about former President Trump. You guys can be really pretty disgusting in your inability to perceive the TRUTH.
Real Americans?
You mean the kind that celebrate every failure and misstep our country makes because they (YOU) are still butthurt you loss an election. So you want to see the village burn, to prove a point.
You are what's wrong with America, you don't even care about it, you care about the Republican Party in power more.
Now if only there was a political term for that?
He said I was here "trying to get my wife black dick", yet he has yet to produce any statements where I said that... He's a liar, ignorant in the area of politics and the constitution, constantly begging me to respond to him, hence he found himself on ignore... Frankly, I'm surprised anyone interacts with him here.
scroll up Micropeen.