TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

What's sad, and a little disturbing is the utter obsession Ed has with me... He's been given countless opportunities to be civil, have a good discussion. It happened a while back on another thread... I took him off of ignore, just so we could possibly try to work through the unwarranted problems he has with me... He didn't want that, instead, he punted it... So, go fuck yourself, Ed! Keep having that one-sided conversation with me... The more you respond to me, the more pathetic you look... Stay frosty, little fella!
He said I was here "trying to get my wife black dick", yet he has yet to produce any statements where I said that... He's a liar, ignorant in the area of politics and the constitution, constantly begging me to respond to him, hence he found himself on ignore... Frankly, I'm surprised anyone interacts with him here.
You're so smart and tough but too much of a puss to respond directly?
Like you, everyone reads and interacts with my posts, no matter how much you and HH try to play the game.
Your ass is constantly owned by your own asinine statements and fake bravado. You constantly look foolish.
Like now.
Or warrants for regular citizens. While there are still hoops to jump through for actual phone calls, they get around that by tracking your movements based on your phone (most apps on your phone have a tracking feature and if you use MAPS or any gps app, you're open for it), your social media, and public cameras.

And China doesn't need that either. A spy balloon is so 1960s.
All of your iPhones (and mine) are manufactured in China. So are half the apps on your phone, are you keeping up with what is going on with TIKTOK today??
You cannot look around your home at any of the technology from your computer to your smart refrigerator that doesn't have Chinese components. Same with your car.

We aren't sure what the balloon is, I am sure a fucking balloon is not needed for a spy mission. That for sure doesn't make sense.

Funny it was maneuvered over most of our missile defense systems and unlike satellites it’s closer and has less atmosphere to deal with - wonder why an array the size of a school bus was hanging off of it. Real SLAP in the face it was ALLOWED to happen at all.
What's sad, and a little disturbing is the utter obsession Ed has with me... He's been given countless opportunities to be civil, have a good discussion. It happened a while back on another thread... I took him off of ignore, just so we could possibly try to work through the unwarranted problems he has with me... He didn't want that, instead, he punted it... So, go fuck yourself, Ed! Keep having that one-sided conversation with me... The more you respond to me, the more pathetic you look... Stay frosty, little fella!
Oh Snitchy, the problem is no one is wondering why you're not responding. It's pretty obvious.
You seem to be out of sorts this morning. Something I said?
Oh, you're still mad because I don't care to be friends with you? Grow up!!
Real Americans?
You mean the kind that celebrate every failure and misstep our country makes because they (YOU) are still butthurt you loss an election. So you want to see the village burn, to prove a point.
You are what's wrong with America, you don't even care about it, you care about the Republican Party in power more.
Now if only there was a political term for that?

Could care less about either party - have said repeatedly they BOTH suck - but - yours sucks WAY worse - perfect example is the guy you elected just let the Chinese overtly spy on us - justify it or deflect as you may that is what just occurred.
Dems - the CCP had a military surveillance asset overfly the good ole USA for about a week gathering intel on our nuclear and military facilities while apparently our Debacler in Chief LET them - then shoots it down when it has already finished it’s mission - a REAL American would be OUTRAGED - but all you can do is try to deflect by WHATABOUTISM and default to trying to make it about former President Trump. You guys can be really pretty disgusting in your inability to perceive the TRUTH.
Yaaaawwwwnnn, oh buttdlurp ... "duh, dat mission of seein' me bung-hole when Imma Moonin' from my impotent toadstool in Mass.'". I'll tell ya what, hold your breath, think about a valid point or two ... and we'll get right back to you. Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp Workin' Up an Idea.gif
    buttdlurp Workin' Up an Idea.gif
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Could care less about either party - have said repeatedly they BOTH suck - but - yours sucks WAY worse - perfect example is the guy you elected just let the Chinese overtly spy on us - justify it or deflect as you may that is what just occurred.
How did the President himself let this happen?
Five branches of the military have some kind of watch. They don't ask the President what to do day to day.
16 intelligence agencies peeping and sneaking around.
You got a statement proof the Biden told ANYONE to stand down?
Fuck no you don't. So in a week, you'll have more egg on that craggly face and just try to move to something else about America you hate. All because you loss an election.

friends tv egg GIF
Dems are ALREADY trying to say this occurred under the Trump administration - Former DNI Ratcliffe - Mike Pompeo - and former Secretary of State Esper have stated NEVER happened.

Dems default position when they ROYALLY fuck up - say it happened under Trump before or try to blame Trump Or make it all about Trump - soooooooooooo LAME !!!!!!
Yaaaawwwwnnn, oh buttdlurp ... "duh, dat mission of seein' me bung-hole when Imma Moonin' from my impotent toadstool in Mass.'". I'll tell ya what, hold your breath, think about a valid point or two ... and we'll get right back to you. Dope. :devilish:

Gibberish is an ineffective rebuttal to TRUTH.
How did the President himself let this happen?
Five branches of the military have some kind of watch. They don't ask the President what to do day to day.
16 intelligence agencies peeping and sneaking around.
You got a statement proof the Biden told ANYONE to stand down?
Fuck no you don't. So in a week, you'll have more egg on that craggly face and just try to move to something else about America you hate. All because you loss an election.

HE is the Commander in Chief - UNFORTUNATELY - the “buck” stops with him - Ed the amount of shite you’re filled with AMAZES me.
Biden is certainly not interested in protecting the good ole USA - he lets us be spied on by our biggest enemy and let’s them k.ill 300 Americans a day with Fentanyl poisoning - opens our borders to the world and let’s the POISON flood in !!!!!

ABC host pops Marco Rubio's balloon rant: It 'happened three times' under Trump​

ABC host Jonathan Karl reminded Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) that former President Donald Trump had failed to notify Americans on at least three occasions when Chinese balloons entered the country's airspace.

During an interview on ABC, Karl asked Rubio if President Joe Biden should have gone against the advice of the U.S. military and instead shot the balloon down over populated land.

Rubio agreed that the debris could have "hurt, harmed or killed people."

"If that was the case, then I think it really would have been helpful for the president of the United States to get on national television and explain to the American people, this is what we're dealing with, this is what I'm going to do about it, and this is why I haven't done it yet. None of that happened. And I don't know why. I don't know why they waited so long to tell people about this."

Fox News host bizarrely blames 'treasonous' farmers after Chinese balloon incident​

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy suggested that "treasonous" farmers and real estate agents are selling land to China.


ABC host pops Marco Rubio's balloon rant: It 'happened three times' under Trump​

ABC host Jonathan Karl reminded Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) that former President Donald Trump had failed to notify Americans on at least three occasions when Chinese balloons entered the country's airspace.

During an interview on ABC, Karl asked Rubio if President Joe Biden should have gone against the advice of the U.S. military and instead shot the balloon down over populated land.

Rubio agreed that the debris could have "hurt, harmed or killed people."

"If that was the case, then I think it really would have been helpful for the president of the United States to get on national television and explain to the American people, this is what we're dealing with, this is what I'm going to do about it, and this is why I haven't done it yet. None of that happened. And I don't know why. I don't know why they waited so long to tell people about this."

Fox News host bizarrely blames 'treasonous' farmers after Chinese balloon incident​

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy suggested that "treasonous" farmers and real estate agents are selling land to China.

WHATABOUTISM - and - denied by the people that KNOW - even if it was true which it’s NOT - do several WRONGS make a right - LAME Dems LAME !!!!!!!

Trump's wall is 'morphing'​

Two years after former President Donald Trump left office, his border wall is "morphing" in strange ways as Republican state governments continue to throw money at it — all while accomplishing next to nothing, wrote Francis Wilkerson for Bloomberg Opinion.

One of the biggest examples of this, noted the piece, is unfolding in Texas.

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been busy spending state money — in hundred-million-dollar chunks — to erect his own political statement on the Texas-Mexico border," wrote Wilkerson. "Abbott’s wall, which the Texas Observer calls a 'colossal waste of money,' has generated contracts for GOP campaign donors and a talking point for Abbott’s political future. But Abbott’s wall is running into some of the same difficulties that plagued Trump’s wall. As USA Today reported in 2017, 4,900 privately owned land parcels in Texas 'sit within 500 feet of the border.' Thus, building a wall provides annuities for an army of lawyers as well as for construction firms. The Texas Observer estimates that at its current rate, completing the state wall would cost around $17 billion."

Meanwhile, Wilkerson noted, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) — who — has introduced legislation called the Finish The Wall Act to mandate Trump's plan for construction resume, and just prior to leaving office last month, Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) built an illegal "border wall" made out of shipping containers topped with razor wire, right through an ecologically sensitive conservation area. Federal authorities then ****** him to take it down.

The one thing all of these schemes have in common, wrote Wilkerson? They can all be defeated by a ladder — something that also defeated Trump's original border wall design.
