TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I have no idea what this means. My guess is that it is insulting. I could be wrong though. I’m trying to stay non political. I’m on this site for different reasons. If I’m being bashed for my neutral approach, So be it. Have a ball. No reply necessary. If I’m not being bashed, please accept my apologies.
not being bashed there....don't think.....but you can not remain neutral on here without getting it
I have no idea what this means. My guess is that it is insulting. I could be wrong though. I’m trying to stay non political. I’m on this site for different reasons. If I’m being bashed for my neutral approach, So be it. Have a ball. No reply necessary. If I’m not being bashed, please accept my apologies.
I don't know why anyone would want to insult you, you haven't said anything to provoke anyone... Of course, it doesn't take much to provoke some of these folks.
not being bashed there....don't think.....but you can not remain neutral on here without getting it
Thank you for making me aware of that. My fingers often type before my brain is in gear. I reacted more to being permanently suspended on Twitter. That’s what upsets me. I’ll cope.
I have no idea what this means. My guess is that it is insulting. I could be wrong though. I’m trying to stay non political. I’m on this site for different reasons. If I’m being bashed for my neutral approach, So be it. Have a ball. No reply necessary. If I’m not being bashed, please accept my apologies.
Ok, Austin Girl (I am female too) - if you want to read, laugh, get involved, and/or just have some fun ... do so. All these guys will love ya ...but probably not a good idea to come in and trash them or refer to their posts as worse than other sites. Collectively, this is a pretty smart, but very diverse group. They have been sparring, jabbing at one another and have been having testy fun for a couple years, but they will get nasty with you if you are condescending or negative out of the chute. Newbies are always welcome, but a thick skin will help.

Anyway, welcome aboard ... get yourself a drinkie, relax, read forward or back and enjoy. :sneaky:


  • Welcome Austin Girl.gif
    Welcome Austin Girl.gif
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Ok, Austin Girl (I am female too) - if you want to read, laugh, get involved, and/or just have some fun ... do so. All these guys will love ya ...but probably not a good idea to come in and trash them or refer to their posts as worse than other sites. Collectively, this is a pretty smart, but very diverse group. They have been sparring, jabbing at one another and have been having testy fun for a couple years, but they will get nasty with you if you are condescending or negative out of the chute. Newbies are always welcome, but a thick skin will help.

Anyway, welcome aboard ... get yourself a drinkie, relax, read forward or back and enjoy. :sneaky:
Thank you for your reply. I don’t recall trashing anyone. I don’t recall being condescending or negative. I didn’t. I’m sorry you thought that. Thank you for the welcome. I have been here before. I took some time off. I do need a thicker skin , that’s always been a trait lacking. I’ll take your advice, and relax and enjoy. In all seriousness, I was having a Twitter, permanent suspension , tantrum. 😘
Now ya know how former President Trump and a bunch of conservatives felt before Elon Musk bought Twitter.

Thought Twitter was more lenient in that regard now. How’d ya manage to get yourself permanently banned???
Now ya know how former President Trump and a bunch of conservatives felt before Elon Musk bought Twitter.

Thought Twitter was more lenient in that regard now. How’d ya manage to get yourself permanently banned???
My first violation was bs. 2nd don’t remember. 3rd - I said to a gal that I’d like to slap her face. That’s a violation of Twitter policy. Threatening violence. Permanent suspension. Me , being me, waited a few weeks and opened up an account under a different name. That’s a violation of Twitter rules. That account was suspended, yesterday I believe. I have too big of a mouth. Not in American politics though. Per American politics I often just shake my head and wince.
I just remembered the first violation. I offered someone 2 tickets to Auschwitz and told them to breathe deeply. Trust me, I have received much worse offers.
It's easy, a while back when folks were losing their avatars because they were in violation of the standards of the site, Ed never lost his, even though his is in violation... He's clearly behind it... You lose the bet.
My avatar is ME!!!
Those titties belong to my girl. (off and on).
The REAL PERSON verification means my profile was examined.
So what the fuck are you talking about? As usual, you don't know what you're talking about.
Poor attempt at a distraction.
trivia test.........

Beverl D' Angelo in one of the Vacation Movies? European Vacation?
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Economist Robert Reich: House Republicans won’t say the real reason why the 'federal deficit has exploded'​

With Republicans now in charge of the U.S. House of Representatives under Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s leadership, they are once again arguing with Democrats over the United States’ debt ceiling. Democrats, along with many economists, are warning that if the U.S. defaults on its debt obligations, that event could trigger a major financial crisis.

Far-right Republicans in the House Freedom Caucus, meanwhile, are demanding big spending cuts. And many Democrats are emphasizing that cuts to Social Security and Medicare should not be on the table.

Robert Reich, in an op-ed published by The Guardian on February 1, agrees with Republicans and Libertarians that the United States’ federal deficit is too large. But he disagrees vehemently with the right on the cause. Rather than blame social programs, Reich argues, Republicans need to be intellectually honest and acknowledge tax cuts for the ultra-rich as a key factor.