TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I just remembered the first violation. I offered someone 2 tickets to Auschwitz and told them to breathe deeply. Trust me, I have received much worse offers.
I see the Cons (Trumpers who are fake CONservatives) have latched on to you.
They tend to do this with new people, until the politics come out. And, if you hang around here, it will come out. This is not the office water cooler of the Forum.
So, jump in. All you have to say is, 'Fuck Trump'!
Yeah, Ed gets EVERYONE suspended from the thread at some point, then he blames others for it.
Oh Snitchy, you mule loving simpleton.
This sad attempt, and lie, to distract from him getting busted having Subs posts deleted is transparent.
Once again, if you get personally racist, I'll report it. Fuck off, I don't care. This is one site where it does not have to be tolerated. A generally stupid racist, kind of like the s/hit you support, I'll just expose your ignorance for all to see.

It's been two days since I called you out. Every single insult post only to you - was deleted by the moderator. Every one. What are you going to tell us, HH or Blkdlaur reported Sub for that?
Come on man. Just walk away. Same with SC's and Sub's avatar. You. And the same time with a few of me post, like the one directed at you a week ago.

We see through you Snitchy.
Both side have them. And here I go again, I can’t help myself. The con had dinner with the devil’s, and the other side has the devil’s in the house. I’m not in love with the Squad, to say the minimum. Back to the con’s ( your name for them ) has MTG, another shining star of democracy. And, I’ll need that thicker skin now.
Both side have them. And here I go again, I can’t help myself. The con had dinner with the devil’s, and the other side has the devil’s in the house. I’m not in love with the Squad, to say the minimum. Back to the con’s ( your name for them ) has MTG, another shining star of democracy. And, I’ll need that thicker skin now.
Disagree on the both sides every day.
I'll show you several Jewish members of the House right now today in leadership and ALL are one side of the aisle, and daily attacked by the other side. That seems to be a better path and acceptance on one side than the other.

I can get into the 'Squad' but you'll point to insulting words, which that individual was condemned for, made to apologize and not really heard from again until committee assignments this year. On the other side, you have the party leader wining and dining with individuals on an anti-Semitic mission - with their own platform. And, their leader, Trump, has a history of it. It wasn't a one time thing.

Robert Reich?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
National Merit Scholarship and majored in History at Dartmouth College, graduating with an A.B. summa cum laude and winning a Rhodes Scholarship to study Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at University College, Oxford. Yale Law School.
Worked in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, and served as Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 in the cabinet of President Bill Clinton. He was also a member of President Barack Obama's economic transition advisory board.
Reich has been the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley since January 2006. He was formerly a Lecturer at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and a professor of social and economic policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management of Brandeis University. He has also been a contributing editor of The New Republic, The American Prospect (also chairman and founding editor), Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

Reich is a political commentator on programs including Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN Tonight, Anderson Cooper's AC360, Hardball with Chris Matthews, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CNBC's Kudlow & Company, and APM's Marketplace.

In 2008, Time magazine named him one of the Ten Best Cabinet Members of the century, and in the same year The Wall Street Journal placed him sixth on its list of Most Influential Business Thinkers.

He has published 18 books which have been translated into 22 languages.

And YOUR credentials are...

awkward pulp fiction GIF

EVERYONE knows that tax cuts BOOST revenues... Let me guess, you think tax cuts need to be "paid for", right? 🤣🤣🤣
NO ONE knows that because there is little evidence of it. Show us historically where it happened. Should be easy.
Please for the sake of my already ready to go response, say Reagan.
Whatcha think Ed - Ilhan Omar gonna get da boot 🥾 from the Foreign Affairs Committee for her antisemitic blatherings ????

Kinda more current events thar 😉

You mean from 4 years ago? The one where the entire Democratic Caucus condemned her?

Difference there is Democrats don't wait to test the political winds and we whip our own inline or kick them out.
Republicans handle haters with kid gloves.
Careful to address the words but not the overall act of coddling up with anti semites and white supremacists.
Your party has created a safe place for people who think like this.

In 2018 as House majority leader, McCarthy posted a tweet that said George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg, who are all Jewish, were trying to “buy” the upcoming midterm elections.
In contrast to Omar, some House Republicans haven't apologized, repeating antisemitic conspiracy theories and amplifying Holocaust deniers — including in the last year.

Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., has defended Fuentes and spoken at events organized by Fuentes' America First Political Action Conference, which the Anti-Defamation League describes as a white supremacist gathering.

Taylor Greene also spoke at one of Fuentes' conferences in February. And she has made remarks trivializing the Holocaust and endorsed and elevated multiple conspiracy theories based on antisemitic or Islamophobic tropes. For those and other actions supporting political violence, Taylor Greene had her committee assignments taken away in 2021 by a House vote.

I see the Cons (Trumpers who are fake CONservatives) have latched on to you.
They tend to do this with new people, until the politics come out. And, if you hang around here, it will come out. This is not the office water cooler of the Forum.
So, jump in. All you have to say is, 'Fuck Trump'!

We want TrumpTard, we love TrumpTard, we suck TrumpTard, we want Pardons, we want Immunity, we want TrumpTard ... lol, Stupid CONS. :devilish:


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Well, according to our "RepTards in the News!" sources ... the inside word is that RepTards are working through their favorite lunch today ... the Omar mess, various Committee screw-ups, Santos saying he is really Michael Jackson and still loves kiddos, Extreme MAGA wanting another McTardthy vote already, Scary Kari Lake is declaring victory ... again, DuhSantis wants Crayola to stop making black crayons ... it's very big day for the Tards! Dopes. :devilish:


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Whatcha think Ed - Ilhan Omar gonna get da boot 🥾 from the Foreign Affairs Committee for her antisemitic blatherings ????

Kinda more current events thar 😉
And to answer your question, Yes, of course they will.

Punishing a member for remarks from years old tweets, and yet hypocritically embracing current remarks by their party leader, is the kind of feckless theater I expect from the Cons.
And to answer your question, Yes, of course they will.

Punishing a member for remarks from years old tweets, and yet hypocritically embracing current remarks by their party leader, is the kind of feckless theater I expect from the Cons.
earlier this week several republicans said they would not vote to remove her........they did not want to get into the tit for tat game.....but guess they knuckled under

fox already in trouble over several other issues and there was talk of selling......this is not going to help them....this seems a sure thing to me​

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Put Fox News on Notice, Demand Retractions and an Apology – Or Risk a Defamation Lawsuit​

Lawyers for Hunter Biden are demanding Fox News issue corrections about some of its coverage of the president’s ******* or risk a defamation lawsuit, according to the Washington Post.

The attorneys also fired off threatening letters to others, including Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani.

Biden has been the subject of unyielding coverage in conservative media after he reportedly left his now-infamous laptop in a Delaware repair store and failed to retrieve it in 2019.

A repairman, John Paul Mac Isaac, rummaged through the computer and made copies of the hard drive, which contains information about Biden’s business dealings, as well as salacious photos and videos of Biden seemingly engaging in illegal activity. Mac Isaac sent a copy to Giuliani, who worked to make it public.

Rudy Giuliani....just about to poor to pay attention now......he is in way over his head