TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Lol ... our lil Shyt Stain, just can't get out of your own asinine way. So Dopey, let's check the number ways your single line is wrong ...

* Name of the forum thread is "TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!" - all RepTard, not Democratic.
* Founder is a *******-red RepTard, buttdlurp, and not Democratic.

* It is a thread or even a group, not a blog- a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual.
* No one is "banned", the moderators will suspend you from a thread for a period of time, not banned from the whole site.
* Ed is a true-blue Democrat and was suspended.
* I am a pretty-blue Democrat and was suspended.
* No one we know went to the moderators to have anyone suspended, let alone ourselves.
* Clearly neither of are us are your Mexican "folks".
* You are clearly the lil bitch of the thread and likely, weren't talking about yourself ... but you're a numbskull, so, who knows.
* Your asinine picture of Snowden, a traitor and nationalized Russian that leaked highly classified files, as though this means something here.
* You are never on "point" and if anything, you are on a big "knob". We certainly can all agree on this one.

No get back to your "knob sitting" and then go way down somewhere. Dope. :devilish:

I AM AN INDEPENDENT - have been since I registered to vote before you were even thought of - PAY ATTENTION.

Ed got suspended for like 2 or 3 days 🤨
I highly doubt the German History or Russian History courses are going to spout Pro-Marxist and Pro-Fascist propaganda....sooooooo there is that. State education boards where I live determine the curriculum and there is very little anyone can do.
And what part of our history 'spouts pro-Marxist and pro-Fascist propaganda'???
Be interesting to read it from you or your pea nuts gallery supporting this.
Ironically, you WILL find it in Italian, German and Russian History.
Marx was born in Germany in the early 19th Century. His philosophy on government is the basis for Communism which dominated Russia for the second half of the 20th Century. Germany AND Italy's fascism led to WWII.
So, how is African American history so fucking Marxist or Fascist?

Once again, we have to prove ourselves whereas no other group from here has to.
It's hard to hate people you don't know, but goddamn if you don't make it an option.
And what part of our history 'spouts pro-Marxist and pro-Fascist propaganda'???
Be interesting to read it from you or your pea nuts gallery supporting this.
Ironically, you WILL find it in Italian, German and Russian History.
Marx was born in Germany in the early 19th Century. His philosophy on government is the basis for Communism which dominated Russia for the second half of the 20th Century. Germany AND Italy's fascism led to WWII.
So, how is African American history so fucking Marxist or Fascist?

Once again, we have to prove ourselves whereas no other group from here has to.
It's hard to hate people you don't know, but goddamn if you don't make it an option.
Why are you crying so much?

'Absolutely disgusting': Kentucky GOP group shocks diners by airing gruesome footage of Breonna Taylor raid​

Diners at Anna's Greek Restaurant in Bowling Green, Kentucky were caught totally off guard when a local Republican group showed up to hold an event for one of the police officers from the raid that killed Breonna Taylor — and aired body camera footage from the incident in front of all the patrons.


The event, which was reported by NBC News on Friday, enraged many of the onlookers.

"The Republican Women’s Club of South Central Kentucky scrambled to find a new venue for an event featuring former-Louisville-police-officer-turned-conservative-author-and-pundit John Mattingly after the initial location for its dinner, the Bowling Green Country Club, said it would no longer host the group," reported Michelle Garcia. "Additionally, gubernatorial candidate and Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles backed out of the event because of the mounting controversy around Mattingly’s attendance, according to Spectrum News in Louisville."

Mattingly was one of the three police officers who raided Taylor's home and fired shots while searching her apartment for her ex-boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover. He was not in the apartment at the time. Glover was handed a five-year probation sentence in 2021 after he accepted a plea deal from prosecutors for charges related to prohibited substances," said the report. "The Tuesday night event took place in the balcony of Anna's Greek Restaurant, while it was still open to patrons unaffiliated with the event. According to the Bowling Green-Warren County NAACP and restaurant patrons' accounts online, the lights went dark, as patrons unaffiliated with the event heard and saw graphic descriptions of the incident that killed Taylor. The audio from that night could be heard throughout the restaurant, through its speaker system."

The NAACP of Bowling Green-Warren County condemned the event, calling it "threatening and inappropriate." One of the patrons that night, Cayce Johnson, confirmed she and other unaffiliated diners were given no warning and blasted the GOP group and the restaurant, saying, "Words can’t even describe how absolutely disgusting it is, what this group put on, the platform they gave him and what he showed to them."

A Kentucky grand jury indicted only one of the three officers involved in the fatal raid, and on a relatively minor charge. However, one officer, Joshua Jaynes, was also charged federally for lying on the application for the "no-knock" warrant

Why? Because her life did not matter, and this former cop, who to me, proved he shouldn't have a badge being that his unapologetically killed an innocent woman in her s/leep (and if you read the story, they were all pretty bad shots), is supported by the Republican Party. These people weren't political. They were black. And that's all the Republicans need to know, to know who to support. Not the guy who had a legal firearm and tried to protect his loved one from the government literally kicking in the door and illegally entering their home.

And how well are you trained in that cult of hate? Not ONE of you on here voluntarily condemned it.
You voted down the person who posted but, moved on.
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I will say that I think banning African American history is a bad look. If the issue is CRT and 1619 project, they could have made these curriculum refactored to remove the problematic portions. Teaching history of any kind should not be controversial.
Leave it at the first sentence.
CRT is taught in no k-12 school in America. So it doesn't belong in the discussion.
The 1619 Project is an anthology of 18 essays investigating the origins of the slave trade in America, and how it has shaped what the country would become. What the fuck is wrong with learning the economic interests behind slavery? You want students to just think slavery was born out of hatred of blacks?
You should go back and take a high school course before trying to conflate non germane issues.
Or, just stfu about things you don't know about, no matter how they trigger you scary snowflakes.
Why are you crying so much?
Whenever black people stand up for themselves, there were always people who look like you, saying what you wrote. Its an attempt to squash the substance.
So, I take it from this answer you won't be showing us where there is any pro-marxist or pro-fascist issues taught in African American History? Is in the Freedom, or Equality part?
You must really love DeSantis. (Italian who's great-grandparents really were fascists - or at least supported the regime)
Whenever black people stand up for themselves, there were always people who look like you, saying what you wrote. Its an attempt to squash the substance.
So, I take it from this answer you won't be showing us where there is any pro-marxist or pro-fascist issues taught in African American History? Is in the Freedom, or Equality part?
You must really love DeSantis. (Italian who's great-grandparents really were fascists - or at least supported the regime)
If you cared to look into it, they said it was banned for incorporating CRT and Marxism and 1619 project. Also, a little context is important because it was not ALL courses just a special subset that are ran by colleges and grant credit at the college level....not so egregious ban now that I think of it. Big deal, stop your whining.
Leave it at the first sentence.
CRT is taught in no k-12 school in America. So it doesn't belong in the discussion.
The 1619 Project is an anthology of 18 essays investigating the origins of the slave trade in America, and how it has shaped what the country would become. What the fuck is wrong with learning the economic interests behind slavery? You want students to just think slavery was born out of hatred of blacks?
You should go back and take a high school course before trying to conflate non germane issues.
Or, just stfu about things you don't know about, no matter how they trigger you scary snowflakes.

Slavery started because black kings in Africa sold their people....just like the white kings and brown kings and yellow kings.
I can see your point, but I have to respectfully disagree... You'll have to forgive me for not responding sooner, I wanted to be not working so I could concentrate fully on the response, as to not be unfair.... I'm glad to hear you're a gun club president, maybe someday we can have a chat about guns, without politics involved. In Missouri, where I am, we just passed SAPA... (S)econd (A)mendment (P)reservation (A)ct. It's now illegal in Missouri for law enforcement to cooperate in any way with federal agencies, like the ATF, FBI, CIA, and any others, in the enforcement of any federal gun laws that are not in line with the laws in Missouri. For example, if an "assault weapons" ban is instituted on a federal level, or any other sort of unconstitutional infringement like it, Missouri law enforcement will not pursue anyone in violation... The feds can, but won't have the manpower. I don't see anything about bureaucracies as "oversight". I only see it as infringement. I don't need government to tell me what's right and wrong, I'm quite capable of determining that myself, and making my own decisions.
The CIA does not work with local anything. The don't operate on American soil and when their investigation leads back to the States, then the FBI takes over. That's law.

Second, the DOJ has rightfully challenged this SAPA in court because it 'nullifies' federal law. Since we are all experts on the Africa American history, I don't have to explain how nullification of federal laws has been abused.

Before someone says it, Trump's Administration sued immigration sanctuary states for frustrating similar cooperative agreements in blue states. In those cases, it was Democratic jurisdictions that declared themselves sanctuaries and refused to cooperate with federal authorities in the enforcement of immigration law. Those lawsuits failed because the federal government cannot ******* states to help it enforce federal law. The SAPA, however, does not just restrict cooperation; it makes several federal laws invalid, like the requirements in the 1934 National Firearms Act that mandate registration and tax payment for weapons like short-barrel shotguns and rifles and for firearm silencers. The Constitution sets federal law as supreme to state law, so this nullification pronouncement by Missouri will fail.

The nullification pronouncements, are not harmless. Right next door in Kansas is a great example. After the state passed a similar “Second Amendment Protection Act” in 2013, some state residents thought they could legally sell Kansas-made silencers without federal oversight or intervention so long as those products did not leave the state. One man prominently displayed the text of Kansas’s SAPA in his store along with silencers for sale, without complying with the requirements in the National Firearms Act. He and a purchaser were subsequently arrested, tried, and convicted for violating federal law. The Kansas SAPA law fooled them into thinking their actions were legal, but the federal courts rejected this reliance on a misguided state law as a defense to their federal criminal charges.
As far as the EPA is concerned, I don't see anything positive that they have done. Natural market forces will protect the environment far better than they can.
Market forces are what brought us some of the worst environmental issues in our history.
1. Patching the ozone hole
2. Cleaning up the harbor- remember when the river in Cleveland caught fire? Literally caught on fucking fire,
3. Cracked down on lead.
4. Making Air safer to breath
5. Cleaning up Toxic Waste Dumps
6. Making water safe *******
7. Controlling pesticides in our foods
8. Controlling acid rain- a Republican issue 35 years ago.
9. Indoor smoking bans
10. Compilation of data for local governments
11. Addressing Climate Change
A lot of these are things we don't worry about because of the EPA. Market forces are just that. Dumping toxic waste is cheaper than proper storage and disposal. Market forces opted for dumping.

States, such as Missouri, usually have a department of natural resources which regulates things like wastewater treatment, city water systems, etc. Federal level bureaucracies are so far removed from the states that they are completely out of touch with the individual needs of each state.
Federal level bureaucracies are found in every state for that very reason. The people that work there are not from DC, there are from the small towns and big cities in that states. Some states have multiple local offices.
For example, Mo has at least three and they are doing great things. Check it out...

Automobile manufacturers would naturally make more fuel efficient, less polluting products because their customers would demand it, not because they've been f.orced to by government.
When has that ever happened with them?
From seatbelts to windshields they fought safety measures that were proven to save lives because of costs.
The measures the government enforced, saved lives.

That's true, and in Missouri, we do an excellent job of being stewards of the planet.
I would say 'excellent', like a Washington or a Vermont. Missouri is 35th when is comes to Waste Diversion and Recycling and 41st in Open Space and Beauty. Man, your state is ugly and cluttered.

I think the founders would disagree with this statement.
The were all wealthy elites who were educated by private tutors.
Most common people were basically illiterate beyond rudimentary reading skills.
The founders did not see a well rounded basic education as an investment in the future.
They would not even understand the system today.

I feel as a nation, we were designed to function with each state making it's own decisions as far as education goes. I see no advantage to a federal department of education. It's no lie that government run schools have been an abject failure across the country.
Mostly due to uneven funding and more mandates.

Homeschooling, and private schooling provides a much better vehicle for education. Sure, not everyone can do that, but as a nation, we need to work together to remove the obstacles that are in people's way. Instead of sending tax dollars to a school that does not obey the taxpayer, let that money be spent as parents choose what they feel is the best education for their children.
You should know, this was the line started during the 'White Flight' when schools were desegregated and whites either moved to the burbs, or sent their ******* to private schools and wanted their tax dollars to also support private schools.
The issue is more complex than I'm willing to get into but, your premise, is built on sand.

There are some here that would consider what I've said to be "radical opinions", but from the conversations we've had, I know you'll not see that in these comments.
Nope. They are just not well thought out.
If you cared to look into it, they said it was banned for incorporating CRT and Marxism and 1619 project.
CRT is not incorporated in reality or future plans in any k-12 school in America.
Marxism is not an African American culture or historical thing. Care to explain. AND explain what is wrong with learning about Marxism?
Nothing wrong with the 1619 project.
Also, a little context is important because it was not ALL courses just a special subset that are ran by colleges and grant credit at the college level....not so egregious ban now that I think of it. Big deal, stop your whining.
Same ol' attempt to twist. The point is this one course is called out over something that is not happening at all.
Right, shut up and play ball. GFY
Slavery started because black kings in Africa sold their people....just like the white kings and brown kings and yellow kings.
In America, it flourished in order to meet demand at the least amount of cost, thus maximizing profits.
It was profitable on many levels including the capturing of humans, and codifying chattel slavery though birth, which was not the case anywhere else.
It was so profitable that the Royal Family in Britain invested their ships and resources and became the biggest slavers in our history.
In the 1680s the company was transporting about 5,000 enslaved people a year to markets primarily in the Caribbean across the Atlantic. Many were branded with the letters "DoY", for its Governor, the Duke of York, who succeeded his brother on the throne in 1685, becoming King James II. Other slaves were branded with the company's initials, RAC, on their chests. Historian William Pettigrew has stated that this company "shipped more enslaved African women, men and children to the Americas than any other single institution during the entire period of the transatlantic slave trade", and that investors in the company were fully aware of its activities and intended to profit from this exploitation.
Between 1672 and 1731, the Royal African Company transported 187,697 enslaved people on company-owned ships (653 voyages) to English colonies in the Americas. Of those transported, 38,497 enslaved people died en route.

It was market f/orces. The hatred and normalizing of accepting them as animals or lesser humans without souls came later.
Speaking from the most apolitical stance, the riot on the hill should see him arrested, not going any farther lmao
You would think that, wouldn't you. It has 60+% of American voters baffled as well as to how a President of the US can publicly & openly organize and support a coup against his country. I mean, what does it really take to put a sitting President of the US or any active member of Congress (traitors to their own country) in prison? X-President Trump once said he could ki.ll someone on 5th Ave and get away with it, and thus far he has done just that. Trump got elected simply because of the hugh number of anti-government citizens who liked his fascist style of politics. We can't imagine what this country would be like being ruled by a single dictator like Trump.

Interesting on how so many Canadians & Brits are so interested in American politics. I can't imagine how skewed the media news probably is in other countries on US politics. Maybe it's because other countries simply can't belief how far anti-democracy has gone in such a short time.
We hear so little about politics of other countries here in the US as we fight to hold on to our own government.
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